It’s Time for Sanders to Concede

Continuing the fight at this point is not just Quixotic, it’s unsporting.

Should The Media Ignore The Fact That Hillary Clinton Will Clinch The Nomination Tomorrow?

One media critic is arguing that news organizations should ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton will become the Presumptive Democratic Nominee tomorrow. This is utterly ridiculous.

Bernie Sanders Is Either Delusional, Or He’s Lying To His Supporters

Bernie Sanders is continuing to let his supporters believe he has a chance to win the Democratic nomination. He is either delusional, or he is lying to his supporters.

Criminal Charges Against Bill Cosby Can Proceed To Trial, Pennsylvania Judge Rules

A Pennsylvania Judge ruled today that there was sufficient evidence against Bill Cosby to allow the sexual assault charges against him to proceed to trial.

Bernie Sanders Continues To Wage War Against The Party He Claims To Support

Even as it becomes more and more apparent that he cannot win the Democratic nomination for President, Bernie Sanders is not letting up on his rhetoric against the leadership of the party he claims he’ll support in November.

Sanders And Clinton Split Victories, Clinton Has Nomination In Sight

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders split victories in Kentucky and Oregon last night, and Clinton is now less than 100 delegates away from an historic victory.

Sanders Wins West Virginia, Continues To Fall Behind In Delegate Race

Bernie Sanders won another primary last night, but he continues to fall behind in the race for delegates nonetheless.

Sanders Wins Indiana Primary, But Hillary Clinton Continues To Advance In Delegate Fight

Bernie Sanders won the Indiana Primary last night, but Hillary Clinton continues to accrue the delegates she needs to become the Democratic nominee.

Hillary Clinton Sweeps Four Of Five Mid-Atlantic States, Edges Closer To Delegate Majority

Another big night for Hillary Clinton, and more bad news for Bernie Sanders.

Cruz-Kasich “Alliance” Already Falling Apart

To the surprise of no one, the alliance between Ted Cruz and John Kasich is already falling apart.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Likely To Do Very Well In Mid-Atlantic Primaries

With voters in five states set to go to the polls, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are likely to make significant progress toward their quest for a majority of delegates in their respective contests.

Clinton Campaign Looking Beyond Sanders, Looking At Potential Running Mates

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is beginning to look beyond Bernie Sanders and talk about running mates.

Clinton Wins Big In New York As Sanders Campaign Becomes Even More Quixotic

Hillary Clinton scored another big win in New York last night, putting her closer to clinching the Democratic nomination, and causing Bernie Sanders’ campaign to make even less sense.

Donald Trump Scores Big Win In New York

As expected, Donald Trump scored a huge victory in his home state last night and now appears to be back on track to win the GOP nomination.

New Jersey Judge Rules Ted Cruz Is A “Natural Born Citizen”

A New Jersey judge, along with a Judge in Pennsylvania, is among the first to rule on the meaning of the ‘natural born citizen’ clause.

Yes, The Delegate Allocation Process Is “Undemocratic.” So What?

There are many aspects of the way delegates to the party convention are chosen that is “undemocratic,” but it’s unclear why this is a problem.

Growing Acrimony In The Race For The Democratic Nomination

Even as the outcome becomes more certain, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton seem to be attacking each other with increasing acrimony.

Anybody But Trump. Except Cruz.

Is Ted Cruz really the only alternative to Donald Trump?

Pennsylvania Judge Refuses To Dismiss Charges Against Bill Cosby Due To Immunity Agreement

A Pennsylvania Judge has refused to dismiss sexual assault charges against Bill Cosby based on an alleged 2005 Immunity Agreement.

David Bowie Dies At 69

David Bowie has passed away at the age of 69 after a long battle with cancer.

Greg Abbott, Anti-Federalist

Governor Abbott may claim he seeks to restore the constitutional order, but in fact his proposals have a lot in common with those who opposed the documents ratification in the first place.

Bill Cosby Charged With Sexual Assault In Pennsylvania

After nearly two years of decades old stories leaking out, entertainment legend Bill Cosby has been charged with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman in 2005.

Sinatra At 100: An Appreciation

Remembering a legend on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

Protests At Princeton May Lead To Admitting Uncomfortable Truths About Woodrow Wilson

Protests by students at Princeton are causing some people to finally pay attention to some inconvenient truths about America’s 28th President.

Frank Gifford, C.T.E., And The N.F.L.’s Continuing Concussion Problem

The news that the late football legend Frank Gifford suffered from the same chronic brain disease that has been diagnosed in many N.F.L. players in recent years, and the upcoming release of a new film on the issue, seems certain to increase pressure to protect players at all levels of football.

ESPN Shutters Grantland, Continuing Recent Trend

To the surprise of few, Bill Simmons’ site didn’t long survive his departure.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Lighten Up, Francis Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest

Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winnowing of the Minnows

Two gone: 14 to go.

Anti-Vaccine Paranoia Infects The Republican Race For President

There was far too much pseudoscience in evidence during the Republican Debate on Wednesday.

President Obama Commutes Sentences Of 46 Federal Drug Offenders

A good first step, but there’s a lot more than needs to be done to reform the criminal justice system.

Republican Candidates Are Dodging The Issue On The Confederate Flag

With notable exceptions, most of the Republican candidates for President are refusing to take a stand on the propriety of South Carolina flying the Confederate Flag. That’s called cowardice.

Pope Francis Writes On The Environment, And Many People Miss The Point

Pope Francis’s new encyclical isn’t exactly being received positively by American conservatives, because they seem to be missing the point.

Minnesota Archdiocese Faces Criminal Charges For Covering Up Child Sex Abuse

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has been charged criminally for its role in covering up sexual abuse of children by Priests.

D.C. Metro Bans All Political Ads Rather Than Run Mohammed Cartoon Poster

The agency that runs Washington D.C.’s mass transit has banned all political ads after Pamela Gellar attempted to run an advertisement featuring a drawing of Mohammed.

Six Baltimore Police Officers Charged In Death Of Freddie Gray

Big news out of Baltimore and, perhaps, the beginning of justice for Freddie Gray.

Fixing the NBA Draft

“Tanking” to improve draft position has plagued the NBA for years. The solution is obvious.

F.D.A.’s Mandatory Menu Labeling Regulations Won’t Work, Could Hurt Consumers

The Food & Drug Administration’s new regulations requiring calorie and other information on menus in restaurants and elsewhere won’t work, could limit consumer choice, and may not be Constitutional.

Democrats Narrow List Of Convention Finalists To Three Cities

Columbus, Philadelphia, or New York City (well, Brooklyn really)?

Violence Erupts In Wake Of Decision To Forego Indictment In Shooting Of Michael Brown

Not surprisingly, last night’s announcement that there would be no state court indictment in the Michael Brown shooting led to violence and confrontations with police. That’s not going to solve any of the real problems that face Ferguson, or any other community in the United States.

If Obama Pulls The Trigger On Executive Action, Republicans Have Limited Options

Republicans don’t really have many options if the President pulls the trigger on immigration reform via executive action.

Stealing Isn’t a Crime When Police Do It

Civil asset forfeiture gives “highway robbery” a whole new meaning.

Eliminate Midterm Elections? Only If You Want To Make Congress Even Less Representative

Two Duke University academics make an incredibly weak, ultimately unpersuasive, argument in favor of eliminating midterm elections by changing the length of Congressional terms.