SCOTUS Makes It More Likely Immigration Appeal Can Be Heard And Decided By June

After requesting a 30 day extension to reply to the Federal Government’s request for appeal in the case challenging President Obama’s immigration executive action, the states get only eight days.

Political Rhetoric You Disagree With Isn’t Responsible For Someone Else’s Criminal Acts

Blaming political opponents for criminal acts they clearly didn’t commit or advocate isn’t a political argument, it’s demagoguery.

Colorado Springs Shooter Is An Enigma, But The Shooting Is Being Politicized Anyway

We still don’t know very much about Robert Dear, the man who shot and killed three people at the site of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, but that hasn’t stopped the usual suspects from politicizing the case.

Obama Administration Appeals Fifth Circuit Immigration Ruling To Supreme Court

The Obama Administration is asking the Supreme Court to review a ruling that kept a hold on last year’s immigration execution action in place.

SCOTUS Accepts Virginia Redistricting Case That Tests Use Of Race And Politics In Drawing Lines

The Supreme Court has accepted for appeal a Virginia case that deal with the issue of using race and politics as a basis for drawing district lines.

Supreme Court Accepts Texas Abortion Law Case For Review

The Supreme Court has accepted a case involving a new Texas abortion law for review, the first abortion rights case it will hear in eight years.

Ben Carson’s Odd Relationship With Truth

As Ben Carson rises in the polls, it’s worth noting his many examples of having what can only be called a very odd relationship with truth and the basic facts of history.

Tuesday’s Elections Helped Solidify Republican Control Of America’s State Legislatures

Forget about Congress, the real story going forward is likely to be Republican dominance of state legislatures nationwide.

Fred Thompson, Watergate Lawyer, Senator, Actor, Dies At 73

A man with one of the more unique political and personal resumes in recent memory has passed away.

Ben Carson Wants To Turn The Department Of Education Into Thought Police

Instead of eliminating the Department of Education, Ben Carson wants to give it a new, bizarre, and dangerous mission.

Another Republican Congressman Accuses Benghazi Committee Of Being Partisan

Another Republican Congressman has said that the Select Committee investigating the Benghazi attack is primarily concerned with scoring political points against Hillary Clinton.

The Supreme Court Begins A New Term With Several Politically Charged Cases

The marriage equality issue is resolved, but that doesn’t mean the Supreme Court won’t have a lot of high profile cases on its docket over the next eight months.

Congress Avoids A Shutdown, But It’s Likely To Come Back In December

Congress will get a temporary funding bill passed in time to avoid a shutdown on Thursday, but it may just be delaying the inevitable.

Despite Obvious Shortcomings, Ben Carson Rises In The Polls

Ben Carson has no government experience, he has a history of saying things that don’t seem grounded in reality, and he lacks the resources for a credible campaign. And yet, he’s closing in on Donald Trump in the polls.

Mitch McConnell: Republicans Don’t Have The Votes To Defund Planned Parenthood

Mitch McConnell spoke a truth that many conservatives are likely not going to want to accept.

Voters Would Blame Republicans For Government Shutdown, Poll Shows

Some Republicans are threatening a government shutdown over funding of Planned Parenthood, but a new poll shows that it would be a big political risk for Republicans.

Appeals Court Upholds Law Barring Protests On Supreme Court Building Property

A Federal Appeals Court has upheld a 1949 law that bars protesters from the property around the Supreme Court building. This seems inconsistent with the Court’s recent First Amendment jurisprudence.

How Much Will Trumpism Damage The Republican Party?

Even if Donald Trump isn’t the Republican nominee in 2016, he could still end up causing real harm to the party’s chances of winning the White House and holding on to the Senate.

Trump Leads In Iowa, While Walker Declines

Donald Trump is leading in Iowa, and very few things make sense anymore.

Trump as Perot 2.0

In 1992, an eccentric billionaire ran an independent campaign against a Bush and a Clinton. It could happen again.

Driven Largely By Republicans, Public Opinion On The Supreme Court Hits A Low

Public opinion on the Supreme Court has declined significantly, largely because Republicans don’t like the Supreme Court very much right now.

The Party of Reagan on Immigration

A 1980 debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush shows a different GOP.

Can Lindsey Graham Win?

The NYT paints the longshot senator as a happy warrior trying to win the White House by doing it his way.

From Bork, To Kennedy, To Obergefell

He definitely wouldn’t appreciate it, but in some sense you can thank Robert Bork for the Supreme Court’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Past Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage Could Hurt Republicans In The Future

A long history of opposing marriage equality could end up hurting Republicans even though that battle is over in this country.

Texas Attorney General Tells Clerks They Can Ignore The Constitution If They Want To

The Attorney General of Texas is responding to the Supreme Court’s marriage ruling by telling Clerk’s who issue marriage license that they are free to ignore the law.

Bobby Jindal Is Running For President For Some Reason

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal enters the Presidential race today, but it’s hard to see how he even manages to become a plausible candidate.

Pope Francis Writes On The Environment, And Many People Miss The Point

Pope Francis’s new encyclical isn’t exactly being received positively by American conservatives, because they seem to be missing the point.

Supreme Court Declines To Review Ruling Striking Down North Carolina Ultrasound Law

Yesterday, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling striking down North Carolina’s mandatory ultrasound law.

Americans Are Becoming More Liberal On Social Issues

A new poll shows that Americans have moved to the left on a wide variety of social issues.

More Americans Identify As “Pro-Choice,” But That’s Only Half The Story

In a new poll, a majority of Americans identify as “pro-choice,” but a deeper look at the numbers reveals that abortion politics remains as complicated as ever.

Irish Voters Overwhelmingly Vote In Favor Of Same-Sex Marriage

Voters in Ireland have overwhelmingly approved a referendum legalizing same-sex marriage.

House Republicans Pass Unconstitutional, Doomed, Pandering Abortion Bill

As expected, the Republican-controlled House passed a bill that would ban most abortions after twenty weeks. It also happens to be completely unconstitutional and has no chance of actually becoming law.

House Republicans Set To Sacrifice Limited Government On The Altar Of Abortion Politics

House Republicans are set to vote on a bill banning abortion in almost all cases after twenty weeks. What they can’t do is explain where the Constitution gives Congress the power to do this.

Ben Carson Enters The Race For President

Ben Carson is running for President.

American Politics Has Become Horrible, Predictable, And Utterly Boring

Even for political junkies, the thrill seems to be gone.

Ted Cruz And Steve King Are Attacking The Rule Of Law In Defense Of “Traditional Marriage”

Ted Cruz and Steve King think the Court should be prevented from hearing any case involving same-sex marriage. Because they know they’re losing.

Hillary Clinton May Be Her Own Worst Enemy

Hillary Clinton’s political and personal baggage is likely to be a bigger problem for her than whomever her Republican opponent ends up being.

161 Days Later, The Senate Still Hasn’t Voted On Loretta Lynch’s Nomination

The confirmation of a new Attorney General has been held up nearly six months for what amounts to no legitimate reason.

Ben Carson To Launch Quixotic, Doomed Campaign For President On May 4th

Ben Carson will be entering the race for President next month, but don’t pretend for a minute that he’s a serious candidate.

Harry Reid Retiring From Senate

After nearly 20 years in office, Harry Reid announced early today that he would not seek reelection in 2016.

Ben Carson: Prison Sex Proves Being Gay Is A Choice

Ben Carson is inching closer to running for President, and he’s continuing to pander to the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.

Senate Republicans May Eliminate Filibuster For Supreme Court Nominees

For some reason, Republicans want to change filibuster rules even though it’s unclear that they’ll still hold the Senate after 2016.

House Republicans Drop Abortion Bill Vote At Last Minute, And It Was Smart Politics To Do So

The House was set to vote on a ban on abortion after 20 weeks that never would have become law today but they pulled the bill. Conservatives are annoyed, but it was smart politics in the long run.

An ‘Ambitious’ Yet Pointless State Of The Union, And An Utterly Pointless Response

The State Of The Union Address was more of the same, and the same will be true of Washington going forward.