Clinton, Sanders, Cruz And Carson Won Fourth Quarter 2015 Money Race

Fundraising in the final three months of 2015 largely reflected the state of the race itself, but some candidates are better positioned going forward than others.

Trump, Clinton Hold Leads In Final Des Moines Register Iowa Poll

The final Des Moines Register poll before Caucus Night shows Donald Trump leading the GOP field, and Hillary Clinton with a narrow lead over Bernie Sanders, but much of the final outcome will depend on who shows up for the respective party caucuses.

Trump and the Social Conservatives

Politics makes strange bedfellows, but come on.

Trumpless Republican Debate Garners 12.5 Million Viewers

Thursday’s debate without Donald Trump drew fewer viewers than might have been expected, but it’s unclear if that’s because Donald Trump wasn’t there.

Economy Grows At Anemic 0.7% In Final Quarter Of 2015

An anemic end to 2015 raises concerns about the health of the economy going forward.

Ted Cruz Becomes The Target At Trump-Less Debate, Trump Puts On The Donald Trump Show

Without Trump, the seventh Republican debate largely focused on Ted Cruz, who doesn’t seem to have done himself any favors. Donald Trump, meanwhile, will likely not pay any price at all for skipping the last pre-Iowa debate.

Trumpless Debate Helped Bush, But Likely Not Enough

Last night’s Republican debate had a different feel with the absence of a certain bloviating narcissist.

The Great Rubio Hope? Maybe, But He’ll Need To Show He Can Win First

Many analysts are making the argument that Marco Rubio is the GOP’s best hope to win the General Election in 2016. That may be true, but before he can get there he needs to find a way to win the GOP nomination.

If The Latest Polls Are Right, Everything’s Coming Up Trump

With mere days until voting starts, the possibility of Donald Trump running the table in the February primaries and caucuses, or nearly doing so, is more and more likely.

Rush Limbaugh Really Doesn’t Get Donald Trump

Chris Cillizza thinks “Rush Limbaugh totally gets Donald Trump.” I disagree.

Trump Says He’ll Skip Fox News Debate

Donald Trump takes his war with Fox News Channel up a notch, saying he won’t participate in Thursday’s Republican Presidential Debate.

Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Battle Going Down To The Wire

With less than a week to go before the Iowa Caucuses, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are fighting a closely-pitched battle that will depend largely on turnout.

Race For The GOP Nomination All About Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, And A Panicking GOP

With less than a week to go before voting starts, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP race, with Ted Cruz the only candidate even close to looking like a viable challenger.

Rick Perry Endorses Ted Cruz

Rick Perry is endorsing Ted Cruz for President, leading to the question of why Ted Cruz thinks an endorsement from Rick Perry has any value whatsoever.

Donald Trump Has Completely Reversed Ted Cruz’s Lead In Iowa

After grabbing a lead at the end of last year, Ted Cruz has seen Donald Trump completely reverse fortunes in Iowa with just one week to go before voting starts.

Des Moines Register Endorses Clinton, Rubio

Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio have won the endorsement of the Des Moines Register, but it’s unclear how much this will help their respective campaigns.

Michael Bloomberg Apparently Thinking Of Running For President For Some Reason

We’re in another Presidential election cycle so it must be time to speculate about Michael Bloomberg again.

Of Course ‘National Review’ Was Disinvited From the Debate

You can either be a partisan or a moderator.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

Rubio’s Dubious Campaign Strategy

Marco Rubio’s campaign strategy depends on a lot of hope, and no small degree of ignoring reality.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

Sarah Palin is back, and she’s endorsing Donald Trump for the Republican nomination for President.

Supreme Court Accepts Appeal Of Ruling Halting Obama’s Deportation Relief Programs

The Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal in what is guaranteed to be a high profile case heading into the 2016 elections.

RNC Replaces NBC News With CNN For February Debate

CNN is taking over a late February Republican debate from NBC News, meaning it will host more Republican debates this election cycle than any other single network.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Pressing The Flesh Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Sixth Republican Debate Grabs 11 Million Viewers

The primary debates continue to draw in a lot of viewers.

Many Top Jeb Bush Donors Are Looking To Jump Ship

With almost no sign that he’ll be able to turn his campaign around, many of Jeb Bush’s top campaign donors are looking to jump ship to other candidates.

Republicans Clash At Sixth Debate, And The Trump-Cruz ‘Bromance’ Comes To An End

With less than three weeks to go before voting starts, the Republican candidates for President clashed in their most contentious debate so far.

The ‘Birther’ Attacks On Ted Cruz Appear To Be Having An Impact In Iowa

The attacks on Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be President have no legal merit, but they appear to be having an impact with at least some Iowa voters.

Obama’s Lame Duck State Of The Union

President Obama’s final State Of The Union Address was largely a recognition of the fact that his time on the world stage is quickly coming to an end.

Has Ted Cruz Already Peaked In Iowa?

There are signs that Ted Cruz’s rise in the Hawkeye State will be short-lived.

Fox Business Network Announces Debate Lineup, With Paul And Fiorina Sent To Kid’s Table

Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina are the biggest losers in the lineup for the latest Republican debate on Thursday.

First Post-Holiday Polls Show Few Changes In GOP Presidential Race

With under a month to go before voting starts, the race for the GOP nomination looks about the same as it did before Christmas.

Donald Trump Suggests Ted Cruz’s Canadian Birth Could Be A Problem For The GOP

In response to questions from reporters, Donald Trump suggested that Ted Cruz’s Canadian birth could pose problems for the GOP if Cruz won the party’s nomination.

Donald Trump’s First Television Ad Hits Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Muslim Themes

Donald Trump is out with his first television ad, and it’s about what you’d expect.

Clinton, Sanders Lead In Reports Of Fundraising For Last Quarter Of 2015

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both released strong fourth quarter fundraising reports, as did Republicans Ted Cruz and Ben Carson.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Oy Vey Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Shows Up In Al Qaeda Recruitment Video

The anti-Muslim rhetoric Donald Trump has been using on the campaign trail has shown up in a recruitment video for an al Qaeda off-shoot group.

Ben Carson Loses Top Campaign Advisers In Shakeup

Further signs that Ben Carson’s Presidential campaign, which has been in a death spiral in the polls for some time now, is in real trouble,

Christie And Bush Take Aim At Marco Rubio

Jeb Bush and Chris Christie have spent the holiday week taking aim at Marco Rubio.

No, Jim Webb Probably Would Not Be A Viable Independent Candidate For President

Jim Webb’s recent criticism of Hillary Clinton is renewing speculation about an independent bid for the White House, but he hardly seems like a viable candidate for such a run.

Trump Comes In Second, Tied With Pope, In ‘Most Admired Man’ Poll

Donald Trump is in second place, and tied, with Pope Francis, in a poll asking Americans to name the person they most admired in 2015.

Donald Trump’s Iowa Supporters Not Sure They’ll Show Up At The Iowa Caucuses

Donald Trump is drawing large crowds in Iowa, but at least some of his supporters aren’t sure if they’ll be showing up for the caucuses.

The Quixotic Quest for the Radical Center

Americans don’t trust their government or each other. There’s no reason to hope it’ll get better.

Bill Clinton Set To Play Bigger Role In His Wife’s Campaign In The New Year

Former President Clinton is set to hit the campaign trail for his wife in the New Year, and that could make things quite entertaining.

Big Trouble On Team Carson

As we head into Christmas, there doesn’t seem to be much peace on Earth or good will toward men among Ben Carson’s advisers.