Manchester Union-Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich

It was a good day for Newt Gingrich, but will it matter in the end?

Newt Gingrich Now Republican Frontrunner

Newt Gingrich, Republican frontrunner. Four words most people never thought they’d see together.

Blaming Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist has become the target of blame for problems that are far more deep than just one man.

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

Gingrich Nearly Tied With Romney In New Hampshire? Don’t Be So Sure Just Yet

A new poll appears to show Newt Gingrich surging in New Hampshire, but there are several caveats to take into account.

Republican Foreign Policy Craziness Inherent in the System

My latest for The Atlantic: “Some Reasons Not to Worry About Republican Foreign Policy Craziness”

Occupy Wall Street Now Less Popular Than Tea Party Movement

Public opinion on the Occupy movement has turned increasingly sour.

Should Justice Kagan Recuse Herself From Health Care Reform Case?

Questions have been raised about whether it is proper for Elena Kagan to hear the Affordable Care Act lawsuit.

Gingrich Surging In New Polls

Meet Newton Leroy Gingrich, the new “Not Romney.”

Will Jon Huntsman Get A Second Look, Or Even A First, From Conservatives?

Jon Huntsman’s campaign has never really gotten off the ground. Will conservatives start taking him more seriously?

Peter Principle Politics

Or, perhaps, the Perry Princple?

Occupy Nearly as Unpopular as Tea Party

A new poll shows a plurality of people now have an unfavorable view of the Occupy movement.

Obama’s Path To Victory

Despite the seeming odds against him, the Electoral College map is very favorable for President Obama.

The Key Question for Republicans Regarding November 2012

Is public dissatisfaction with Obama also a cry for a conservative revolution?

A President Shouldn’t Just Rely On Experts

Herman Cain’s promise to rely on “experts” should raise eyebrows everywhere.

What Does Will Want?

What exactly does George Will want out of the GOP?

George Will Slams Mitt Romney, And The Right

George Will reminds conservatives to look in the mirror if the prospect of a President Romney dismays them.

OWS’ Seedy Underbelly

A righteous movement risks derailment by a handful of thugs and reprobates.

Are Pundits Underestimating Herman Cain?

Would Republicans really be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain?

Occupy Wall Street On The Verge Of Fizzling Out?

As the season changes, the Occupy Wall Street movement seems destined to peter out.

ACORN Behind Occupy Movement, Right Wing Media Charges

Unnamed “sources” claim that ACORN is somehow behind Occupy Wall Street and its offshoots.

Occupy Wall Street Response to Cheating, Not Winning

Occupy Wall Street is not motivated by envy of the rich or even animus towards banks.

F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police

A video from Occupy Dayton in which a protestor is shouting “F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police!” is going viral.

The GOP Field’s War On The Federal Judiciary

Many of the Republican candidates for President advocate ideas that would restrict the power of the Federal Judiciary.

Mitt Romney Still The Inevitable Nominee

As of now, there’s no reason to believe that Mitt Romney won’t be the Republican nominee in 2012.

Cantor’s Wharton Speech Derailed

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor abruptly canceled a long-scheduled speech to the Wharton Business School after school officials changed the guest list.

Occupy Wall Street: What It Isn’t

There’s no consensus for European-style social democracy or a Randian libertarian paradise.

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

Occupy Wall Street Outside The Mainstream?

Does “Occupy Wall Street” really represent the people they claim to be speaking for?

Trying to Understand OWS

Pondering Tea Party comparisons as well as the “does it matter?” question.

Reassessing Occupy Wall Street And The 99%’ers

Some on the right are giving Occupy Wall Street and The 99%’ers a second look.

Herman Cain’s Bizarre Immigration Plan: Electrify The Border Fence

Like his tax plan, Herman Cain’s immigration plan is not serious.

Can Occupy Wall Street Win?

The Occupy Wall Street movement faces obstacles its Tea Party counterpart didn’t.

Bailing Out Underwater Mortgages

Ronald Reagan’s chief economist has a radical plan for solving the housing crisis.

Moving Goalposts of American Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.

The Tea Party Surrender On Corporate Welfare

The Tea Party flame was lit by the battle over TARP, but they quickly forgot about those bailouts that supposedly upset them so much.

Herman Cain: New Republican Frontrunner?!

Herman Cain is leading Mitt Romney in two respected polls.

The End Of The Road For Rick Perry?

Rick Perry’s campaign isn’t dead by any means, but he needs to turn things around soon.

The Utter Folly Of Herman Cain’s “9-9-9” Plan

Now that he’s a top tier candidate, it’s hard to see how Herman Cain’s tax plan can withstand serious scrutiny.