Will Fewer Soldiers and Marines Come with Fewer Wars?

My latest for The National Interest, “Hagel’s Defense Cuts: The Least Bad Choice,” is out.

Six Californias?

A rich guy wants to break up California.

Basic Math and Representative Blackburn

Lack of understanding or basic dishonesty?

We’re 46th! USA!

Tennessee Volkswagen Workers Reject Unionization

A big setback for the UAW.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The How Do You Stand On Nuclear Waste? Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

TSA Touts Toothpaste Tube Terror Threat

Just when it became safe to keep your shoes and tablets on, a new threat to the friendly skies has emerged: toothpaste.

Mitt Romney 2016

A certain wealthy man with good hair is doing very well in a meaningless poll.

ISA v. Blogs

Republicans Haven’t Reformed But May Win Anyway

Republican leaders continue to say stupid things. They may still retake the Senate in November.

Airline Passengers Are Revolting

Airlines are squeezing ever-larger passengers into ever-smaller spaces. Naturally, the passengers are taking it out on the other passengers.

GOP Congressman: My Idea To Force Poor Kids To Work For Lunch Not Directed At Poor Kids

A GOP Senate Candidate in Georgia attempts to back track, and runs off the rails in the process.

Congress Orders Pentagon to Adopt Common Camouflage Pattern (Again)

The defense authorization law requires the Defense Department to go back to a single camouflage pattern.

A Texas-Sized Primary Challenge, Or Much Ado About Nothing?

Congressman Steve Stockman’s primary challenge of Senator John Cornyn could be a big deal, or, more likely, it could be a dud.

End Presidential Term Limits?

A third term for any of these guys? Don’t count on it.

Texas May Block Biology Textbook Because Of Evolution

Once again, some groups in Texas are trying to block approval of a science textbook because it is too deferential to Evolution.

No, We Don’t Need To Allow People To Make Cellphone Calls On Airplanes

Imagine all these people talking on the cellphones during a long flight, or even a short one.

Do Barack Obama And Mike Bloomberg Want To Ruin Family Thanksgiving Gatherings?

Guess what’s coming to the dinner table.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The You Make Me Wanna SHOUT Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Is President Obama’s “Administrative Fix” Even Legal? Probably Not

The Imperial Presidency didn’t start with Barack Obama, but his PPACA “fix” does much to expand it into questionable new territory.

Former Fla. Governor Charlie Crist Is Running For His Old Job, As A Democrat

Charlie Crist, and his tan, want the Governor’s Mansion back.

November 5th Not Looking Good For Virginia Republicans

With debate season over, it’s looking less and less likely that Virginia Republicans will be able to hold back the Democrats on November 5th.

Healthcare.gov Security Flaws Could Make Social Security Numbers Publicly Available

Even if it were functioning properly the Federal Health Care Exchange website would still have problems.

Mario Cuomo Finally Watches The Godfather

Until this weekend, Mario Cuomo had refused to watch The Godfather. He still isn’t being very fair to it.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

New Jersey Senate Race Tightens Ahead Of Election Day, But Booker Will Still Win

Cory Booker has not been quite as dominant in the New Jersey Special Election as many expected, but he’s still a virtual lock to win on Wednesday.

McAuliffe Still Leading In Virginia Polls, Cuccinelli Scaling Back Ad Buys?

The Virginia Governor’s race may be slipping too far for Republicans to pull off a victory.

Supreme Court Weighs Campaign Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court heard argument in a major campaign finance case yesterday.

Obama As Polarizing As Bush

The political polarization we saw during the Bush Presidency has continued throughout the Obama Presidency.

Naval Academy’s Culture Problem

The long investigation into rape at the Naval Academy has revealed some ugly truths.

Drug War Using American Phone Records More Than Terror War

Prism ain’t got nothin’ on the Hemisphere Project.

Obama’s Hamlet Act

The president’s public dithering on Syria is drawing jeers from friend and foe alike.

Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years

Bradley Manning will be spending a long time at Leavenworth.

America’s Inconvenient Constitution

With more than a little hyperbole, George Will declares “Obama’s unconstitutional steps worse than Nixon’s.”

Instead Of Working Hard, Congress Is Hardly Working

Congress isn’t spending much time in Washington these days but that’s only one of the reasons it isn’t accomplishing very much.

New York Times Sells Boston Globe For 95% Loss

A business move that signals the continuing death of the newspaper industry.

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

Transgender Soldiers Next Barrier

Last month, a retired Navy SEAL came out as transgender. Those still in uniform, however, must serve in silence.

For The Eighth Time, Obama Pivots To The Economy

Time to “pivot to the economy” again.

Breaking: Top Officers Live in Nice Houses

As Congress eyes the Defense budget for cuts, some are drawing attention to the lavish housing of our top brass.

GOP In Good Position To Grab Senate Control In 2014

The GOP’s chances to take over the Senate became much better over the weekend.

Iowa Supreme Court Affirms You Can Be Fired For Being Too Attractive

If you’re too sexy for your job in Iowa, your boss may be able to fire you.

Female Inmates Wrongfully Sterilized In California Prisons

Shocking news out of California.