[Johnathan Turley testifying before Congress] [Johnathan Turley testifying before Congress]

Jonathan Turley Continues to be a Hack

I guess the attention is worth it?

Biden and Trump Are Apparently Old

Stop me if you’ve heard this one . . .

Trump and the Constitution

When checks and balances aren’t enough.

Ivy Ressentiment

Old men still bitter about where they went to college.

David McCullough, 1933-2022

A great American author is gone at 89.

No, the Framers Didn’t Screw Up Impeachment

The problem is with our politics, not our institutions.

A Separate Election For Vice-President?

A seemingly out-of-the-blue political movement is arguing in favor of independent election of Vice-Presidents.

Mitch McConnell’s April Fools’ Joke

In some expert trolling, the Senate Majority Leader decries “mindless, undiscriminating obstruction for the sake of obstruction.”

Jimmy Carter Oldest President Ever

Already the longest-serving former President, he’ll pass George H.W. Bush as the longest-living tomorrow.

The Constitution Makes A Successful Third-Party Presidential Run Unlikely

The way we elect Presidents make it unlikely that a third-party candidate like Howard Schultz could ever actually win the the Presidency.

Political Temper Tantrums and the Constitution

The efforts by Speaker Pelosi and President Trump to leverage their institutional powers raise interesting questions.

D.O.J. Inspector General Finds No Political Bias In F.B.I.’s Clinton Email Investigation

The Department of Justice’s Inspector General found that former F.B.I. Director James Comey was ‘insubordinate’ in regard to the Clinton email investigation, but found no evidence of political bias at the Bureau.

Pence And Trump Teams Clash As Pence Tries To Assert Control Of Republican Politics

Quietly, Mike Pence is seeking to create his own power base inside the GOP even as the White House pushes back.

Barbara Bush, Wife And Mother Of Presidents, Dies At 92

Barbara Bush, only the second woman in history to be the wife and mother of a U.S. President, has died at the age of 92.

Democratic Candidate Appears To Have Momentum In Virginia’s Governor’s Race

The nation’s only competitive Governor’s this year appears to be going in favor of the Democratic candidate.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Once Again, Trump Lies And The Truth Dies

President Trump’s reaction to the terror attack in Spain included an easily debunked lie about one of America’s most decorated Generals.

Ed Gillespie and Ralph Northam Win Primary Battles For Virginia Governor

Republicans and Democrats have picked their candidates for 2017’s Governor’s race, but the biggest name is likely to be one not on the ballot, Donald Trump.

Virginia Statewide Races Closely Fought Over Ahead Of Primaries

In addition to the race in New Jersey, the statewide races in Virginia are also being looked to as a barometer of American politics in the first year of the Trump Administration.

What’s Taking So Long For Trump To Name U.S. Ambassadors?

Donald Trump has been President for nearly four months, but has yet to name Ambassadorial picks for many slots including several important posts.

Joe Biden On The Verge Of Setting A Record For Vice-Presidents

Unless something happens in the next ten days, Joe Biden will become the first two-term Vice-President who didn’t need to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate.

No, The Electoral College Is Not Unconstitutional

Wherein a law professor makes the absurd argument that the Electoral College, which exists pursuant to the Constitution, is unconstitutional.

Trump, Hamilton, and the Presidency

If one believes the electoral college is awesome, one cannot make an argument from the position of “the wisdom of the Founders” nor from a viewpoint based on original intent.

Trump And Obama Continue A Long And Important Tradition

Despite resentments, power will transition peacefully from President Obama to President Trump. We should be thankful for that rather than protesting it.

The Fourth Amendment Was Meant To Protect All Of Us, Not Just The “Innocent”

When it comes to the protections of the Fourth Amendment, it doesn’t matter if you’re “guilty” or “innocent,” it protects all of us.

If Only A Contested Convention Can Stop Trump, It’s A Plan That’s Unlikely To Succeed

It seems increasingly apparent that the only way to stop Donald Trump now is by trying to force a contested convention. It also seems clear that such a plan probably wouldn’t succeed.

America’s Top Law Firms Have Declined To Defend Bans On Same-Sex Marriage

Many of America’s top law firms have declined to accept cases defending bans on same-sex marriage, and that’s okay.

Obama Favoring Donors In Ambassador Appointments? No More Than Previous Presidents

The Obama Administration took some fire yesterday for recent Ambassadorial Appointments, but the President’s record has been consistent with those of his recent predecessors.

Today in Circular Reasoning

Back to the Ten Commandments and Alabama politics.

Thank God For Negative Campaigning

Rather than being a bad thing, negative campaigning is an essential part of our political system.

A Typo in the Declaration of Independence?

Could a transcription error be changing our understanding of America’s founding document?

Should We Eliminate The Vice-Presidency?

Does the office of Vice-President serve any useful purpose anymore?

More on Moore

The line “don’t know much about history” comes to mind.

You Probably Aren’t Going To Read Anything Beyond This Headline

Politics, media, and the attention span of the average American haven’t really changed as much as we think.

Joe Biden 2016?

Tan, rested, ready, Biden in 2016?

The Size of the House

Is 435 the right number?

Obama Handing Out Ambassadorships To Top Donors And Friends, Just Like His Predecessors

President Obama has appointed a lot of donor’s and supporters to plumb Ambassadorial slots. That’s not at all unusual.

The Fourth Of July And The Fourth Amendment

Contemporary Americans accept actions by the state that were once the cause for revolt.


The White House employs calligraphers. And pays them money!

The West Wing And American Politics

Not surprisingly, television and reality don’t really coincide.

Freedom Of Speech, Blasphemy, And International Relations

Sacrificing our principles in the face of mob violence is never a good idea.

The Nastiest Campaign Ever? Or Just The Pettiest?

Maybe the real problem this year isn’t that the campaign is unduly nasty, but that it’s incredibly petty.

Priorities USA: Mitt Romney Killed A Lady

A Pro-Obama SuperPAC is out with what may be the most despicable ad so far this election cycle.

The First Amendment Makes Rick Santorum Want To Vomit

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of religion in public life are built on lies about American history.

Rick Santorum And Conservative Anti-Intellectualism

A man who has three degrees from three public universities considers the President of the United States a “snob.”

Rick Santorum v. Individual Liberty

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of government are somewhat disturbing.

Madison and States v. the Central Government

Madison went to Philadelphia wanting to increase the power of the central government over the states (quite a bit, in fact).