How America Dominates the World: Manipulations, Sex, and Money

Chamake Mauriene reveals America’s secret to world domination in Pravda.

What About Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan has not been a topic of discussion in the Presidential campaign, but that’s largely because there’s not much left to talk about.

The Political Impact Of The Supreme Court’s Health Care Ruling

Who benefits from the Supreme Court’s ObamaCare ruling?

Romney Continues To Attack Russia

Mitt Romney’s confrontational approach to Russia makes no sense.

Conservative ‘Race War’ Meme

The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.

Why Are We Letting Them Fool Us?

There’s an entire industry that profits from exploiting political controversy and division. Why do we let them get away with it?

Sarah Palin: Attacks On Gingrich Are Stalinist And “Alinskyite”

Sarah Palin isn’t running for President, and she hasn’t officially endorsed anyone, but that hasn’t stopped her from putting her thumb on the scale.

Newt Wins, CNN Loses, The Battle Of Charleston

It was another good night for Newt Gingrich in Charleston last night.

Gingrich, Perry, And The Virginia Pre-Primary

Virginia has helped winnow the Republican field. You’re welcome America.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Conservative Media Destroying Conservative Movement?

Treating entertainment as entertainment is one thing. Treating it as news and education is another.

Media Coverage for Minor Candidates

CBS accidentally admits that they are giving less attention to some of the Republican contenders.

Occupy Wall Street: Something For Everyone

What do this people want? Can’t you read the signs?

White House Officials Upset That Republicans Playing Politics Interfered With Their Attempt To Play Politics

The White House is still smarting over the fact that they got burned by John Boehner, again.

Does Ron Paul’s Strong Showing In Ames Matter? No

Does Ron Paul’s second place showing at Ames mean the media should take him seriously as a contender? No, it doesn’t.

Allen West is an Embarrassment

Freshman GOP Representative Allen West is a loose cannon and unfit for office.

Evidence for the Jon Stewart Hypothesis

The Casey Anthony trials lends evidence to support Jon Stewart’s basic hypothesis about the MSM.

Texas Unconstitutionally Attempts To Nullify Federal Law On Incandescent Light Bulbs

How many Texas politicians does it take to screw in a non-communist light bulb?

Jon Stewart vs. Fox News

Daily Show host Jon Stewart spent 15 minutes on yesterday’s Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace trying to explain why he thinks Fox is a propaganda machine.

Sarah Palin Adds South Carolina To Itinerary, And The Press Continues To Follow

Sarah Palin will be heading to yet another important primary state while insisting she isn’t running for President yet. And the press follows her like a lonely puppy.

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

The White House Press Office produces a blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and daily video programming.

You Can Never Please A Palin Supporter

The same people who were complaining a week ago that the media was obsessed with Sarah Paln are now complaining that a media figure has suggested she doesn’t deserve the coverage she gets.

Sarah Palin Testing The Waters In Iowa? Republicans Getting Nervous?

Despite a bad week and a half, there are still signs that Sarah Palin is at least looking at a run for the White House in 2012. Which may be why some Republicans seem to be getting worried about her.

Sarah Palin Responds To The Response Over Her Response To The Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin was “interviewed” by Sean Hannity last night. I doubt she helped herself.

Diagnosing The Odd Relationship Between Sarah Palin And The Media

The American media and Sarah Palin have developed an odd symbiotic relationship, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

WikiLeaks and Journalism’s Future

Has WikiLeaks changed journalism forever?

Blog Rage

Is angry and violent language which dominates blog comments sections a sign of broader trends in our political culture?

Instapaper’s Business Model: Theft?

InstaPaper’s business model is stealing content created by others, stripping it of the ads that pay the creators, and running their own advertising on it.

Sexing Up Headlines

It’s getting harder and harder to tell blogs from newspapers.

Glenn Beck Launches Blaze, HuffPo Style Magazine

Capitalizing on the buzz from his weekend rally, talk host Glenn Beck launched a new online magazine called The Blaze overnight.

Blog-Media Convergence

Blogs are all grown up now and indistinguishable from other online media.

Blogger Ethics And The Breitbart/Sherrod Story

There are some lessons for the blogosphere in this week’s Andrew Breitbart dust-up.

JournoList: Conspiracy, Scandal, Or Locker Room Trash Talk ?

JournoList’s archives have been making headlines at The Daily Caller, but there doesn’t seem to be any substance to the allegations of scandal.

Who Should be on TV?

Should outrageous people like Pamela Gellar be invited to spread their message on national television?

Andrew Breitbart Offers $ 100,000 For JournoList Archives

If you know where the JournoList archive is, Andrew Breitbart has got some cash for you.

Dave Weigel’s Anti-Conservative Rants Go Public

Sharing your unvarnished thoughts on a listserv is just asking for trouble, as Dave Weigel is the latest to discover.

McChrystal vs. Shinseki

Is there a double standard in play when generals criticize Democratic versus Republican presidents?