On Kavanaugh, Democrats Lack A Coherent Message And A Coherent Strategy

At least in these early days, Democrats appear to lack a coherent message, or a coherent strategy, to propel any effort to block Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Bad Arguments Against Brett Kavanaugh

There are good arguments as to why progressive Senators should vote against his confirmation. Let’s stick to those.

Calls To “Abolish ICE” Could End Up Being A Gift To Trump And The Republicans

Democrats are rallying around the “Abolish ICE” slogan in response to the Trump Administration’s immigration policies, but it could end up backfiring on them.

Majority Of Americans Want New Supreme Court Justice Confirmed Before Midterms

Democrats are making largely meaningless appeals to the so-called ‘Merrick Garland Precedent” to argue for a delay in confirming the President’s next Supreme Court nominee. The American people feel differently.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Outrage Over Minority Rule

There is a frustration and a growing sense that the American political system is illegitimate.

Jeff Flake Just Made It Easier For Trump’s Supreme Court Pick To Be Confirmed

Retiring Arizona Senator Jeff Flake says that he will not seek to block President Trump’s nominee to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.

The Merrick Garland Precedent and the Kennedy Vacancy

The unconscionable violation of norms in 2016 won’t apply in 2018; it’s a matter of power, not principle.

Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy Announces Retirement

After thirty years on the bench, during which he played a central role in some of the Supreme Court’s most significant rulings, Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring.

House Republicans Have No Idea What Direction To Take On Immigration

House Republicans are supposed to vote on one or more immigration bills this week, but can’t even agree what their policy should be.

No, Democrats Aren’t Responsible For Trump’s Family Separation Policy

President Trump and his supporters are blaming the policy of separating parents and children at the border on Democrats. This is, simply put, a lie.

States Working To Chip Away At Abortion Rights While Trump Remakes The Judiciary

While the Trump Administration slowly tries to remake the Federal Judiciary, states are moving to pass radical new challenges to Roe v. Wade.

Mike Pompeo Will Probably Be Confirmed As Secretary Of State, But He Shouldn’t Be

Despite facing headwinds in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Mike Pompeo will probably be confirmed as the next Secretary of State. That’s unfortunate.

Federal Judge Finds Civil Rights Act Bars Discrimination Against LGBT Employees

A Federal Judge in Texas has ruled that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is barred by Federal Law. Legally speaking, this is a tenuous argument at best.

Donald Trump Wants A Line Item Veto. He’ll Need A Constitutional Amendment.

Like many Presidents before him, Donald Trump wants a line-item veto. Getting there won’t be easy, nor should it be.

Spurred By Parkland Shooting, Students March, But Will It Lead To Any Actual Change?

Organizing protests was the easy part. The hard part for those who would seek to expand gun regulations is yet to come.

Did Trump Really Move Left On Guns? Don’t Count On It

President Trump appeared to change positions on several gun control ideas, but he probably doesn’t mean it.

Federal Appeals Court Rules That Employers Can’t Discriminate Based On Sexual Orientation

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals rules that existing civil rights laws bar discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Second Judge Says Trump Illegally Overturned Obama Regulation

Presidents are much more constrained in issuing and rolling back regulations than they or the public think.

Bipartisan Group Of Senators Proposes A DACA Fix, But Its Fate Is Unclear

A bipartisan group of Senators has proposed a largely reasonable fix to the DACA problem, but its fate remains unclear.

DACA Debate Going Slowly In The Senate

With time seemingly running out, the Senate debate over extending DACA is moving slowly.

Senate Reaches Budget Deal That Busts Budget Caps And Massively Increases Spending

Congress seems likely to pass a budget deal today that will massively increase spending, putting to rest once and for all the rank hypocrisy of Republicans when it comes to claims that they are “fiscally conservative.”

Congress Heads Toward Another Budget Deadline With No Apparent Deal In Sight

The current budget deal expires in six days and Congress doesn’t seem to know what it’s going to do about it.

Challenges to the Health of American Democracy

Democratic norms are eroding.

Senate Votes To Approve Agreement To Reopen Government, House Expected To Go Along

While final votes remain to be taken, the Federal Government shutdown effectively ended this afternoon with an overwhelming bipartisan vote to reopen the government, combined with a commitment from Republicans to consider a DACA bill over the next three weeks. What happens next, though, is entirely uncertain.

Trump Calls On Senate GOP Go Nuclear On Filibuster. That’s Not Going To Happen

President Trump called on Senate Republicans to eliminate the legislative filibuster to resolve the government shutdown. That’s not going to happen.

The Government Shuts Down And Washington Plays The Blame Game

The government is shut down and Washington is playing the usual blame game. In reality, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and one of the guilty parties is the American people.

Happy New Year From Outside The Beltway!

2017 was quite a year. 2018 promises to be just as interesting.

House And Senate Republicans Pass Tax Cut Bill

Republicans passed their tax bill yesterday. What that means for the economy and the 2018 midterms is another question.

Another Incompetent, Unqualified Trump Judicial Nominee

Meet Matthew Peterson, a nominee for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who apparently doesn’t know much about trials.

Republicans Say They Have a Final Tax Bill, But Senate Democrats Want A Delay

House and Senate Republicans say they have reached agreement on a final tax bill, and Democrats are engaging in an effort to delay a vote in the Senate until Doug Jones can be seated.

After 300 Days, Donald Trump Sees No Accomplishments And Dwindling Job Approval

Donald Trump has been President 300 days and the record reveals no real accomplishments and increased dissatisfaction with the job he’s doing.

Donald Trump’s Unqualified Judges

As a candidate, Donald Trump liked to claim that he only hired the “top people.” and said he would do the same thing as President. So far, it isn’t working out that way.

Republicans On Capitol Hill Admitting Defeat On Health Care Reform

At least for now, Republicans seem to be giving up on repealing and replacing the PPACA. That’s not going to make the base happy.

Steve Bannon Declares War On The Senate GOP

Former Trump aide Steve Bannon is declaring war on Republicans in the Senate.

Decertifying The Iran Nuclear Deal Would Be A Foolish, Potentially Dangerous, Error

Reports are indicating that President Trump will decertify the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. This would be a foolish and potentially dangerous mistake.

Senate Cancels Vote On Graham-Cassidy Health Care Reform Bill

What was essentially the final effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is officially dead.

California Files Suit Over Trump’s Border Wall

Yet another lawsuit against yet another controversial Trump Administration policy.

McConnell Open To Eliminating ‘Blue Slips’ For Judicial Nominees

The Senate appears ready to get rid of another procedural move designed to block judicial nominees.

Republicans To Introduce Tax Reform Package By The End Of September

Republicans will introduce a tax package by the end of the month, but whether they can actually pass anything is another question entirely.

Most Americans Want Dreamers To Have Pathway To Citizenship

Americans support allowing Dreamers to stay in the country, and most of them also support allowing them to eventually become citizens.

Senate Republicans Accept Defeat On Obamacare ‘Repeal And Replace’

The effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is dead for now.

The Administration’s Legislative Accomplishments

Trump’s legislative accomplishments have been anemic at best.

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Mexico Is Supposed To Pay For

Donald Trump is threatening to shut the government down if Congress doesn’t pay for the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

Trump And McConnell Are In A Cold War, And The GOP Agenda Is In Danger

They may both be Republicans, but the relationship between the President and the Senate Majority Leader is bad and seems to be getting worse.

After 200 Days In Office, Trump’s Job Approval Continues To Slump

After 200 days, President Trump’s job approval numbers are hitting new lows.

George Will on Alabama and GOP Politics

On the special election for US Senate in Alabama

Federal Judge: Official Violated First Amendment By Blocking User From Her Facebook Page

A Federal Judge has ruled against an elected official who blocked a constituent from accessing her Facebook page.