Yemen Wants Its Own Drones

A headline I never thought I’d see: “Yemen Asks U.S. For Drones To Fight Al Qaeda”

Bradley Manning Wants to Live as a Female Prisoner

Convicted felon Bradley Manning has announced that she’d like to spend her confinement as Chelsea Manning.

Army and Navy Cutting Generals and Admirals Ever So Slightly

The Army and Navy are finally doing something about brass bloat.

West Point Casualties in Post-9/11 Conflicts Historically High

West Point graduates account for nearly one in fifty deaths in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years

Bradley Manning will be spending a long time at Leavenworth.

Marine Steven Rhodes Eligible for NCAA Football

The NCAA has come to its senses regarding a Marine sergeant who wants to play college football.

Hearing Is So Secret That Its Subject Remains Secret

There’s a hearing at Gitmo so secret that even the people having the hearing aren’t allowed to know what it’s about.

Of Course the NSA is Lying to You

My latest for The National Interest, “Clapper’s Bodyguard of Lies,” has posted.

Military Sexual Assault Policy: No Consent with Alcohol?

The military is cracking down on sexual assault. The pendulum may be swinging too far.

Baby, Come Back

Pentagon Gets Gay Friendly in a Hurry

Until this year, being gay could get you kicked out of the military. Now, it comes with perks.

David Jones, Former Joint Chiefs Chairman, Dead at 92

David C. Jones, who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Presidents Carter and Reagan, has died.

Air Force Academy Gets First Female Superintendent

Lieutenant General Michelle Johnson will be the first woman to lead a service academy.

TSA Expanding Beyond Airports

TheTransportation Security Administration is expanding its purview to train stations and sporting events.

Military Retirees May Lose Double Dip Retirement

The Pentagon is considering making military retirees ineligible for civil service pensions.

Navy Refuses to Track Money, Just Because

The Defense Department would like to get a handle on how it spends its money by 2017 but the Navy won’t go along.

FBI Review Says That Boston Bombing Could Not Have Been Prevented

In the end, it doesn’t appear that the Boston Marathon bombings could have been prevented by law enforcement.

Senator Obama Warned About PATRIOT Act Abuses That Happened Under President Obama

President Obama is doing precisely what Senator Obama warned us about.

Firm That Cleared Snowden Under Grand Jury Investigation

The government contractor that conducted Edward Snowden’s background investigation faces criminal indictment.

State Department: Avoid Planet Earth, There Be Terrorists There

Al Qaeda may be up to something, so take no chances.

Google Searches For “Pressure Cooker” And “Backpacks” Lead To FBI Visit

A husband and wife do unrelated, and perfectly innocent, Google searches, and get a visit from the FBI.

Guantanamo Costs $2.7 Million Per Prisoner

Keeping 166 detainees in Gitmo costs taxpayers $454 million.

Military Green Lights Playboy and Penthouse Before Banning Them

The military has declared that Playboy and Penthouse don’t violate its standards but banned them from its exchanges, anyway.

Megan Welter: Iraq War Vet, NFL Cheerleader

Megan Welter served as a Signal Corps officer in the Iraq War. Now, she’s an Arizona Cardinals cheerleader.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Bogeyman Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Bradley Manning Acquitted Of ‘Aiding The Enemy,’ Could Still Face Up To 136 Years In Prison

Bradley Manning was acquitted of the most serious charge against him, but is still likely to spend most of his life in prison.

Pentagon May Cut Furlough Days

The Defense Department may have found the money to furlough its civilian workers fewer than 11 days.

Bradley Manning to be Pronounced Guilty Tomorrow Afternoon

Bradley Manning will learn his fate at 1 pm tomorrow. He’s guilty.

Army Debuts Unisex Combat Uniform

The Army is fielding a new uniform to make ladies feel more soldierly.

Colonel Bud Day, American Hero, Dead at 88

Colonel Bud Day, who earned a Medal of Honor leading Vietnam POWs, had died, aged 88 years.

Furloughs Killing Productivity at Pentagon

Sequestration is even dumber than we thought.

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

Syrian Anti-Regime Forces Carry Out Mass Executions

Anti-Assad forces are committing atrocities in Aleppo.