So Apparently Birtherism Is Still A Thing

Disturbingly large percentages of Republicans still don’t think the President was born here.

Mitt Romney Poised To Do Very Well On Super Tuesday

Mitt Romney is likely to put considerable distance between himself and his opponents tomorrow.

Ohio Primary Tightens After Romney’s Michigan Win

Not surprisingly, the race in the Buckeye State is tightening.

Did Rick Santorum Blow It In Michigan?

Rick Santorum’s inability to stay away from the culture wars may have been his undoing.

The GOP’s Increasingly Weird Delegate Math

It’s looking increasingly unlikely that anyone will have the race for the nomination wrapped up any time soon.

A Path To A Brokered Convention?

One analyst sees a way that the current GOP race could indeed lead to a brokered convention.

Santorum Wins Three Races Nobody Pays Attention To

Rick Santorum swept three states that are off the media radar screen. Will it revive his campaign?

Booze and Social Status

Scotch consumption is a leading economic indicator.

Romney Wins Big, Newt Loses Mean, Race Continues (But Not For Long)

Mitt Romney won big last night, Newt Gingrich was Newt Gingrich, and the race is coming to the beginning of the end.

First Legal Challenge Filed To Obama’s Recess Appointments

The first shot in a Constitutional showdown has been fired.

Debunking The Myths About Republican Delegate Allocation Rules

The rules that Republicans will be playing under in 2012 are far less revolutionary than some pundits would have you believe.

It’s Not Debtor’s Prison, It’s Contempt Of Court

Do American courts throw people in jail for failing to pay their debts? No, they don’t.

Rick Perry Loves the Constitution

Except, of course, the parts he doesn’t like.

Another Example of Fee-for-Service Fire Department Letting a Home Burn (and its Implications)

A story from Tennessee raises further questions about the role of government.

Blaming Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist has become the target of blame for problems that are far more deep than just one man.

TSA Hits the Road

The TSA is deploying VIPR units to weigh stations and bus stations in TN.

Herman Cain’s Bizarre Immigration Plan: Electrify The Border Fence

Like his tax plan, Herman Cain’s immigration plan is not serious.

Perry Continues To Lead GOP Field

We’re getting close to the point where only two people on this stage will matter.

Attackwatch: It’s Just Politics, Folks

The Obama campaign’s new “Attackwatch” site is the latest Outrage Of The Day

Is The House GOP’s “Cut Cap And Balance” Vote A Political Stunt? Probably

The House GOP has scheduled a vote next week on a debt ceiling package that is solely designed to mollify the base.

McConnell Solves Debt Ceiling Standoff?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has proposed a simple deal to break the impasse on the debt ceiling: Cede power to raise the ceiling to the president, with a few minor caveats.

Andrew Cuomo To Replace Joe Biden As VP? Don’t Count On It

Will Joe Biden be on the podium with Barack Obama at the 2012 Democratic convention, or will there be a new running mate?

Appeals Court Strikes Down Michigan Law Barring Use Of Race In College Admissions

A Federal Appeals Court struck down an Amendment to the Michigan Constitution today as unconstitutional.

States Rigging 2012 Elections?

States are racing to put obstacles in front of voters in the name of fraud prevention.

Ten Congressmen Sue President Obama Over Libya Mission, War Powers Act

Dennis Kucinich and nine other Members of Congress are suing the President. They won’t get very far.

Weiner Admits Messaging with 17-Year-Old Girl

Where’s the line when a public figure interacts with a teenage fan?

Why 2012 Republican Field is So Weak

The Republican candidates of 2012 are so weak because of GOP losses in 2004 and 2006 Senate and gubernatorial races.

Romney’s Federalism Dodge

Romney wants to make a federalism based argument for why his MA health care bill is good, while the PPACA is tyrannical. However, just saying that is not an argument.

Higher Education Bubble: Another Brick in the Wall?

An increasing number of bright observers are questioning the notion that everyone needs to go to college.

NFL, Players Agree On New CBA

With the Draft only 27 days away, multiple lawsuits pending, and the lockout only in force for a few weeks, the NFL announced that an agreement on a new CBA had been reached with players.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Big Bird Flips Big Bird Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

President Obama Drops The Ball On Deficit Reduction

President Obama’s new budget involves nothing less than a thumb in the eye of anyone who hoped he would seriously address federal spending in his first term.

Silly State Of The Union Pageantry

As the night of the State Of The Union Address approaches, the silliness in Washington has been taken up a notch.

Can We Please Stop Comparing Everyone We Disagree With To The Nazis?

Inevitably, the Nazis made an appearance during yesterday’s debate over health care reform in the House. It’s time for it to stop, or at least time for the rest of us to stop taking seriously anyone who resorts to such arguments.

King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech Years in Making

Martin Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech was, like a political stump speech, crafted and polished over months and years of delivery.

Too Many PhDs

We’re producing more PhDs and JDs than there are full time openings for professors and lawyers.