Republican Dysfunction

It is a bit of a mess.

Our Candidate Selection Process Needs Reform

The latest reminder.

Kyrsten Sinema Mixes Pleasure and Business

Running for office or just running?

On Polling and Media Narratives

Some thoughts on polling and the news since 2016.

Election 2021 in Context: Looking at Electorates

The electoral calendar affects who the electorate is.

HR1: Good, but Not Enough

And what GOP opposition says about the party.


All the states have been called.

Some Context for Biden’s Win

Looking back on the last three decades of presidential elections. (Part 1: the popular vote).

Models Trending Bidenward

A look at several models.

Why Roberts Sided with Abortion Rights

Is the Chief Justice laying a trap or simply ‘calling balls and strikes’?

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Mike Bloomberg Takes Another Step Toward Officially Running

Mike Bloomberg isn’t officially a candidate for President yet, but he’s getting closer.

Another Unknown Candidate Drops Out Of Presidential Race

We won’t have whats-his-name to kick around anymore.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Kamala Harris Hauls In $11.6 Million In Third Quarter

Kamala Harris has slipped in the polls but her financial numbers are still pretty respectable.

Congress To Investigate Payoffs To Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels

House Democrats are set to investigate the payoffs made to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election.

Democrats Way Behind in Fundraising Again

The DNC has $9.3 million to the RNC’s $44 million.

Biden Raises $21.5 Million In Second Quarter

It was a very successful fundraising quarter for the former Vice-President.

Reading the FEC Tea Leaves

There’s a lot of money already chasing the 2020 presidential election.

Steve King Facing Serious Republican Challenge In Iowa

Steve King, who has recently come under attack for a long history of racist remarks, is facing a strong challenge for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Roy Moore “Seriously Considering” Running For Senate Again

Disgraced former Chief Justice of Alabama Roy Moore is apparently “seriously considering” running for Senate in 2020.

Trump Closely Involved In Payoffs To Karen McDougal And Stormy Daniels

New reports indicate that Donald Trump was closely involved in the efforts to buy the silence of a Playboy model and a former adult film star.

Cohen And Trump May Be In Deep Trouble Over The Stormy Daniels Payment

The latest reports about the circumstances surrounding the payoff to Stormy Daniels could pose big problems for Michael Cohen and his client.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Ban On “Political Apparel” At Polling Places

In a significant First Amendment ruling, the Supreme Court has held that a Minnesota law barring “political apparel” at polling places is unconstitutional.

Mitt Romney Falls Short At Utah GOP Convention, Forced Into Primary

Mitt Romney stumbled in his bid to become Utah’s next Senator but he’s still likely to win the nomination anyway.

Wave of Female Candidates Likely Wave of Female Losses Come November

A feel-good story is unlikely to have a happy ending.

Supreme Court Mulls Whether States Can Ban ‘Political’ Apparel At Polling Places

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a case pitting the First Amendment against the right of states to regulate elections.

Trump Judicial Nominee Caught Unprepared By Viral Video Withdraws Nomination

A Trump judicial nominee who could not answer basic legal questions in a hearing last week has withdrawn his nomination, but this is likely to happen again unless the Administration fixes some obvious flaws in its selection process.

Another Incompetent, Unqualified Trump Judicial Nominee

Meet Matthew Peterson, a nominee for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who apparently doesn’t know much about trials.

Trump Reportedly Considering Firing Special Counsel Bob Mueller

There are reports that the President is considering firing Special Counsel Bob Mueller. Are we headed for another Saturday Night Massacre?

Clinton Campaign Pays for Obama Trip (But Not Really)

As President Obama starts campaigning for Hillary Clinton, a perennial question arises.

Hillary Clinton Is Crushing Donald Trump In The Money Race

Donald Trump has almost no cash on hand. That doesn’t bode well for his campaign going forward.

Conservatives Double Down On ‘No Hearing, No Votes’ For SCOTUS Nominee

Conservatives are sending a message to Senate Republicans about the vacancy on the Supreme Court, and it may require them to initiate a suicidal game plan.

Clinton, Sanders Lead In Reports Of Fundraising For Last Quarter Of 2015

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both released strong fourth quarter fundraising reports, as did Republicans Ted Cruz and Ben Carson.

Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of The Race For President

We won’t have Lindsey Graham to kick around anymore.

Rand Paul Likely To Miss Main Stage In Next Week’s Debate, And He’s Not Happy About That

Rand Paul is likely to miss the main stage for next Tuesday’s debate, so his campaign is already calling on CNN to change the rules.

Polls Are Imperfect Criteria For Determining Debate Eligibility, But They’re The Best We Have

Candidates who have been excluded from tomorrow’s Fox Business Network are complaining, but their complaints ignore the fact that polling is the best objective criteria we have to determine debate eligibility.

Signs Of Trouble For Jeb Bush

Once the Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush is now floundering and dealing with donors worried that they may be backing the wrong horse.

Republican Party Circulating Loyalty Oath Aimed At Donald Trump

The RNC wants Donald Trump to sign an oath that he will not run as a third-party candidate if he doesn’t win the Republican nomination.

CNN Revises Debate Criteria, Fiorina Now Likely To Make The Cut For The Main Debate

CNN has revised its criteria for the main September 16th debate such that Carly Fiorina will now most likely make the cut.

Appeals Court Upholds Law Barring Protests On Supreme Court Building Property

A Federal Appeals Court has upheld a 1949 law that bars protesters from the property around the Supreme Court building. This seems inconsistent with the Court’s recent First Amendment jurisprudence.

Driven Largely By Republicans, Public Opinion On The Supreme Court Hits A Low

Public opinion on the Supreme Court has declined significantly, largely because Republicans don’t like the Supreme Court very much right now.

Trump Refuses To Rule Out Running As A Third-Party Candidate

Donald Trump won’t rule out running against the eventual Republican nominee. Will the RNC use this as an excuse to try to force him out of the race?

Even Donald Trump’s Own Supporters Can’t Say What He’d Do As President

This is not a serious Presidential campaign, it is a bloviating sideshow.

The Money Race

It’s all about the Benjamins.

Jim Webb Is Running For President For Some Reason

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb is running for President for reasons I would assume make sense to him.