Bill Cosby’s Conviction Overturned

The serial sex offender will be released from prison.

Once Again to Madison and Republics

The saga continues.

Hamilton on Super-Majorities

Looking to Federalist 22.

The signatures of House speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Majority Leader Charles “Chuck” Schumer and President Joe Biden are seen on the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” Thursday, March 11, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. The signatures of House speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Majority Leader Charles “Chuck” Schumer and President Joe Biden are seen on the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” Thursday, March 11, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House.

A Biden Boom?

The economy looks to be in full recovery. But it’s not clear how much credit the President deserves.

Another Anti-Filibuster Post

Defense of the filibuster tend to be a combo of mistakes and mythology.

How Much Student Loan Relief?

Now, we’re just haggling over price.

Stop Blaming the Framers for Everything

America’s institutions are undemocratic but only some of them are a product of the Constitution.

Can Schools Punish Students for Off-Campus Speech?

Social media makes the line much harder to draw.

Post Office Can’t Satisfy Christmas Demand

More packages are being mailed than ever and USPS can’t keep up.

Trump’s Election Interference Continues

The phone tour continues.

More Nonsense About the Election

A shadowy flight into the realm of evidence that does not exist.

Team Trump loses in PA Again

This time in the PA Supreme Court

On Faux Analysis of Biden’s Win

Arguments and analyses that are, well, turkeys.

More Kook Than Coup

A shameful farce continues to unfold.

Coming to Grips with Reality

In a sane world, Joe Biden’s election win would not have come as a surprise. Alas . . . .

Four Seasons Total Landscaping

A tale so bizarre it is hard to believe it is real.

Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States

All the major outlets are finally acknowledging the obvious.

Biden Ahead in Georgia

Hopefully, we can finally declare a President-Elect today.

Biden Win Looking Closer

The picture is becoming clearer.

New PA Poll

Monmuth’s latest.

Is the Race Narrowing?

Trump has pulled ahead in some individual polls but Biden continues to have a commanding lead.

Dueling Town Halls

Instead of a second presidential debate, we got competing TV shows.

Is Federalism the Real Problem?

A fundamental building block of our system makes it nearly impossible to fix.

Majority of Under-30 Adults Live with Parents

Already-high rates have been exacerbated by the pandemic.

Giving the Framers a Break

The American political system is broken but it’s not fair to blame that on its architects.

Gun Violence Spiking Across American Cities

A marked rise in shooting deaths is going largely unnoticed.

Protests, Riots, and Looting

Outside agitators, including white supremacist groups, are shaping public perception of the George Floyd protests.

How Many Lives Have Shutdowns Saved?

A new study estimates how many lives were saved in 30 American cities.

Pondering Easter Sunday, Remembering a Funeral

Gatherings involve risk at the moment.

No, Biden Shouldn’t Name His Cabinet Now

There’s very little upside.

Kobe Bryant Killed in Helicopter Crash

The basketball legend and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were among five fatalities.

House Judiciary Committee Releases Report On Trump Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee has issued its report on the impeachment of President Trump.

The Framers Aren’t All They’re Cracked up to Be

The men who gathered in Philadelphia to write the Constitution were geniuses. But they couldn’t predict the future.

Congress Begins Public Impeachment Hearings

In a few short hours, the House Intelligence Committee begins the public phase of its impeachment inquiry.

Trump And The GOP Continuing To Implode Among Suburban Voters

Tuesday’s elections continued a trend in which Republicans have lost support among suburban voters, even in deeply red states. Guess who’s responsible for that.

Washington Nationals Win First World Series

The Washington Nationals won their first World Series in franchise history, and the first for Washington, D.C. since Calvin Coolidge was President.

The N.B.A. Continues To Kiss Chinese Ass

The National Basketball Association’s kowtowing to China hits American shores.

Elizabeth Warren’s Fundraising Hypocrisy

She decries swanky fundraisers and big money donors while benefiting from both.

Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal Court has ruled once again in favor of a transgender student in Virginia who was prevented from using the bathroom conforming to their gender identity.

Ronald Reagan v. Donald Trump On Immigration

How times have changed, and not for the better.

Lee Iacocca, Who Headed Two Of The Big Three Automakers, Dies At 94

One of America’s fist celebrity CEO’s has passed away at the age of 94.

The Reparations Debate Reaches Capitol Hill

Congress is considering a bill that would establish a commission to examine the issue of reparations for slavery.;

Even Most Republicans Disagree With Trump On Transgender Military Ban

A new poll finds increasing support for transgender rights, even among Republicans.

Texas Bans Red-Light Cameras

Texas has become the latest state to eliminate red-light cameras amid increasing evidence that they are largely counterproductive.

Majority Of Americans Support Transgender Rights On Bathroom Access, Other Issues

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans support equal rights for transgender Americans, with only Republicans disagreeing with that position.

Trump Placing Tariffs On All Trade With Mexico

Last night, President Trump announced a new round of tariffs against Mexico for reasons that have nothing to do with trade itself.

SCOTUS Lets Ruling In Favor Of Transgender Student Bathroom Access Stand

The Supreme Court let a ruling against students opposed to a school district policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity stand.

Today in Terrible Electoral College Columns

No, abolishing the EC would not turn farmers into serfs.

Is San Francisco’s Gentrification Such a Bad Thing?

The city by the Bay is rapidly transforming. Should we lament that?