Obama Administration Invokes “State Secrets” Defense In Assassination Lawsuit

The Obama White House is asserting that the President has the authority to issue assassination orders against American citizens, and that no Court has the authority to review his decision. If that doesn’t worry you, it should.

Feds Seek Broad Authority To Wiretap Internet Communications

If the Obama Administration gets it’s way, your secure Internet communications won’t really be all that secure.

Federal Judge Orders Flight Nurse Discharged Under DADT Be Reinstated

While Congress continues to refused to act, another Federal Judge has struck a blow against the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

Does Defense Spending Increase Freedom?

Tracking “freedom” and American defense spending provides some interesting insights.

Are We Run By A**holes ?

Obama: “We Can Absorb A Terrorist Attack”

What’s so wrong with saying that America will survive even if al Qaeda manages to hit us again ?

Woodward Book Reveals There Is No Plan In Afghanistan

According to a new book from Bob Woorward, American policy in Afghanistan is the result of a decision making process that can only be described as chaotic at best.

Senate Fails To Invoke Cloture On Defense Bill, DADT Repeal

The effort to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell suffered a setback in the Senate today that likely delays any further moves on the issue until after the midterm elections.

Allegations Of Murder Mar American Mission In Afghanistan

A US military platoon was apparently able to target innocent Afghans for murder. Without senior commanders suspecting a thing.

McCain Filibuster Threat Puts “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal In Doubt

The prospect of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell before the November elections is in doubt thanks to a threatened filibuster led by Arizona’s John McCain.

Afghanistan, 2050

Why Are We in Afghanistan?

Regular readers know that I’ve long thought we’ve achieved all we’re going to in Afghanistan. But that doesn’t mean that our presence is therefore motivated by secret motives.

Instapundit’s Initial Take On 9/11

Taking a short trip back in time via Instapundit’s archives reveals a September 11th post that turned out to be prophetic.

Medal Of Honor Awarded To First Living Recipient Since Vietnam War

Sergeant Salvatore A. Giunta is the first living recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War.

Giving Bin Laden What He Wants?

Ted Koppel thinks our actions since 9/11 have helped Osama bin Laden fulfill his goals. He couldn’t be more wrong.

Afghanistan: Rethinking U.S. Strategy

Steve Walt, Steve Clemons, Matthew Hoh and others have released a provocative new report arguing for a change in our Afghanistan strategy.

Obama Wins Executive Secrecy Case

The Obama administration has persuaded the nation’s most liberal appellate court that the executive branch’s right to secrecy trumps the rights of people claiming they were tortured by the United States Government.

Burying The Lede on NATO

Lost amidst the welcome news of British-French cooperation on military cost-sharing in some tough talk from their ministers of defense on NATO.

General Petraeus: “Burn A Koran” Day A Threat To U.S. Troops

The plan by one fringe church in Gainesville, Florida to burn copies of the Koran on September 11th is igniting fires of protest across the Muslim world.

Bomb Iran ? No, That Would Be A Stupid Idea

Will Israel attack Iran ? You’d better hope not.

Overreaction to 9/11?

Fareed Zakaria argues that the fact al Qaeda has not launched a major attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 proves we overreacted to those attacks. I beg to differ.

AP: Combat In Iraq Is Not Over

AP staff have been instructed “combat in Iraq is not over, and we should not uncritically repeat suggestions that it is, even if they come from senior officials. The situation on the ground in Iraq is no different today than it has been for some months.”

Army Waives Uniform Regs for Sikhs

The United States Army has granted case-by-case exceptions to three Sikh soldiers, allowing them to serve while wearing beards and turbans.

Obama’s Citizenship and the Chain of Command

Civilian control of the military means, oddly, that civilians control the military. And it means precisely that the military does not get to decide which civilians run the country.

WikiLeaks vs. CINDER

The Pentagon, responding to obvious flaws in its security revealed by the WikiLeaks debacle, is working on a data mining program that will monitor employee behavior for suspicious activity.

Iraq Combat Over, Iraq Combat Pay Continues

The president has declared an end to combat operations in Iraq. But soldiers assigned there still draw combat pay.

Alan Simpson: Cut Veteran Disability Payments

Aging Vietnam vets are being treated for diabetes and other ailments unrelated to their service on the taxpayers’ dime. We can’t afford it.

Obama On Iraq: “We Have Met Our Responsibility. Now, It’s Time To Turn The Page”

President Obama didn’t use the words “Mission Accomplished” last night, but the message was the same.

Debt: Our Greatest National Security Threat?

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has proclaimed, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.” Is he right?

Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus!

FOX reports that the entire combat phase of the Iraq War will cost less than President Obama’s stimulus. That’s not a useful comparison.

Terrorism False Alarm?

Terrorism dry-run or just weirdly packaged items and a few coincidences?

Cowardly Hero

Geography and the American Military

The Army and its officer corps are becoming increasingly Southern and rural. Is this a bad thing? If so, what can we do about it?

Islamic Radicals Citing Anti-Mosque Arguments In Propaganda

Not surprisingly, Radical Islamists are taking notice of the tone of debate in the United States over the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque.”

Joyner vs. Greenwald on al Jazeera

OTB’s James Joyner and Salon’s Glenn Greenwald discuss WikiLeaks and its implications for journalism on Al Jazeera’s “Inside Story.”

Meanwhile, In Pakistan, The Floods Continue To Worsen

While American politics concerns itself with trivial issues, Pakistan finds itself dealing with a devastating natural disaster that could have real geo-political implications.

Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times, via Associated Press Lt. Col. Richard D. Heyward, left, of Illinois, and Sgt. Nick Wysong of Washington crossed southern Iraq last week with their unit of the Second Infantry Division. Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times, via Associated Press Lt. Col. Richard D. Heyward, left, of Illinois, and Sgt. Nick Wysong of Washington crossed southern Iraq last week with their unit of the Second Infantry Division.

Iraq Mission Shifts, Nobody Cares

America’s mission in Iraq is shifting from an active combat role to a smaller security presence. But the war that gripped our attention for years is now off the radar screen.

Imam Rauf Spoke At Daniel Pearl Memorial

Park51 opponents are trying to depict Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as an anti-American radical. Read his speech at Daniel Pearl’s memorial service and judge for yourself.

How Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Helps The Cause Of Those That Would Kill Us

America’s obsession over the fate of the Burlington Coat Factory in Lower Manhattan, and a general rise in anti-Islamic rhetoric, plays right into the hands of the people that are actually our enemies.

Cordoba House Imam “Extremist” in “Sheep’s Clothing”?

Steve Emerson has reportedly found 13 hours of tape of Cordoba Initiative chairman Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and found him to be a “radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep’s clothing.” Does it matter?