President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, listens as William N. Bryan, science and technology advisor to the DHS Secretary, delivers remarks and answers questions from members of the press during a coronavirus task force briefing Thursday, April 23, 2020, in the James S. Brady White House Press Briefing Room. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian) President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, listens as William N. Bryan, science and technology advisor to the DHS Secretary, delivers remarks and answers questions from members of the press during a coronavirus task force briefing Thursday, April 23, 2020, in the James S. Brady White House Press Briefing Room. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

Trump May Have Fewer Coronavirus Briefings

It’s about damned time.

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a tree planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day Wednesday, April 22, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks) President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a tree planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day Wednesday, April 22, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Trump in Trouble

Things are not looking good.

Polling On Impeachment Largely Unmoved On Eve Of House Vote

With the House of Representatives just days away from impeaching President Trump, polling shows that public opinion on the issue has not changed much since October.

Mike Bloomberg Takes Another Step Toward Officially Running

Mike Bloomberg isn’t officially a candidate for President yet, but he’s getting closer.

Trump And The GOP Continuing To Implode Among Suburban Voters

Tuesday’s elections continued a trend in which Republicans have lost support among suburban voters, even in deeply red states. Guess who’s responsible for that.

Jeff Sessions Running For His Old Senate Seat

Jeff Sessions is running to win back his old Senate seat, putting into play the possibility of a clash with President Trump.

Trump Bows Down To King Corn On Ethanol Subsidies And Mandates

With an eye on the trade war and the 2020 election, President Trump is increasing subsidies and mandates for corn-based ethanol.

Democratic Candidates Leading Trump By Huge Margin Among Latino Voters

A new poll finds President Trump trailing his potential Democratic opponents by huge margins among Latino voters.

Trump’s Electoral College Advantage Growing

He could lose the popular vote by an even larger margin in 2020—and still coast to re-election.

Bernie Sanders Hitting A Rough Patch

Bernie Sanders is finding that the 2020 campaign is very different from 2016.

Trump Campaign Worried About Pennsylvania

Trump campaign officials are worried about the President’s chances of holding onto a state that was crucial to his win in 2020. They should be.

Trump’s 2020 Message Is Clear, And It’s Not A Healthy One

The tone and content of President Trump’s 2020 campaign is already quite apparent.

More on the Pathologies of the EC

It’s the battleground states that are the issue, not small states v. large states.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

Beto O’Rourke Apparently Running for President

The Texas Congressman has decided to forgo another Senate bid and instead focus his energies elsewhere.

Trump’s Electoral College Problem

Based on his job approval numbers, President Trump could face an uphill battle in 2020.

Senator John McCain Dies At 81

Senator John McCain has died at the age of 81,

Lawsuits Challenge “Winner Take All” Allocation Of Electoral College Votes

A group of lawsuits filed across the country are seeking to challenge the predominant method for allocation of Electoral College votes. These lawsuits appear to have little merit.

Republicans Pick Charlotte For 2020 Convention

Republicans will hold their 2020 National Convention in the same city that hosted the Democrats back in 2012.

Connecticut Joins National Popular Vote Initiative

Eleven states plus DC, who have 172 of the 270 electoral votes needed to elect a President, are now part of the compact.

Republicans Worried Trump Doesn’t See The Danger On The Horizon In November

Republicans are worried about 2018, and they’re even more worried that they have a President who is refusing to acknowledge political reality.

GOP Growing Increasingly Nervous About Governor’s Races

The GOP’s potential troubles in 2018 don’t just exist at the Congressional level.

Why Did Clinton Lose The Election? Perhaps The Blame Lies With Her Own Campaign

Hillary Clinton’s national campaign wasn’t nearly as well-organized as we’d been led to believe.

Hillary Clinton Blames Her Loss On The Director Of The F.B.I.

In a call to supporters, Hillary Clinton blames her loss on F.B.I. Director James Comey

Republicans Maintain Control Of Senate

Defying the odds, Republicans held on in several traditionally Democratic states to keep control of the Senate.

Donald Trump Defies Pollsters, Pundits, And The Odds To Become 45th U.S. President

Defying the odds and the polls, Donald Trump triumphed over Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States.

Former Chris Christie Aides Convicted In Bridgegate Trial

Two of Chris Christie’s closest aides were convicted in the criminal trial resulting from the ‘Bridgegate’ scandal.

F.B.I. Investigating New Emails That May Or May Not Be Connected To Hillary Clinton

A late Friday news dump by the Director of the F.B.I. has thrown a confusing curve ball into the race.

It’s Two Weeks Until Election Day, And Things Are Looking Very Good For Hillary Clinton

Two weeks before Election Day, everything seems to be going Hillary Clinton’s way.

Second Debate Unlikely To Halt Clinton’s Momentum

Last night’s debate was indeed the low point everyone anticipated it would be, but it seems unlikely to change the status quo.

With Five Weeks To Go, Clinton Appears To Have Momentum

With five weeks to go, the momentum in the race is moving decidedly in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

Democratic Hopes Of Winning Back The Senate Seem To Be Slipping Away

Democratic hopes of retaking the Senate aren’t going so well at the moment.

Despite Historic Success, Gary Johnson Struggles To Qualify For Presidential Debates

Gary Johnson is doing better than any third-party candidate in twenty years, but that doesn’t mean he’s likely to get an invitation to the upcoming Presidential debates.

With Nine Weeks To Go, Clinton’s Post-Convention Bounce Seems To Have Disappeared

It’s the traditional start of the campaign season, and the race for President is getting close, at least at the national level.

Donald Trump Doubles Down On Hard Line Immigration Policies

After some two weeks in which it seemed like he might be moderating, Donald Trump doubled down on the most anti-immigrant portions of his immigration plan.

Ten Weeks Out: The Presidential Race Tightens A Bit, But Clinton Still Leads

With ten weeks to go ,there’s been some tightening in the polls but Hillary Clinton continues to maintain a commanding lead in the race for the White House.

Sluggish Economic Growth, The Federal Reserve, And The 2016 Election

Another sign of a weak economy as the Federal Reserve considers rate hikes and the Presidential campaign moves forward.

Donald Trump’s Attacks On The Media Are Irresponsible And Irrational

Donald Trump has spent more time recently attacking the news media than anything else. He ought to be condemned for it.

Latino Voters Overwhelmingly Favor Clinton Over Trump

Not surprisingly, Latino voters are heavily turned off by Donald Trump and seemingly quite eager to vote against him in the fall.

Another Round Of Battleground Polls Puts Clinton In The Lead

Donald Trump’s path to 270 Electoral Votes is becoming less likely by the day.

Trump Barely Leading In South Carolina?

A new poll shows Donald Trump barely winning in a state that should be solidly red.

Virginia Not Exactly Looking Like A Battleground State

The Old Dominion seems like it’s going to be even more firmly Democratic in 2016.

Another Poll Brings More Bad News For Trump

The first round of post-convention polls is now complete, and it’s not looking good for The Donald.

Clinton Starting To Gain Ground In States Romney Won in 2012

In a sign of just how bad the trends are right now for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton is gaining ground in states that Mitt Romney won four years ago.

Donald Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

It’s been a bad week for Donald Trump, something he can ill-afford with less than 100 days left until Election Day.

Donald Trump Claims Nomination Of A Party That Remains Divided

Donald Trump completed his unlikely journey to the Republican Presidential Nomination last night, but he the party he now leads remains divided.

Pre-Convention Polls Show Clinton Leading, Johnson Rising, Major Party Candidates Hated

A look at the state of the race before the two party conventions begin.

Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump In Seven Battleground States

Hillary Clinton holds solid leads over Donald Trump in seven battleground states.