Reagan Won The Tax Debate. Now What?

Ronald Reagan won the tax fight. The debate now centers on whether to continue cutting taxes or slightly reverse the trend.

More Republicans Moving Away From Norquist Tax Pledge

More signs of cracks in the wall of GOP resistance to tax increases.

In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations, President Obama Holds The Upper Hand

Republicans need to realize that they are at a disadvantage in the upcoming negotiations regarding the Fiscal Cliff.

What Exactly Has Conservatism Accomplished Lately?

Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.

Looks Like Romney Really Meant the 47% Remark

Believing the maker/taker dichotomy.

Anti-Tax Orthodoxy Of House Republicans Looks Like It’s Ready To Crack

As we approach the fiscal cliff, there are signs that House Republicans may not be as rigid as they were the past two years.

Republicans In A Bind On Tax Increases

Political reality says that the Bush Tax Cuts for high income earners are likely doomed in the wake of the election, but the GOP will find it very hard to switch positions on this issue.

McConnell Not Willing to Raise Taxes to Avoid Fiscal Cliff

Obama thinks he has a mandate to raise taxes on high earners. Republicans think they have a mandate to stop him.


Demographics are not destiny; policy positions drive decision, ultimately.

Moderation in a Polarized World

David Brooks tries to “describe what being a moderate means” in a way that most Americans would find puzzling.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

The Bush Question

Romney needs a far better answer to the Bush question.

Expectations High For Paul Ryan Ahead Of Debate

Expectations are high for Paul Ryan heading in to Thursday’s Vice-Presidential debate. That’s not necessarily a good thing.

It’s the Taxes (Above all Else)

Unseriousness and lack of conservatism from Paul Ryan.

Your Taxes Are Going Up

Annie Lowrey reminds us that our taxes will likely rise in January regardless of who wins the November election.

The Most Serious Aspect of the Poll Denialist Position

Getting to the heart of the problem from my POV (plus historical numbers).

The Problem is Less Romney and More GOP

Don’t hate the player, hate the game (more or less, anyway).

Will Republicans Cave On Taxes If Obama Wins?

Republicans will have some choices to make if President Obama is re-elected.

Romney, And The GOP, Still Haunted By The Legacy Of George W. Bush

The GOP still hasn’t dealt with the legacy of George W. Bush.

Romney And Ryan Not Providing Details About Their Tax Plan

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are refusing to provide significant details about their tax plan. That’s a mistake.

Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Barack Obama

Last night, Bill Clinton hit one out of the park for the President Of The United States.

Is The GOP Suckering Fiscal Conservatives All Over Again?

Do fiscal conservatives realize they’re being sold a bill of goods?

Ahead Of Convention, Plenty Of Pitfalls For Democrats

Obama heads into his convention in a good position, but with several potential pitfalls in his path.

The Speech Of Mitt Romney’s Political Life

Tonight’s convention speech is the most important speech Mitt Romney has ever given.

Would Romney Spend The Nation Into Debt To Increase Defense Spending? Yes, He Would

Left with a choice between their hawkish foreign policy and their supposed commitment to fiscal conservatives, Republicans will, without fail, spend the nation into debt.

Misleading Chart of the Day

A graph on public debt making the rounds is being used to misdirect rather than clarify.

The Impending Fiscal Cliff Presents Congress, And America, With A Fiscal Dilemma

Congress and the American people have a choice to make between two not very palatable options.

Do Voters Really Want A “Big Picture” Election?

Both campaigns seem to be focusing on an argument that the voters don’t want to hear.

In Picking Paul Ryan, Has Romney Actually Helped Obama?

Mitt Romney has effectively rebooted his campaign by picking Paul Ryan, but he’s also handed the President a powerful weapon.

The Fiscal Cliff: Another Threat To The Economy

While Washington dithers, business owners are starting to worry.

US Tax Rates by Quintile

The Bush tax cuts were much more progressive than you probably think.

House Votes To Repeal ObamaCare For The 33rd Time

The House engaged in a mostly pointless action yesterday afternoon.

Obama’s Tax Plan Is About Politics & Class Warfare, Not Tax Policy

The President could describe his tax plan differently, but there’s a reason he isn’t.

Obama To Make Same Promise About Tax Cuts He Did In 2008

Get ready for the battle over the Bush Tax Cuts to start up yet again.

Romney And Obama Spar Over Disappointing Jobs Numbers

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama traded barbs over the June jobs report, but neither one seems to have the answer to our problems.

Yes, The GOP Can, And Likely Will, Repeal ObamaCare in 2013 If They Win In November

If the GOP wins in November, there will be very few actual barriers in the way if they really want to repeal the PPACA.

Friedman Finds His 3rd Party Candidate: Obama

Thomas Friedman continues his quixotic quest for a third party. His candidate: a fantasy Barack Obama.

Jeb Bush: Reagan And My Father Have No Place In the Modern GOP

How would modern Republicans treat Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President?

Bill Clinton’s Bizarre Walk Back On Tax Cut Extensions

Bill Clinton walks back his comments about extending the Bush Tax Cuts in the most unbelievable manner possible.

How Economic Doldrums Are Impacting The Election

A spate of bad economic news foretells a shift in the campaign for President.

Jeb Bush The Latest Republican To Repudiate The Norquist Pledge

Jeb Bush is the latest Republican to eschew GOP tax orthodoxy.