Trump Still Won’t Acknowledge The Reality Of Russian Interference In The 2016 Campaign

Even with yesterday’s indictments, President Trump still won’t acknowledge reality even though it’s staring him in the face.

Train Crashes and Recency Bias

Two Amtrak crashes in less than a week is newsworthy. It is not, however, a trend.

Cities Sue Over Failure To Report Military Convictions To National Gun Check Database

Three U.S. cities are suing the Federal Government over the failure to properly report military convictions to the national gun background check database.

Justice Department May Seek Charges Against Russian Officials For Election-Related Hacking

The Justice Department appears to be on the verge of charging Russian government officials in connection with election-related hacking.

John McCain Is Taking On Donald Trump Without Regret

John McCain has been standing out from his fellow Republicans largely by unleashing on President Trump, and it is unlikely to end anytime soon.

Ezekiel Elliott Suspension Reinstated By Federal Appeals Court

A legal setback for Ezekiel Elliott and the Dallas Cowboys.

Tom Price, Trump’s HHS Secretary, Resigns Amid Private Jet Scandal

Trump loses his HHS Secretary amid a growing scandal involving the use of private and government jets by Cabinet officials.

Did Police Do Too Little to Stop Charlottesville Violence?

Authorities are being second-guessed over their handling of Saturday’s protests. Virginia gun laws are the more obvious problem.

Supreme Court Accepts New Jersey’s Challenge To Federal Law Barring Sports Betting

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving New Jersey’s challenge to a Federal law outlawing sports betting.

Supreme Court Declines To Accept Yet Another Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has once again declined to hear an appeal in a Second Amendment case.

Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Trial Ends In Mistrial

A hung jury in the Cosby sexual assault case results in a mistrial.

NWS Revised Forecasts to Smaller Snowstorm But Didn’t Tell Public

The National Weather Service didn’t want to confuse the public by changing the forecast at the last minute.

Some Observations On The Debate Over Health Care And Insurance, Part II

Part Two in a series of observations about health care and health insurance in light of the introduction of the House GOP’s health care plan. This post examines several ideas advanced by conservatives, and the reasons they aren’t complete answers to the problems we face.

Repealing Obamacare Proving To Be Harder Than GOP Thought

Repeal and replace is likely to take longer than many Republicans thought it would, but that shouldn’t be surprising.

Ringling Brothers Circus To Shut Down After 146 Years In Business

A long-standing staple of American culture will soon be no more.

As Expected, Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates For Second Time In Ten Years

The Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates for only the second time in a decade, but it still seems like it’s chasing an inflation monster that doesn’t exist.

Trump Victory Spawns National Freak-Out

Americans are rioting in the streets because they don’t like the outcome of a democratic election.

Electoral College Wargames And Paths To Victory

A look at the Electoral College shows that It is far more likely that Hillary Clinton will win the election than that Donald Trump will.

A Minimal Win?

John McCain Says Republicans Will Refuse To Confirm Any Clinton SCOTUS Nominee

John McCain said that Senate Republicans will unite to block any Supreme Court appointment by a President Hillary Clinton.

Bill Cosby’s Sexual Assault Trial Set For June 2017

A long way off, but there are some important pre-trial matters to resolve between now and then.

Donald Trump: The Only Way I Lose Pennsylvania Is If Democrats Cheat

Another day, another round of irresponsible demagoguery from Donald Trump.

Another Poll Brings More Bad News For Trump

The first round of post-convention polls is now complete, and it’s not looking good for The Donald.

Donald Trump’s Electoral Map Isn’t Growing, It’s Shrinking

Post-convention polling at the state level holds some bad news for the Trump campaign.

Hillary Clinton Gets Her Post-Convention Bounce, Takes Back The Lead In The Polls

Hillary Clinton appears to be doing very well in the wake of the first round of post-convention polls.

Conventions Helped Trump More, Even Though His Was Awful and Hers Wasn’t

The one with the better convention seems to have lost ground over the last two weeks.

A Gold Star Father Rebukes Donald Trump

More than any politician that spoke last night, it was the father of a fallen solider who stole the night.

Hillary Clinton Accepts Nomination To Cap Off A Largely Successful Convention

Hillary Clinton delvers a largely successful acceptance speech that caps off a convention that ran far smoother than its Republican counterpart.

With A Reaganesque Tone, Barack Obama Passes The Torch To Hillary Clinton

Eight years after beating her for the Democratic Nomination, Barack Obama passed the torch to Hillary Clinton with a speech that sounded more like Ronald Reagan than anything we’ve heard from the Republican nominee.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Invites Russia To Commit Espionage To Help His Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump suggests Russia engage in espionage to help his Presidential campaign.0

Charges Dropped Against Remaining Officers In Freddie Gray Case

After four straight losses, prosecutors in Baltimore are throwing in the towel in the Freddie Gray case.

Hillary Clinton Makes History As Convention Tone Changes

The second night of the Democratic Convention seemed much calmer than the first, as the Clinton campaign moves forward toward the biggest speech of Hillary Clinton’s life.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Out As DNC Chair After Leaked Emails Lead To DNC Chaos

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is out as head of the Democratic National Committee after the release of a trove of embarrassing emails.

Democrats To Consider Changes To How Superdelegates Are Allocated

Democrats will consider changing superdelegate rules, but not as much as Bernie Sanders would like.

Pre-Convention Polls Show Clinton Leading, Johnson Rising, Major Party Candidates Hated

A look at the state of the race before the two party conventions begin.

Bernie Sanders Finally Endorses Hillary Clinton

Well that took long enough.

N.F.L. Coaching Legend Buddy Ryan Dies At 82

An N.F.L. defensive legend has passed away at the age of 82.

Lyle Denniston Leaving SCOTUSBlog

A true legend in legal journalism is moving on.

What Does The Success Of Brexit Tell Us About Donald Trump’s Chances? Pretty Much Nothing

Many pundits are arguing that the victory for ‘Leave’ presages good news for Trump in November, but there’s no reason to believe that.

Sabato Predicts Electoral College Landslide for Clinton

Donald Trump has a steep hill to climb to reverse a quarter century trend.

Bernie Sanders Finally Accepts Reality, Admits He Won’t Be The Nominee

Bernie Sanders admitted, finally, that he likely won’t be the nominee.

Bernie Sanders’ Stubbornness Is Costing The American Taxpayer

Bernie Sanders’ refusal to admit that his campaign is over is costing you up to $38,000 per day.

Bernie Sanders Still Not Conceding

Bernie Sanders doesn’t seem to realize that the political world has already moved past the race for the Democratic nomination.

Hillary Clinton Wins Final Democratic Primary, Meets With Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton easily won the final contest of the 2016 primary season, and the Clinton-Sanders reconciliation dance began.

President Obama Formally Endorses Hillary Clinton

With the race for the Democratic nomination over, President Obama is ready to hit the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton Wins Final ‘Super Tuesday’ Of 2016, Claims Victory In Nomination Fight

Hillary Clinton won the final Super Tuesday of the 2016 primary season, thus officially sending us into what promises to be among the most contentious General Election battles in recent memory.