Delayed – OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Delayed “J” Is For Jumparound Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Houston Voters Reject Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Houston voters rejected a broad anti-discrimination law largely due to a campaign that focused almost exclusively on concerns about transgender rights.

Senate Passes Two-Year Budget Deal

As expected, the Senate easily passed the two-year budget deal early this morning.

Paul Ryan Blasts Budget Deal Process, But He’s Likely Very Pleased It Happened

Paul Ryan is blasting the process that led to the new budget deal between the GOP and the White House, but one suspects he’s secretly quite pleased with the fact that it makes his job-to-be a lot easier.

Congress, White House Reach Budget Deal, John Boehner’s Parting Gift To Paul Ryan?

Congress and the White House have reached a tentative deal on the budget and debt ceiling that promises to make Paul Ryan’s initial months as Speaker a lot easier.

Vladimir Putin Decrees That Russian Military Deaths Are Now A State Secret

If a Russian solider dies, it’s now a secret thanks to a new decree signed by the Russian President.

California Vaccine Bill Stalls in the Face of Determined Opposition

The Disneyland measles outbreak wasn’t enough to overcome anti-vaccine forces.

No, the Army Isn’t Refusing to Treat Combat Wounds as Combat Wounds

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge is creating a scandal where none exists.

Indiana Legislature To Vote On Revised RFRA Addressing Discrimination Concerns

Indiana’s RFRA will be amended to address most of the concerns of its opponents. That counts as a victory.

Yes, Veterans Should Pay Taxes. And We Do!

Alec MacGillis argues for Slate that “Veterans Should Pay Taxes Like Everyone Else.” I agree!

Supreme Court Rejects Legal Challenge To Filibuster

Not unexpectedly, the Supreme Court has declined to hear a case challenging the Constitutionality of the Senate filibuster.

Wendy Davis’s Campaign Takes The Low Road

The nastiest campaign ad of the 2014 cycle is here, and Wendy Davis should be ashamed of it.

September Jobs Report Bounces Back From August Doldrums

After a disappointing August, the jobs report for September showed the same good numbers we’ve seen for much of 2014.

Yes, All VA Senior Executives Were ‘Fully Successful’

Lawmakers and journalists don’t understand the civil service.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Another legal victory for marriage equality.

A Mostly Good Jobs Report, And A Milestone Finally Passed (Sort Of)

The May Jobs Report was fairly good, and it marks the end of a jobs recession that started six years ago. But things aren’t entirely rosy.

Who Broke the VA?

There’s plenty of blame to go around.

Should We Eliminate “Hate” Crimes?

Does it really matter why Fraizer Glenn Miller murdered three people in Kansas?

Republicans Haven’t Reformed But May Win Anyway

Republican leaders continue to say stupid things. They may still retake the Senate in November.

December Jobs Report Comes In Way Off Estimates, 300,000+ Leave Labor Force

A surprisingly disappointing jobs report for December.

A Conservative Argues For Extending Unemployment Benefits

In an ordinary post-recession world, we wouldn’t need to talk about extended unemployment benefits, but times are far from ordinary.

VA Gave Bonuses For Shoddy Claim Processing

The VA created an incentive system that rewarded fast, half-assed claim processing that denied complicated requests.

Are There Too Many Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation?

There are over 1,000 Executive Branch positions requiring Senate approval. That seems excessive.

VA Backlog Finally Improving

The infamous VA backlog is finally dwindling. Much of it was a function of good intentions.

The Army is Not the NFL

A retired Marine gunny argues that women should not be in the infantry since they’re not in the National Football League.

The GOP Is Nearly Dead In California

Republicans used to dominate California. Now, they’re barely a factor in the state’s politics.

The GOP Platform’s Abortion Plank Could’ve Been Written By Todd Akin

The GOP Platform will include an abortion plank that Todd Akin would love.

Virginia Veterans ID Card

Virginia has been offering ID cards to military veterans to make it easier to prove that they’re military veterans for months now.

Federal Judge: Websites Must Comply With Americans With Disabilities Act

A recent decision out of Massachusetts threatens to make business quite difficult for online service providers.

The Supreme Court’s New Limits On The Commerce Power

While it upheld the Affordable Care Act today, the Supreme Court also placed some clear limits on Congressional power. That’s a good thing.

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Exemption To Employment Discrimination Laws

A far-reaching decision from the Supreme Court protecting religious liberty.

It’s A Socialist Life?

One conservative contends that George Bailey is teaching America the wrong lessons.

The GOP’s Bizarre Iowa Debate/Forum/Church Revival Meeting

Did you know there was another GOP debate last night? Well, you didn’t miss much.

Military Retirement Debate: Fairness, Sustainability, and Incentives

Debating proposed changes to the US military’s retirement system.

Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Whether it’s a “Ponzi Scheme” or not, Social Security has serious systemic problems that must be addressed.

Mitt Romney Unveils Economic Plan To Mixed Reviews

Mitt Romney’s jobs plan is detailed, but it doesn’t seem to be impressing anyone.

Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme

Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme in one way but not in other, more important ones.