Trump Campaign Forces Volunteers To Sign Non-Disparagement Agreement

If you want to volunteer for Donald Trump, you’ll have to agree to never disparage Trump, his family, his campaign, or any of his businesses. Forever.

Evan McMullin’s Presidential Campaign Not Going So Well

The “independent conservative” running for President is finding it hard to even get on the ballot.

Clinton Continues To Show That Virginia Probably Isn’t A Swing State This Year

Another poll confirms that Virginia is firmly in the pocket of Hillary Clinton.

Trump Barely Leading In South Carolina?

A new poll shows Donald Trump barely winning in a state that should be solidly red.

Benghazi Committee Report Uncovers Mistakes, But No Wrongdoing

As with each previous committee that investigated the 2012 attack on the U.S outpost in Benghazi, the House Select Committee finds that mistakes were made but no evidence of wrongdoing or cover-ups.

Nobody Wants To Speak At Donald Trump’s Convention

Republican officials are running away from Donald Trump the way they’d run away from a horde of mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus.

Evaluating Donald Trump’s Short List For Running Mates

The Trump campaign is out with its own ‘short list’ of potential running mates.

Federal Trial For Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Set For November

It won’t be a very good holiday season for Charleston Church shooter Dylann Roof.

As Republicans Run From Trump, The Seeds Of A GOP Civil War May Be Starting To Grow

With top Republicans recoiling from the realization that the GOP is stuck with Trump in 2016, the ground seems to be being prepared for a conflict that could tear the GOP apart regardless of who wins in November.

Republicans Suddenly Finding ‘Scheduling Conflicts’ That Preclude Showing Up In Cleveland

An increasing number of Republican politicians are finding reasons to skip the Republican National Convention.

Federal Prosecutors To Seek Death Penalty Against Dylann Roof For Charleston Shootings

Following in the footsteps of state prosecutors, Federal prosecutors have announced they will seek the death penalty for Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof.

Oklahoma Legislature Passes Unconstitutional Bill That Makes Abortion A Felony

Oklahoma’s Republican legislature passed a clearly unconstitutional bill outlawing abortion in the state.

Sanders And Clinton Split Victories, Clinton Has Nomination In Sight

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders split victories in Kentucky and Oregon last night, and Clinton is now less than 100 delegates away from an historic victory.

Republicans Discuss Rules Changes To Stop The Next Donald Trump

Even before the 2016 convention, Republicans are talking about possible rules changes to stop another Trump-like candidate in 2020 or beyond.

Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, And The Future Of The Republican Party

Paul Ryan is declining to back Donald Trump for the time being, but other Republicans are making their own choices.

Donald Trump’s Vice-Presidential Choice: Would It Be Conventional, Or Crazy?

Several top Republicans have already said that they would not accept a position on a ticket with Donald Trump, so who might he choose?

Republicans Resigning Themselves To Trump Being Their Nominee

For better or worse, Republicans seem to be resigning themselves to the inevitable.

New Jersey Judge Rules Ted Cruz Is A “Natural Born Citizen”

A New Jersey judge, along with a Judge in Pennsylvania, is among the first to rule on the meaning of the ‘natural born citizen’ clause.

At Least Some Republicans Are Still Fighting Against Marriage Equality

For most Americans, the debate over same-sex marriage is over and marriage equality has won. This would not, however, include the social conservatives who continue to have a much too vocal role in the Republican Party.

Donald Trump: Women Who Get Abortions Should Be ‘Punished’

Donald Trump takes opposition to abortion to a new, extreme, level.

Republican Delegate Math Continues To Heavily Favor Donald Trump

Looking at the delegate math, Donald Trump’s path to victory seems to be becoming clearer by the day.

We Won’t Have Marco Rubio To Kick Around Anymore

Marco Rubio is ruling out a return to politics, at least for now.

Rubio Quits, Kasich Stays Afloat, And Trump Moves Closer To Being The Inevitable GOP Nominee

A big night in the Republican race for President leaves Donald Trump as the only candidate realistically situated to be anywhere near a majority of delegates by the time the primaries end in June.

Despite Winning Two Caucuses, ‘Super Saturday’ Was Mostly Bad News For Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders won two of the three Democratic contests last night, but he fell further behind in the delegate count any way and isn’t very far from being mathematically eliminated.

Voters Head To Polls And Caucuses In Five States On ‘Super Saturday’

They haven’t gotten much attention, but there are five contests today as the 2016 nomination process continues to move forward.

Pat Conroy, Lords of Discipline Author, Dead at 70

The great author Pat Conroy has died, aged 70, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

Hillary Clinton Scores Decisive Super Tuesday Wins, Moves One Step Closer To Nomination

As expected, Hillary Clinton won big last night while Bernie Sanders largely floundered, thus going further toward making Clinton’s victory inevitable.

Donald Trump Dominates Super Tuesday, Cruz And Rubio Say They’ll Continue To Fight On

As expected, Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday, putting himself one step closer to becoming the Republican nominee for President.

GOP’s Delegate Allocation Rules Are Helping Trump

Changes that the Republican National Committee made to delegate allocation rules in response to what happened in 2012 are helping Donald Trump in 2016.

Hillary Clinton Trounces Sanders In South Carolina

Hillary Clinton crushed Bernie Sander last night in South Carolina, pushing the race further down the path that leads to an inevitable outcome.

With Little Suspense Regarding The Outcome, Democrats Head To The Polls In South Carolina

There’s little doubt that Hillary Clinton will win today’s South Carolina Primary, the only question is how big a win she’s likely to score.

Melissa Harris-Perry Doesn’t Understand TV

The host of a weekend show on MSNBC is angry that the network wants her to talk about the presidential race.

Rubio Campaign Telling Donors It’s Preparing For A Brokered Convention

Bizarrely, the Marco Rubio campaign seems to be telling donors that their candidate may have to hope for a brokered convention to win the GOP nomination.

Gloves Come Off Against Trump In Tenth Republican Debate, But Is It Too Little, Too Late?

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz landed some punches on Donald Trump last night, but it’s doubtful that they changed the nature of the race.

Is Bernie Sanders Finally Coming To Realize He Can’t Possibly Win The Nomination?

With the Democratic race headed into territory where Hillary Clinton is heavily favored, Bernie Sanders may finally be coming to realize that he can’t possibly win the Democratic nomination.

Another Chaotic Nevada Caucus Helps Make The Case For Eliminating Caucuses Altogether

This year’s Nevada Caucuses are a good argument for why there should not be any more caucuses.

Donald Trump Scores Solid Win In Nevada

Donald Trump won his third contest in a row in Nevada, putting him one step closer to inevitability.

Senate Republicans Vow No Hearings On Supreme Court Nominee From President Obama

Notwithstanding polling that indicates the American public disagrees with them, Senate Republicans emerged from a meeting today largely united on the idea of not giving any Supreme Court nominee named by President a hearing, or even the courtesy of a meeting.

Ben Carson: President Obama Was “Raised White,” Can’t Identify With African-Americans

Ben Carson may be a non-entity in the Presidential race at this point, but that hasn’t stopped him from making controversial statements.

President Obama Submits Quixotic Plan To Close Guantanamo Bay Prison

The President has another plan to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. It’s as likely to be well-received on Capitol Hill as all of his other previous plans on this issue.

Nevada Hoping To Avoid Another Chaotic Caucus

Tonight’s Nevada Caucuses could be as chaotic as the floor of a Vegas casino, but Donald Trump seems to be in position to score another win.

Can Donald Trump Be Stopped?

Donald Trump hasn’t hit the point of inevitability yet, but time is running short if Republicans are going to stop him.

Donald Trump Suggests Marco Rubio May Not Be Eligible To Be President

Donald Trump is trolling the depths of the Internet’s conspiracy dungeons once again. This time to raise the largely absurd argument that Marco Rubio may not be eligible to serve as President.

The End, At Least For Now, Of The Bush Dynasty

For now at least, the Bush Dynasty has seen the end of its involvement in national politics.

Trump Wins South Carolina, Rubio & Cruz Fight For Second, Bush Drops Out

Donald Trump racks up another big win, while Marco Rubio surges into second and likely saves his campaign for now.

Hillary Clinton Scores Solid Victory Over Bernie Sanders In Nevada

Hillary Clinton pulled off a strong win that promises to set up a string of victories that will likely leave Bernie Sanders in the dust.