Donald Trump Dominates Super Tuesday, Cruz And Rubio Say They’ll Continue To Fight On

As expected, Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday, putting himself one step closer to becoming the Republican nominee for President.

GOP’s Delegate Allocation Rules Are Helping Trump

Changes that the Republican National Committee made to delegate allocation rules in response to what happened in 2012 are helping Donald Trump in 2016.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Poised To Leave Opponents In The Dust On Super Tuesday

It’s Super Tuesday, and both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are likely to go a long way toward securing the nominations of their respective parties.

Republican Race Descends Into Childish Taunts, Name Calling

Ever since last week’s debate, the race for the Republican nomination has come to resemble a schoolyard fight among a bunch of nine year-olds.

With Little Suspense Regarding The Outcome, Democrats Head To The Polls In South Carolina

There’s little doubt that Hillary Clinton will win today’s South Carolina Primary, the only question is how big a win she’s likely to score.

Rubio Campaign Telling Donors It’s Preparing For A Brokered Convention

Bizarrely, the Marco Rubio campaign seems to be telling donors that their candidate may have to hope for a brokered convention to win the GOP nomination.

Donald Trump Scores Solid Win In Nevada

Donald Trump won his third contest in a row in Nevada, putting him one step closer to inevitability.

Justice Antonin Scalia Dead At 79

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has died at the age of 79.

Trump Wins, Republicans Still Not Sure Who The Anti-Trump Should Be

Donald Trump is back on top, but the field below him remains as confused as ever.

After Two Solid Months, January Brings A Decidedly Mediocre Jobs Report

January’s Jobs Report was nothing to write home about.

Race For The GOP Nomination All About Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, And A Panicking GOP

With less than a week to go before voting starts, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP race, with Ted Cruz the only candidate even close to looking like a viable challenger.

Rams Returning to Los Angeles; Chargers May Join Them

St. Louis will lose its second NFL team in 28 years as the Rams go home to LA.

Tamir Rice And The Question Of How The Law Should Handle Officer-Involved Shootings

The decision by a Cleveland Grand Jury to decline to indict a police officer in the shooting of 12 year old Tamir Rice raises once again questions about how the law handles shootings involving police officers.

Ben Carson Threatens To Bolt The GOP As He Slips Even Further Into Irrelevance

Ben Carson threatens to leave the GOP over recent reports about plans for a brokered convention, but with his poll numbers collapsing one wonders why anyone would care if he did.

It’s Apparently Time To Discuss The Brokered Convention Fantasy Again

The quadrennial fantasy of a brokered convention, which American politics has not seen since 1952, is rearing its head again, and it’s no more likely now than it was when we talked about this four years ago.

Justice Department Opens Investigation Of Chicago Police Department

The Justice Department has launched a widespread investigation into the operation of the Chicago Police Department in the wake of the murder of LaQuan McDonald.

Top Republican Adviser Tries To Help Down Ballot Candidates Prepare For Trump As Nominee

A leaked memo from a top Republican adviser tries to tell vulnerable Senate candidates how to deal with the possibility that they’ll be stuck with Trump on the top of the ticket.

Donald Trump Once Again Refusing To Rule Out Running As An Independent

Two months after seemingly promising to remain loyal to the Republican Party, Donald Trump is again refusing to rule out an independent run for the White House next year.

Polling Shows Democrats Less Engaged In The 2016 Campaign Than Republicans

A new poll shows that Democratic voters are less engaged in the 2016 campaign right now than Republicans are, but that probably doesn’t mean that much for next year.

Republicans May End Up Being Stuck With Trump Whether They Like It Or Not

Whether they like it or not, it’s becoming quite apparent that Republicans may have to get used to the idea that Donald Trump really could be their nominee next year.

Republicans See Donald Trump As ‘Presidential,’ The Rest Of America Not So Much

Polling shows that Republicans increasingly see Donald Trump as Presidential and trustworthy. The rest of America disagrees.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Lead The GOP Field Heading Into Second Debate

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain at the top of the Republican Presidential field heading into the second debate on Wednesday.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Tied In New Iowa Poll

Two candidates with no political experienced whatsoever are tied in Iowa as Republican voters continue to reject anyone with political experience.

Trump Continues To Lead A Fluid GOP Field

Donald Trump is still in the lead of the Republican circus, but the rest of the field remains uncertain in the wake of the first debate.

Republican Race Shaken Up After First Debate, But Trump Still Leads

There have been some changes in the race for the Republican nomination.

The Trump Hurricane Hits The First GOP Debate

It’s a Donald Trump debate, where the facts are made up and the truth doesn’t matter.

Republicans Spar In Undercard Debate

The low-polling candidates met in an early debate. It was about what you’d expect.

Fox News Sets Lineup For First Republican Debate

Donald Trump is center stage, John Kasich is in, and Rick Perry is relegated to the kid’s table.

Donald Trump Solidifies His Lead In Final Pre-Debate Polls

The last three polls to be released before Thursday’s debate show Donald Trump continuing to solidify his lead.

Newest Pre-Debate Poll Confirms Trump As Frontrunner, Kasich Now In Top Ten

The first of a series of polls in anticipation of next week’s debate shows Donald Trump still at the top, with a surprise coming out of Ohio.

Current Polls Worse Than Meaningless

The current Republican primary polls are “measuring a unicorn electorate” yet effect the outcome of the race.

Cincinnati Cop Indicted For Murder In Traffic Stop Shooting Death

A police officer in Cincinnati has been indicted for murder in a case that seems to be a pretty clear cut example of improper use of force.

Republican Candidates Battle For Final Debate Slots

With just over a week to go, Republican candidates for President are fighting for the movement in the polls that could get them in to the August 6th debate.

Donald Trump Still Surging In The Polls

His remarks about John McCain’s military service don’t seem to be hurting Donald Trump with Republican true believers.

John Kasich Begins Seemingly Quixotic Presidential Bid

Ohio Governor John Kasich looks good on paper, but his campaign seems as though it’s unlikely to get out of the starting gate.

It Won’t Be Easy For Republicans To Get Rid Of Donald Trump

Despite his remarks about John McCain, Donald Trump is likely to be around for some time to come.

Trump and the Polls

He’s second in national polls!

The Treasury Department Wants To Put A Woman On The $10 Bill

Surely it’s time to put a woman on American currency again, but why go after Alexander Hamilton?

Ohio Judge Finds Probable Cause For Murder Charges In Tamir Rice Case

A Judge in Cleveland has found that there is probable cause to charge a Cleveland Police Officer with murder in the death of Tamir Rice, but that is hardly the end of the matter.

Cleveland Police Department Reaches Settlement With Justice Department On Abuse Report

The Cleveland Police Department has agreed to submit to significant monitoring in the wake of a damning Justice Department investigation.

Cleveland Cop Found Not Guilty In Death Of Two Unarmed Individuals

A Cleveland police officer has been acquitted of manslaughter and other charges in a case that resulted in the death of two African-American individuals.

Networks to Limit Republican Debate Field

With 14 candidates vying for the Republican nomination, TV execs are scrambling to make the debates watchable.

Obama Administration To Take Steps To Cut Back On Police Militarization

President Obama is taking steps to reduce police militarization, but there’s much more that needs to be done.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

The Republican Debate Stage Is Going To Be Awfully Crowded

The Republican debate stage in 2016 is going to be even more crowded than it was in 2012.

Justice Department Opens Investigation of Baltimore Police Department

The Baltimore Police Department will finally be under the Federal microscope. But it took the death of Freddie Gray for it happen.

Justice Requires Holding Both Baltimore’s Rioters And Its Police Responsible For Their Actions

There is no excuse for last night’s rioting in Baltimore, but that should not deflect attention from the problems with that city’s police.