Have There Really Been 355 ‘Mass Shootings’ This Year? Only If You’re Relying On Bad Data

No, there really haven’t been 355 ‘mass shootings’ since January 1st. Not unless you’re relying on completely unreliable data.

Republican Insiders Still Worried About Donald Trump, Still Don’t Know What To Do About Him

For good reason, many Republicans are worried about the prospect that Donald Trump could end up winning the Republican nominee, but they don’t seem to have a plan to stop him.

Yes, Trump is the Frontrunner, but…

Polls are quite useful in the right circumstances, but knowledge, complexity, and timing all have to be taken into account in determining what they are telling us.

The Battle Of The 2016 Narratives

To a large degree, the narrative you believe will govern the 2016 elections depend on which party you want to see win. But what’s the most likely outcome?

Even Ben Carson’s Own Advisers Admit He’s Clueless On Foreign Policy

Even the people hired to advice Ben Carson on foreign policy seem to recognize that he is clueless on the subject, and has no apparent desire to educate himself.

Thanks To Pandering And Fearmongering, Syrian Refugees Are Now Pawns In American Politics

Syrian refugees have quickly become political footballs in the United States in the wake of the Paris attacks, and it’s become an exceedingly shameful display of pandering and fearmongering by a group of largely Republican politicians.

Republican Candidates For President Clash In Fourth Debate

Last night’s debate in Wisconsin was arguably the most substantive we’ve seen so far between the Republican candidates, and one that displayed quite starkly the policy differences between them.

Polling Shows Democrats Less Engaged In The 2016 Campaign Than Republicans

A new poll shows that Democratic voters are less engaged in the 2016 campaign right now than Republicans are, but that probably doesn’t mean that much for next year.

Republican Primary Rules Favor Centrists

Why Republicans nominate moderates for president and not other offices.

Paul Ryan’s Comments On The Likelihood Of Immigration Reform Simply Reflect Political Realty

Paul Ryan’s admission that immigration reform will not happen as long as Barack Obama is President simply reflects the reality of immigration politics in Congress.

Senate Passes Two-Year Budget Deal

As expected, the Senate easily passed the two-year budget deal early this morning.

Paul Ryan Easily Elected Speaker Of The House

With only a handful of opposition, Paul Ryan was easily elected the 62nd Speaker of the House.

After Opposing Procedure Under Which It Was Negotiated, Paul Ryan Will Support Budget Deal

Yesterday, Paul Ryan spoke out against the procedure under which the new budget deal was negotiated. Today, he announced that he’ll vote for it anyway.

Paul Ryan Blasts Budget Deal Process, But He’s Likely Very Pleased It Happened

Paul Ryan is blasting the process that led to the new budget deal between the GOP and the White House, but one suspects he’s secretly quite pleased with the fact that it makes his job-to-be a lot easier.

Ben Carson Overtakes Donald Trump In New National Poll

One unqualified outsider with a history of saying outrageous things replaces another unqualified outsider with a history of saying outrageous things, at least according to yet another new poll.

Congress, White House Reach Budget Deal, John Boehner’s Parting Gift To Paul Ryan?

Congress and the White House have reached a tentative deal on the budget and debt ceiling that promises to make Paul Ryan’s initial months as Speaker a lot easier.

Signs Of Trouble For Jeb Bush

Once the Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush is now floundering and dealing with donors worried that they may be backing the wrong horse.

With Last Obstacles To Becoming Speaker Clear, Paul Ryan Is “All In”

With the voting now seemingly a mere formality, the question becomes what kind of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will become.

House Benghazi Committee Takes Repeated Swings At Hillary Clinton, Mostly Ends Up Hitting Itself

After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.

Paul Ryan Now Has A Clear Path To Become Speaker Of The House

With the top conservative caucus in Congress acquiescing to his candidacy, Paul Ryan is largely certain to become the next Speaker of the House.

The Benghazi Committee Gets Its Moment In The Spotlight, And So Does Hillary Clinton

What will likely be the apex of the House Select Committee’s investigation of the Benghazi attack begins and ends today with the testimony of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Paul Ryan Willing To Be Speaker, If All His Conditions Are Met

Paul Ryan has never really wanted to be Speaker Of The House, but he’s take the job if House Republicans meet the conditions he’s set out.

Will He Or Won’t He? Washington Waits On Paul Ryan’s Decision On Running For Speaker

With Congress set to come back from its recess, attention is once again turning to the race for Speaker and one Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

Despite Saying No, Paul Ryan Is Being Heavily Lobbied To Run For Speaker

Paul Ryan is getting pressure from all sides to get into the race for Speaker Of The House.

Kevin McCarthy Drops Out Of Race For Speaker, House Republicans In Chaos

Another political earthquake in Washington as Kevin McCarthy drops out of the race for Speaker, and the House GOP doesn’t seem to know which way to go.

Marco Rubio, The Next GOP Rising Star?

Quietly, Florida Senator Marco Rubio has been moving close to the front f the race for the Republican Presidential nomination.

President Obama’s Empty Rhetoric On Guns

In the wake of yesterday’s shootings in Oregon, President Obama took the airwaves to offer the same empty rhetoric he has on this issue in the past, and to make the false claim that there are simple solutions to what is a very complex problem.

Kevin McCarthy Inadvertently Tells The Truth About The House Benghazi Committee

The man who will likely be the next Speaker of the House accidentally acknowledged the real motivation behind the Select Committee investigating, yet again, the Benghazi attack.

House Speaker John Boehner To Resign

Big news out of Washington, D.C.

Scott Walker Dropping Out Of Presidential Race

Once a candidate that many believed could become the Republican nominee, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is dropping out of the race for President.

Donald Trump Still Leads The GOP Race In First Post-Debate Polls

The first significant national polls taken in the wake of last week’s debate show that Donald Trump has slipped somewhat, but still remains the clear leader of the Republican race for President.

Republicans Clash In Second Debate That Seemed To Last Forever

The Republican candidates for President took to the stage last night for a debate that seemed to last forever and accomplished nothing.

Republicans See Donald Trump As ‘Presidential,’ The Rest Of America Not So Much

Polling shows that Republicans increasingly see Donald Trump as Presidential and trustworthy. The rest of America disagrees.

Despite Obvious Shortcomings, Ben Carson Rises In The Polls

Ben Carson has no government experience, he has a history of saying things that don’t seem grounded in reality, and he lacks the resources for a credible campaign. And yet, he’s closing in on Donald Trump in the polls.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Lead The GOP Field Heading Into Second Debate

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain at the top of the Republican Presidential field heading into the second debate on Wednesday.

Scott Walker’s Campaign Seems To Be In Serious Trouble

Scott Walker used to have a commanding lead in Iowa, now he’s in 7th place. That’s just another sign of the troubles facing his campaign.

The 2016 Electoral College Battlefield Is Very Small

The 2016 election will be fought on a very small battlefield, and right now the makeup of that battlefield heavily favors the Democrats.

Republican Candidates Rally Around Lawbreaker Kim Davis, Trample All Over The Rule Of Law

Most of the Republican candidates for President would rather support a lawbreaker than the Rule of Law. The American people should judge them accordingly.

Republican Re-Runs Faring Poorly

None of the top eight candidates in current polls have made a previous bid for the nomination.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Tied In New Iowa Poll

Two candidates with no political experienced whatsoever are tied in Iowa as Republican voters continue to reject anyone with political experience.

Scott Walker And Chris Christie Pander To Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Base

Scott Walker and Chris Christie apparently think that the key to turning around their dying campaigns is to pander to the people supporting Donald Trump’s anti-immigration platform.

Clinton’s Democratic Opponents Upset With Parsimonious Debate Schedule

Some of Hillary Clinton’s Democratic opponents are complaining about the DNC’s parsimonious debate schedule.

Candidate Loyalty Oaths Are Unenforceable And Unconstitutional

States who try to use loyalty oaths to keep Donald Trump off the ballot will be running afoul of the Constitution.

Trump Continues To Lead The GOP Field, But Is His Support Overstated?

Donald Trump’s support in the polls appears to become coming largely from people who don’t typically vote in primary elections.