Donald Trump Makes It Official, Mike Pence Is His Running Mate

The least likely choice ascends to the Number Two position on the Republican ticket.

Final Effort To Block Trump Fails In RNC Rules Committee

Predictably, the latest effort to prevent Donald Trump from gaining the Republican nomination has ended in failure.

Republican Platform Veers To The Right

Once again, the GOP platform is turning into a surrender to social conservatives on issues such as same-sex marriage and transgender rights.

Quixotic ‘Stop Trump’ Movement Still Out There, Still Doomed To Fail

Despite a year of utter failure, one group of Republicans apparently still thinks they can deny Donald Trump the Republican nomination.

Kevin Durant Taking His Talents to Oakland

In the biggest NBA free agent move since LeBron James left and returned to Cleveland, Kevin Durant is joining the Golden State Warriors.

Mike Pence Meets With Trump About Veep Slot

Is Indiana’s Governor a contender to be Donald Trump’s running mate?

Chris Christie Reportedly Being Vetted For Spot As Trump’s Running Mate

Chris Christie remains at the top of the list of potential Trump running mates.

Nobody Wants To Speak At Donald Trump’s Convention

Republican officials are running away from Donald Trump the way they’d run away from a horde of mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus.

Donald Trump’s Bad June Shows Up In The Polls

Donald Trump has had a bad June, and it’s showing in the poll numbers.

Bernie Sanders Finally Accepts Reality, Admits He Won’t Be The Nominee

Bernie Sanders admitted, finally, that he likely won’t be the nominee.

In Campaign Shake Up, Donald Trump Fires Campaign Manager

A campaign shake up at Trump Tower, but it’s unlikely to change fundamentals.

LeBron James Brings A Championship Home To Cleveland For The First Time Since 1964

Congratulations Cleveland! Next month, you get Donald Trump.

Tiny Group Of GOP Delegates Preparing To Fight Against Trump At Republican Convention

A small group of Republican delegates is apparently discussing yet another quixotic effort to deny Donald Trump the nomination.

It’s Too Late To Stop Donald Trump At The Convention

Republican insiders are apparently still looking at ways to stop Donald Trump at a convention. It’s far too late for that, guys.

As Republicans Run From Trump, The Seeds Of A GOP Civil War May Be Starting To Grow

With top Republicans recoiling from the realization that the GOP is stuck with Trump in 2016, the ground seems to be being prepared for a conflict that could tear the GOP apart regardless of who wins in November.

Should The Media Ignore The Fact That Hillary Clinton Will Clinch The Nomination Tomorrow?

One media critic is arguing that news organizations should ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton will become the Presumptive Democratic Nominee tomorrow. This is utterly ridiculous.

Paul Ryan Folds Like A Cheap Suit, Endorses Donald Trump

After initially expressing doubts about his candidacy, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has lined up behind Donald Trump.

Republicans Suddenly Finding ‘Scheduling Conflicts’ That Preclude Showing Up In Cleveland

An increasing number of Republican politicians are finding reasons to skip the Republican National Convention.

Donald Trump Wins Washington State, Inches Closer To Clinching The Nomination

Donald Trump is now just 28 delegates away from clinching the GOP nomination. New Jersey’s primary on June 7th will put him over the top.

Republicans Discuss Rules Changes To Stop The Next Donald Trump

Even before the 2016 convention, Republicans are talking about possible rules changes to stop another Trump-like candidate in 2020 or beyond.

Donald Trump Wins Indiana, Becomes Presumptive Nominee, As Ted Cruz Drops Out

Donald Trump’s win last night made him the presumptive Republican nominee, whether Republicans will unify around him is another question.

Republicans Resigning Themselves To Trump Being Their Nominee

For better or worse, Republicans seem to be resigning themselves to the inevitable.

Ted Cruz To Name Carly Fiorina As “Running Mate”

In an unprecedented move that reeks of desperation, Ted Cruz is naming Carly Fiorina as his running mate before the primary process has even ended.

Trump Sweeps Mid-Atlantic Primaries, Putting Himself One Step Closer To Victory

Another round of victories puts Donald Trump another step closer to the Republican nomination.

Cruz-Kasich “Alliance” Already Falling Apart

To the surprise of no one, the alliance between Ted Cruz and John Kasich is already falling apart.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Likely To Do Very Well In Mid-Atlantic Primaries

With voters in five states set to go to the polls, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are likely to make significant progress toward their quest for a majority of delegates in their respective contests.

Appeals Court Reinstates Tom Brady’s Deflategate Suspension

A Federal Appeals Court has reinstated the four game suspension imposed on Tom Brady over the so-called ‘Deflategate’ scandal.

Cruz, Kasich Team Up In Latest Effort To Stop Donald Trump

Ted Cruz and John Kasich have come up with yet another plan to stop Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Scores Big Win In New York

As expected, Donald Trump scored a huge victory in his home state last night and now appears to be back on track to win the GOP nomination.

New Jersey Judge Rules Ted Cruz Is A “Natural Born Citizen”

A New Jersey judge, along with a Judge in Pennsylvania, is among the first to rule on the meaning of the ‘natural born citizen’ clause.

Cruz Likeliest Winner in Contested GOP Convention

The second place finisher in the Republican primaries is looking like the first loser.

Trump Whines About A ‘Rigged’ System, But The Blame Lies With Him

Donald Trump is complaining about a ‘rigged’ delegate selection process, but the truth is that the fault lies with only one person, Donald Trump.

Paul Ryan Rules Out The Idea Of Being Drafted As GOP Nominee

Paul Ryan takes himself out of contention as a potential Republican nominee.

Republican Delegate Battles Could Make For A Contentious Convention

If Donald Trump fails to get a majority to win the nomination on the first ballot in Cleveland, battles taking place behind the scenes now suggest that the floor fight in Cleveland could be long and contentious.

Ted Cruz Wins Big In Wisconsin

Ted Cruz pulled off a win in Wisconsin, giving some hope to the “Stop Trump” crowd.

The Paul Ryan Scenario: Unlikely To Succeed, And A Sign Of Total Desperation

With the Republican nomination fight down to two incredibly unappealing candidates, some Republican insiders are talking about looking elsewhere for a nominee.

At Least Some Republicans Are Still Fighting Against Marriage Equality

For most Americans, the debate over same-sex marriage is over and marriage equality has won. This would not, however, include the social conservatives who continue to have a much too vocal role in the Republican Party.

John Kasich Resisting Calls To Drop Out of Republican Race For President

Ohio Governor John Kasich cannot win a majority of delegates at this point, but he’s still resisting calls to drop out of the race.

Republican Delegate Math Continues To Heavily Favor Donald Trump

Looking at the delegate math, Donald Trump’s path to victory seems to be becoming clearer by the day.

Trump Still Leading The GOP Race After Rubio Withdrawal

One week after Marco Rubio left the race, Donald Trump’s hold on the lead in the GOP Presidential race seems as solid as ever.

Republican Insiders Still Don’t Know How To Stop Trump

With Donald Trump inching closer to a delegate majority with each primary, it’s obvious that GOP insiders have no idea how to stop Donald Trump.

Final Scheduled Republican Debate Canceled

It looks like we’ve reached the end of the debate schedule for Republicans in 2016 .

Clinton Crushes Sanders Again, Continues Her March Toward Winning Democratic Nomination

After stumbling in Michigan last week, Hillary Clinton picked up a string of solid victories last night that put her one step closer to winning the nomination.

Rubio Quits, Kasich Stays Afloat, And Trump Moves Closer To Being The Inevitable GOP Nominee

A big night in the Republican race for President leaves Donald Trump as the only candidate realistically situated to be anywhere near a majority of delegates by the time the primaries end in June.

The #NeverTrump Movement Is Propelling The Republican Party Toward Civil War

The effort to stop Donald Trump seems likely to set off a civil war inside the Republican Party.

If Only A Contested Convention Can Stop Trump, It’s A Plan That’s Unlikely To Succeed

It seems increasingly apparent that the only way to stop Donald Trump now is by trying to force a contested convention. It also seems clear that such a plan probably wouldn’t succeed.

The Latest ‘Stop Trump’ Effort Is Probably Too Little, Too Late

A renewed internal GOP fight to stop Donald Trump seems to be doomed to fail.