The Virginia Primary Ballot and the Absurdity of the System

Several candidates did not submit a completed application on time to qualify for Virginia’s Republican primary ballot.

Newt Gingrich’s Radical, Irresponsible Attack On The Judiciary

Newt Gingrich’s ideas about the role of the judiciary are very dangerous.

Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt Romney

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley becomes the latest Tea Party darling to back Mitt Romney.

Republicans Clash At The (Thankfully) Final Debate Of 2011

The final candidate clash of 2011 didn’t lead to the sparring that some expected.

Gingrich Clear Frontrunner; Can’t Beat Obama

The former Speaker has the biggest lead of any candidate thus far in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Gingrich 2012: Will The GOP End Up Nominating The Unelectable Candidate?

Newt Gingrich is leading the GOP field, but losing to President Obama, but Republican voters don’t seem to care.

Huntsman, Gingrich, And The Not-Really Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Yesterday’s encounter between Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich was less than it could have been.

Gingrich Takes Fire At Iowa Debate, Romney Misfires

This time, it was Newt Gingrich who walked away unscathed from a Republican Presidential debate.

Another Example of Fee-for-Service Fire Department Letting a Home Burn (and its Implications)

A story from Tennessee raises further questions about the role of government.

Newt Gingrich Now Clear Iowa Frontrunner

Newt Gingrich is looking really good in the Hawkeye State right now.

Santorum on Suffering and Death

Rick Santorum has some extreme views on social welfare. Of course, he isn’t alone.

Surging In Iowa: Newt Gingrich, And Ron Paul?

Stranger things have happened.

A Different Kind Of Presidential Forum

Last night’s Huckabee Presidential Forum was different, and surprisingly substantive.

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Herman Cain to kick around anymore.

The End Of Old Fashioned Retail Politics?

Is technology making retail politics less important?

Gary Johnson May Seek Libertarian Nomination

Feeling abandoned by the Republican Party, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson is weighing a Libertarian Party bid for president.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

GOP National Security Debate Live Blog

I’ll be liveblogging tonight’s Republican national security debate over at RealClearWorld along with a solid team of foreign policy analyst

Newt Gingrich Now Republican Frontrunner

Newt Gingrich, Republican frontrunner. Four words most people never thought they’d see together.

Newt Gingrich Slightly Leading In New Gallup Poll

Are these The Final Two?

The GOP’s Bizarre Iowa Debate/Forum/Church Revival Meeting

Did you know there was another GOP debate last night? Well, you didn’t miss much.

How Can Newt Gingrich Possibly Live Down His Past?

It’s hard to see how Newt Gingirch can remain a viable candidate given his past

Gingrich Surging In New Polls

Meet Newton Leroy Gingrich, the new “Not Romney.”

Republicans For Waterboarding

The most disturbing part of Saturday’s debate came when most of the GOP candidates endorsed torture.

Media Coverage for Minor Candidates

CBS accidentally admits that they are giving less attention to some of the Republican contenders.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate: Winners and Losers

Huntsman will gain little if any traction and none of the frontrunners really helped or hurt themselves.

Peter Principle Politics

Or, perhaps, the Perry Princple?

CNBC Republican Debate Winners And, Well, Loser

Last night’s debate was about more than Rick Perry’s gaffe.

Rick Santorum: Hey, Let’s Get Rid Of The Judges

Like some other Republicans, Rick Santorum has an odd view of the judiciary.

Time For A Gingrich Boomlet?

Is Newt Gingrich on the verge of a rise in the polls?

Harassment Allegations Having Little Initial Impact On Herman Cain’s Poll Numbers

So far, Hermain Cain seems to be doing okay in the polls.

Are Pundits Underestimating Herman Cain?

Would Republicans really be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain?