Unfortunately For Hillary Clinton, Benghazi Is Not Going Away

If Hillary Clinton runs for President, questions surrounding the Benghazi attack will continue to dog her.

Majority Of Americans Don’t Believe In The Big Bang Theory

More bad news when it comes to scientific literacy.

NATO Commander Warns Alliance May Send Troops To Eastern Europe

NATO may be preparing to send Russia a message.

Because Of ObamaCare, Uninsured People Won’t Be Able To Buy Health Insurance Until November

Once again the Affordable Care Act meets the Law Of Unintended Consequences

Preliminary Thoughts on the Ukraine Situation

Russian invasion or legitimate secessionist movement? And does it matter?

Yanukovych Out in Ukraine?

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has been forced out of Kyiv—and possibly out of power entirely.

We’re 46th! USA!

Facebook Sex Selection: It’s Complicated

“It’s complicated” has long been an option to describe one’s romantic status on Facebook. Now, it applies to one’s sex as well.

Nevada’s Attorney General And Governor Won’t Defend Law Against Same-Sex Marriage

The fight for marriage equality takes another step forward.

N.F.L. Draft Prospect Michael Sam Comes Out As Gay

Michael Sam is gay.It didn’t matter to his University of Missouri teammates. Will it matter to the NFL?

Marines Delay Female Fitness Standards

The Marine Corps’ plan to make women take the same fitness test as men has hit a wee snag.

Afghanistan Most Unpopular War Ever?

The “good war” no more.

Return to the Events in Benghazi

More details.

So Far, The Military Coup Looks Like It Will Be A Disaster For Egypt In The End

Nearly six months later, it’s hard to find any good in the July military coup in Egypt.

Appeals Court Refuses To Stay Judge’s Order In Utah Same-Sex Marriage Case

Same-sex marriage remains the law of the land in one of the most conservative states in the nation, at least unless the Supreme Court says otherwise.

North Korea Threatens The South, Again

The North Koreans are back to their old tricks.

Cell Phone Use On Airplanes? Not The Government’s Business

A bunch of people talking on cellphones during a plane flight would annoy the heck out of me, but the government shouldn’t be involved in deciding if it should be allowed.

Obama Continues Slipping In Public Opinion Polls

Time to start talking about lame ducks?

White House Photographers Bristle At Lack Of Access

Another conflict between the Obama Administration and a news media that is frustrated about the extent they are being controlled by being refused access.

TSA Agent Killed in LAX Shooting, First in Agency’s History

I’m happy that these incidents are so rare. But I can’t explain why it’s so.

AP Fires Reporters Who Falsely Reported McAuliffe Lied to Feds

Two veteran reporters, including the dean of the Virginia press corps, have been fired by the AP after falsely reporting that Terry McAuliffe lied to federal authorities.

Boy Scout Leaders Destroy Ancient Rock Formation

Two Boy Scout leaders toppled a rock formation at Utah’s Goblin Valley State Park that dates to the Jurassic period.

Wal-Mart Fires Worker For Helping Customer

Wal-Mart has fired an employee for coming to the aid of a customer being assaulted in the parking lot.

Cory Booker Wins New Jersey Senate Race

Mayor Booker is now Senator-Elect Booker.

The Obama Administration’s War On Leaks Chills The Press And Hurts The Public Interest

So much for the most transparent Administration in history.

McAuliffe Still Leading In Virginia Polls, Cuccinelli Scaling Back Ad Buys?

The Virginia Governor’s race may be slipping too far for Republicans to pull off a victory.

Yes, The Shutdown Is Hurting The Republican Party More Than Obama And The Democrats

There’s no denying it now. The GOP is being harmed by the events in Washington far more than the President and Democrats in general.

Emmys Snub Jack Klugman and Larry Hagman for Cory Monteith

The Emmys will honor Cory Monteith but not Jack Klugman or Larry Hagman. Where in that sentence you said “Who?” will tell us how old you are.

Multiple Casualties In Shooting At Washington Navy Yard

A shooting interrupts Washington D.C.’s Monday morning.