Authorization For Libyan War Set To Expire Next Week, Don’t Expect Anyone To Do Anything About It

The 60 day deadline for Presidential discretion under the War Powers Act will expire next week. Congress won’t do anything about it.

Osama Part of Obama’s Campaign Pitch

Not surprisingly, having ordered a successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden is being highlighted on President Obama’s re-election tour.

Navy Chaplains May Perform Gay Marriages

The Navy is considering allowing its chaplains to perform same-sex marriages once “Dont ask, Don’t tell” ends.

Report: Decade Old “Secret Deal” With Pakistan Authorized Raid Against Bin Laden

Did a deal between the U.S. and Pakistan during the infancy of the war against al Qaeda play a role in the raid against Osama bin Laden?

Pakistan Tries, And Largely Fails, To Explain Itself

Pakistan is trying to explain how the world’s most wanted man was able to hide in plain sight for six years, and failing badly.

Why Would Petraeus Take CIA Job?

Why would David Petraeus take the thankless job of running the CIA?

Senator Proposes “No-Ride” List For Rail

One U.S. Senator wants to bring elements of the TSA’s security theater to America’s rail system.

Al Qaeda Confirms Osama bin Laden Death

In a move sure to satisfy Deathers as much as a contemporaneous newspaper story satisfied Birthers, al Qaeda has released a statement confirming that Osama bin Laden is dead.

Osama bin Laden Raid Controversial in Germany

The free world rallied around the United States after the 9/11 attacks–but not all back the killing of the man who ordered it.

Torture Creep?

The defense of torture as an extreme measure for extraordinary circumstances has evolved.tortu

Family: Osama bin Laden Executed

Safia bin Laden says that her infamous father was caught alive by U.S. forces and murdered in cold blood.

Bin Laden Op “Geronimo” Codename Offensive?

Congress is getting complaints that calling the Osama raid “Geronimo” is offensive to Indians.

Stealth Blackhawk Helicopter Used in Osama Raid

There has been some buzz on the national security backchannels that a heretofore secret “stealth” helicopter was used in the SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout.

Measuring The Bin Laden Bounce, If There Is One

There’s not much movement in the President’s job approval numbers.

Missing The Point: It Doesn’t Matter If Torture “Works”

The debate over “enhanced interrogations” has been renewed by the bin Laden mission, but whether it “worked” or not isn’t the question.

Biden: No Leaks During OBL Planning

Joe Biden: During several months of planning for the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, ” as many as 16 members of Congress that were briefed on it, not a single solitary thing leaked.”

Pakistan Claims It Did Its Part To Catch Bin Laden

The question of how the world’s most wanted man could’ve hidden in plain sight in Pakistan continues to be asked.

Bin Laden, The Afghan Mujahadeen, And The CIA: The Myth That Needs To Die

The myth that the U.S. armed and trained Osama bin Laden in the early 80’s is rearing its ugly head again.

Obama Gets A Post Bin Laden Bounce In New Poll

Americans are rallying around the President in the wake of the mission against bin Laden, but it’s likely to be short-lived.

Middle school teacher Gary Weddle, 50, East Wenatchee, displays his cut beard while shaving the remaining stubble the evening of May 1. He completed a vow made nearly 10 years ago not to shave until Osama bin Laden was captured or proven killed. Middle school teacher Gary Weddle, 50, East Wenatchee, displays his cut beard while shaving the remaining stubble the evening of May 1. He completed a vow made nearly 10 years ago not to shave until Osama bin Laden was captured or proven killed.

Teacher Shaves Beard After Bin Laden Killed

Gary Weddle, a schoolteacher from East Wenatchee, Washington, has cut his beard after waiting almost ten years for Osama bin Laden to be killed.

Pakistan After Bin Laden: Frenemies Forever?

Changing our relationship status to Complicated.

Did Osama bin Laden Win?

Osama bin Laden is dead, but he’s succeeded in changing America for the worse.

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Thank God for President Obama’

Rush Limbaugh heaps praise on President Obama for the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The Politics Of The Death Of Osama bin Laden

The impact of the death of Osama bin Laden on the domestic politics is likely to be minimal at best.

Bin Laden Was Mostly Disconnected From The World

Bin Laden spent the last half-decade in a compound where his only contact with the outside world was a few couriers.

Pakistan, You Got Some `Splainin’ To Do

How exactly was the most wanted man in the world able to hide in this house without anyone in Pakistan knowing about it?