Would A Ron Paul Win Kill The Iowa Caucuses?

Iowa Republicans fear that a Ron Paul win on Jan. 3rd will destroy the credibility of their caucuses.

Newt Gingrich Flunks History

Newt Gingrich gets his Civil War history very wrong.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Ron Paul’s Newsletter Problem

Should Ron Paul find his currently upward trajectory to continue he will find himself facing greater media (and opposition) scrutiny.

Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt Romney

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley becomes the latest Tea Party darling to back Mitt Romney.

Obama Leading Romney And Gingrich In Florida And So. Carolina?

A lesson in why the topline poll numbers are often only the beginning of the puzzle.

The Republican Nominee is Already Running

No, some mythical candidate will not swoop in and save the day for the Republican Party.

Newt Gingrich Now Clear Iowa Frontrunner

Newt Gingrich is looking really good in the Hawkeye State right now.

Explaining The GOP Attraction To Gingrich

Gingrich is rising in the polls for reasons that help him in the primary race, but may hurt in a General Election.

Could Rick Perry Come Back?

The odds of a come back by the Texas Governor do not look good.

Surging In Iowa: Newt Gingrich, And Ron Paul?

Stranger things have happened.

Could Gingrich Win The GOP Nomination?

Could Newt Gingrich really become the Republican nominee? Stranger things have happened.

Manchester Union-Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich

It was a good day for Newt Gingrich, but will it matter in the end?

Newt Gingrich On Immigration: A Perry Moment?

Newt Gingrich spoke some truth on immigration last night, and that might hurt him with Republican voters.

Newt Gingrich Now Republican Frontrunner

Newt Gingrich, Republican frontrunner. Four words most people never thought they’d see together.

With Super Committee Dead, Showdown Likely Over Defense Cuts

With the Super Committee dead, 2012 is likely to see a fight over the defense cuts set to take place starting in 2013.

The GOP’s Bizarre Iowa Debate/Forum/Church Revival Meeting

Did you know there was another GOP debate last night? Well, you didn’t miss much.

Rick Perry’s Wrongheaded “Government Reform” Plan

Rick Perry is out with a plan to reform Washington. Mostly, it’s just a bunch of gimmicks.

Herman Cain Flunks The Commander In Chief Test

Last night, Herman Cain established that he simply isn’t prepared to be Commander in Chief.

Citadel Child Molestation Scandal

As if we needed another child rape scandal involving a famous institution of higher learning . . .

Will Jon Huntsman Get A Second Look, Or Even A First, From Conservatives?

Jon Huntsman’s campaign has never really gotten off the ground. Will conservatives start taking him more seriously?

Foreign Policy Mostly Missing From Republican Race

The Republican candidates for President have been mostly silent about foreign policy issues. That changes starting tonight.

CNBC Republican Debate Winners And, Well, Loser

Last night’s debate was about more than Rick Perry’s gaffe.

Rick Perry’s Not Really Flat Flat Tax Plan

Rick Perry’s tax plan isn’t very impressive.

Herman Cain Continues To Lead GOP Field

Quite improbably, Herman Cain remains at the top of the GOP field.

Rick Perry: Talking About The President’s Birth Certificate Is “Fun”

On the day his campaign is set to make a major economic roll out, Rick Perry went the birther route again.

The GOP Field’s War On The Federal Judiciary

Many of the Republican candidates for President advocate ideas that would restrict the power of the Federal Judiciary.

Michele Bachmann’s Entire New Hampshire Staff Quits

Michele Bachmann is looking for a few good staffers for the Granite State.

Abortion Comments Could Pose Problems For Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s comments about abortion could pose a problem for him with social conservatives.