Transgender 1st Grader Can Use Girls’ Bathroom

A Colorado 6-year-old with a penis has successfully sued for the right to use the girls’ restroom.

Edward Snowden Is Not The Story, And You Don’t Have To Like Him

Focusing on Edward Snowden is largely a waste of time.

Grades, Resumes, Interviews Don’t Predict Job Success

The traditional tools used by hiring managers to find employees don’t work.

West Virginia Teen Faces Jail Time For Wearing NRA T-Shirt To School

An absolutely ridiculous criminal case out of West Virginia.

Military Judge: Obama’s Comments On Military Sex Abuse An “Undue Command Influence”

Did President Obama’s comments about taking a tough stand on military sexual assault constitute “undue influence” on specific cases? One military judge says that they did.

Republicans Haven’t Learned The Lessons Of 2012

The GOP seems to be making the same mistakes that led to defeat in 2012.

IRS Says IRS Conferences Followed IRS Rules

The IRS spent $50 million on 225 employee conferences. What did the taxpayer get in return?

Facebook Billionaire Wedding Ignores Law, Wrecks Environment, Pays $2.5 Million

Facebook billionaire Sean Parker wanted an elaborate wedding based on the Lord of the Rings and wasn’t going to let little things like the law or some environmental damage stop him.

Indian Student Denied Diploma for Wearing Feather to Graduation

A weird story from rural Alabama.

Joint Chiefs Want to Keep Sexual Assault Prosecution Authority

If there’s one thing that our generals and admirals agree on it’s that generals and admirals should retain their power.

Did Eric Holder Commit Perjury? Probably Not

Eric Holder’s testimony before Congress is leading to accusations of perjury, but the argument that he did so seem pretty weak.

Just Say No To Special Prosecutors

Republicans should reject the calls to call for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the unfolding scandals in Washington.

U.S. Murder Rate On Track To Be Lowest In More Than 100 Years

Homicide rates are on pace to be lower than they were at the start of the 20th Century.

501(c)4 vs 501(c)3 vs 527

Almost no one can confidently explain, let alone define, the specifics of the 501(c)4 designation.

The New Normal Ain’t Normal

A generation of kids with massive student loans and no prospects is bad news for the status quo.

Does Benghazi Rise To The Level Of A “Scandal?”

Republicans looking to Benghazi for political ammunition are likely going to be disappointed.

China And The Future Of World Oil Markets

The world oil markets aren’t too far away from being hit by the shock of massively increased demand from China. Somehow, we’ll have to adapt.

Biden: Without Economic Collapse, McCain Would’ve Won In 2008

John McCain’s problems in 2008 went far beyond an economic crisis.

CIA Wanted Tamerlan Tsarnaev on Terrorist Watch List in 2011

The CIA unsuccessfully lobbied to put Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the eldest of the Boston Marathon bombers, on the counterterrorism watch list in 2011.

Judging Presidents (and Thinking about Institutions)

Because sometimes poorly contructed observations can set a fellow to writing.

Has Hillary Clinton Learned from 2008 Mistakes?

Will the prohibitive favorite for the 2016 Democratic nomination do it differently this time around?

Killing Terrorist Leaders Prolonging War on Terror?

Targeting terrorist leadership may be counterproductive.

Obama’s Second Term Honeymoon Looks To Be Over

President Obama’s job approval numbers have fallen off from their post-election highs. But, does it matter?

CIA Amazon Cloud

The CIA will soon be storing our nation’s most sensitive information with a private company.

Malaysia Buys Bloggers, Forgets to Haggle Over Price

The government of Malaysia paid a lot of money to get some blogs placed at various outlets.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Quark Side Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Bloomberg Big Soda Ban Dumber Than We Thought

The Big Gulp ban won’t ban Big Gulps. But it’ll ban 2-liter Cokes with your pizza and pitchers at Chuck E. Cheese.

George Will Discovers Solitary Confinement

George Will declares solitary confinement tantamount to torture.

The GOP’s Problems Aren’t Just About “Messaging”

The GOP isn’t going to solve it’s problems solely by concentrating on “messaging.”

DIA Briefing Encourages Women to Wear Makeup and Skirts

The “I” in DIA apparently does not stand for Intelligence.

Law School Applications Nearing 30 Year Low

Applications to America’s Law Schools are down, because the nature of the legal profession is changing.

The Army is Not the NFL

A retired Marine gunny argues that women should not be in the infantry since they’re not in the National Football League.

The Art Of Compromise

You can’t always get what you want.

Administrative Bloat at America’s Colleges and Universities

One major factor in the skyrocketing cost of a college education in America is a huge increase in overhead costs.

Congressional Gridlock And The Disappearing Swing District

There are very rational reasons behind the current gridlock on Capitol Hill.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Witch Doctor Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Charlie Crist Officially a Democrat

Charlie Crist, run out of the Republican Party, is now a Democrat.

Air Force Cracks Down On Objectification

The Air Force has a leadership crisis.