Republican Judges Condemn Trump’s Intimidation Tactics

The rule of law is under seige.

Trump and the Silent Majority

Republicans want him but do they really, really want him?

Fear of a Third Party

The Electoral College is holding a nation of millions back.

Is This Time Different?

America survived a civil war and the turmoil of the 1960s. Can we rebound again?

photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer

Why We’re Getting Worse At Construction

Affluence comes with a cost.

Red and Blue States Aren’t Permanent

The margins for 2024 are likely to be slim. But that hides a larger story.

Permanent Daylight Saving Time?

We may be on the verge half a century after our last experiment.

Jim Angle, 1946-2022

The veteran journalist and Fox News original is gone at 75.

Bob Dole, 1923-2021

The longtime Senator and Vice Presidential and Presidential nominee is gone at 98.

Vice President Kamala Harris talks on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, at the Blair House in Washington, D.C. Vice President Kamala Harris talks on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.

Kamala Harris’ Frustrating Start?

A weird new narrative has emerged.

RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA

Trump, the GOP, and Stochastic Terrorism

A conversation in two parts.

CPAC as a Leading Indicator

The annual gathering showed us what the Republican Party would become years ago.

Bob Dole Has Lung Cancer

The 97-year-old former Senator and Presidential candidate is ill.

Two Parties, Not Two Countries

We’ve just had an election, not psychoanalysis.

Joe Biden as the Next George H.W. Bush?

Dan Drezner makes an interesting comparison.

Kay Hagan, Former North Carolina Senator, Dead At 66

Former North Caroline Senator Kay Hagan has died,

Trump, Ukraine, and Biden

What we know for sure.

Democratic Candidates Leading Trump By Huge Margin Among Latino Voters

A new poll finds President Trump trailing his potential Democratic opponents by huge margins among Latino voters.

Trump In Trouble In Texas?

A new poll shows President Trump struggling against four of his potential 2020 challengers. Should Republicans be worried and Democrats elated? It’s too early to tell.

Could Sanders Be the Democrats’ Trump?

In 2016, a crowded Republican field yielded an unlikely nominee. Could history repeat itself in 2020?

Bob Dole Promoted to Colonel

He’s a national treasure who has been appropriately honored for a lifetime of service and sacrifice. But this seems different.

Time for a National Primary

The consolidation of Super Tuesday makes the current system even more broken than before.

Mike Pompeo For Senate?

With Pat Roberts retiring, Kansas Republicans are reportedly looking at Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to succeed him.

Before Taking Office, Mitt Romney Takes On Trump

Before even taking office, Mitt Romney is taking on the President. It’s a good sign, but we’ll see what it leads to.

Bob Dole Offers A Final Salute To Old Friend And Political Rival George H.W. Bush

Though in poor health himself, Bob Dole made his way to the Capitol to pay his respects to his old friend and political rival.

President George H.W. Bush Dies At 94

George H.W. Bush,, who served his nation as a warrior, Congressman, Ambassador, Vice-President, and President, has died at the age of 94.

Is Donald Trump Thinking Of Dumping Mike Pence?

Is Donald Trump thinking about dumping Mike Pence in 2020? Probably not, but that’s not going to stop the speculation.

Kansas Governor Concedes GOP Nomination To Kris Kobach

After a week, the race for the GOP nomination for Kansas Governor is over. Now it’s on to what could be an interesting General Election.

Trump Favorite Kris Kobach Holds Narrow Lead In Kansas GOP Primary

Kris Kobach, the controversial Secretary of State of Kansas who is also a Trump ally, holds on to a slim lead in the GOP Primary for Governor.

We Don’t Need a Desert Storm Memorial

The Vietnam memorial helped heal a gaping wound. What purpose will this one serve?

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Heads To Jail

Donald Trump’s former Campaign Manager was sent to jail, a move that likely increases the pressure on him to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Who is Mike Pompeo?

Rex Tillerson was an awful Secretary of State who simply had to go, It’s quite possible his successor will be an even greater disaster.

DJIA and Jobs Trend

Plus some comparisons of Trump/Obama and Trump/Bill Clinton.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

Down-Ballot Republicans Campaigning As If Clinton Has Already Won

Republican candidates for the Senate and House are campaigning on the argument that they will be a bulwark against a Clinton Presidency.

Most Damaging Presidential Run, Ever?

Has any major party nominee for president ever damaged his reputation in this manner?

Clinton Up Four Points In New Arizona Poll

With the lone exception of Bill Clinton in 1996, Arizona hasn’t gone for a Democrat since 1948. That streak could end this year.

Republicans Vow To Continue Investigations Even If Hillary Clinton Wins The White House

House Republicans are vowing to continue their investigations even if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.

The Election Isn’t Over Quite Yet

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the election is “over,” because it isn’t.

Latino Voters Overwhelmingly Favor Clinton Over Trump

Not surprisingly, Latino voters are heavily turned off by Donald Trump and seemingly quite eager to vote against him in the fall.

More Bad News For Trump From State-Level Polling

New polling from the states has good news for Hillary Clinton, and an even less plausible path to 270 for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump’s Numbers Are Historically Bad

It’s still early in the cycle, but Donald Trump’s poll numbers are already historically bad.

Anybody But Trump. Except Cruz.

Is Ted Cruz really the only alternative to Donald Trump?

Republicans Clash In Ninth Debate

One week before the South Carolina Primary, the remaining Republican candidates for President clashed in a headed debate.

Trump Continues To Lead In New Hampshire, Rubio Surges, In Post-Iowa Polling

Donald Trump continues to lead, while Marco Rubio surges, in the first polls out of New Hampshire since the Iowa Caucuses.

Rick Perry Endorses Ted Cruz

Rick Perry is endorsing Ted Cruz for President, leading to the question of why Ted Cruz thinks an endorsement from Rick Perry has any value whatsoever.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

Chris Christie Grabs Endorsement Of New Hampshire Union Leader, But Will It Matter?

Chris Christie has gotten the endorsement of the biggest newspaper in New Hampshire, but it’s not clear that this will have any impact on the race.

On Marco Rubio And The Issue Of Missed Senate Votes

Marco Rubio is taking heat for missing a lot of Senate votes since he started running for President, but he’s not really any worse than other legislators who have run for President.