President Trump Attacks American Citizens For Exercising Their First Amendment Rights

In President Trump’s mind, American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights are “sons of bitches” who should be fired for exercising their rights.

The Trump Effect? MSNBC Reaches No. 1 In Total Viewers

A big change appears to have taken place in American cable news viewing habits.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Once Again, Trump Lies And The Truth Dies

President Trump’s reaction to the terror attack in Spain included an easily debunked lie about one of America’s most decorated Generals.

Trump Praises ‘Very Good People’ at Nazi Rally

The president’s begrudging condemnation of evil didn’t last long.

President Trump Thinks The Media Hates His Twitter Habit. He Couldn’t Be More Wrong.

Donald Trump thinks the media doesn’t like his Twitter habit. In reality, they love it.

Fox News Channel’s Alternate Reality

In Fox News Channel’s America, Donald Trump can do no wrong and Hillary Clinton is still a threat.

Trump Skips Nerd Prom, Attacks The Press In Speech To Supporters

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, Donald Trump spent his Saturday attacking the press and the First Amendment.

Trump Justice Department Tells Remaining U.S. Attorneys To Clean Out Their Desks

An unusual, if not unexpected, mass firing at the Justice Department on Friday afternoon.

Trump Continues His Unacceptable Attacks On The News Media

The Trump Administration is continuing, and indeed expanding, its war on a free press.

Trump’s First Choice To Replace Mike Flynn Turned Him Down Due To Chaos In Administration

Chaos inside the Trump Administration is causing people to turn down lucrative positions.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump: “I’m like a smart person”; Doesn’t Need Daily Intel Briefings

Good thing the world is a static, simple place…

Donald Trump’s Attacks On The Media Are Irresponsible And Irrational

Donald Trump has spent more time recently attacking the news media than anything else. He ought to be condemned for it.

Bernie Sanders Continues To Wage War Against The Party He Claims To Support

Even as it becomes more and more apparent that he cannot win the Democratic nomination for President, Bernie Sanders is not letting up on his rhetoric against the leadership of the party he claims he’ll support in November.

Rand Paul Makes The Main Stage In Next GOP Debate Even Though He Probably Shouldn’t Have

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul got a break today when CNN included him in the prime time debate on Tuesday even though he fell short of meeting the criteria.

What, Exactly, Does Uttering The Words “Radical Islamic Terrorism” Accomplish?

Republicans insist that uttering the words “Radical Islamic Terrorism” is somehow important in the fight against ISIS and other terror networks, but it is entirely unclear what doing so would accomplish.

CNBC Debate Had Fewer Viewers Than Any Debate So Far, Which Is Good For CNBC

While it did draw 14 million viewers, last night’s CNBC debate had the smallest audience of any Presidential debate so far. That was probably a good thing for CNBC considering how bad the debate was.

Nearly Three-Quarters Of Americans See Benghazi Committee As Primarily Political

As the House Select Benghazi Committee continues to question Hillary Clinton, a new poll finds that the vast majority of Americans view its work as political rather than part of an objective investigation.

Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against Trade Bill She Negotiated and Touted

Obama’s first Secretary of State has come out against Obama’s Trans Pacific Partnership.

Anti-Vaccine Paranoia Infects The Republican Race For President

There was far too much pseudoscience in evidence during the Republican Debate on Wednesday.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Much About Foreign Policy

In an interview, Donald Trump reveals that when it comes to foreign policy he has no idea what he’s talking about.

Trump Remains Defiant As Post-Debate Controversy Continues

Donald Trump isn’t backing down from his post-debate meltdown, now the only question is what the polls will tell us when they come out.

Obama Talks About Race Relations In The Wake Of Charleston, Media Concentrates On One Word

President Obama gave an interesting and somewhat unusual interview to a podcaster late last week, but the media is obsessed over a single word.

Congress Rebukes Obama On Trade, And Thus The Lame Duck Era Begins

House Democrats defied President Obama on an important trade deal today, thus arguably marking the official beginning of his lame duck status.

Obama’s Absence From Paris Rally: Egregious Diplomatic Error, Or Much Ado About Nothing?

Some are criticizing the President for not going to Paris for yesterday’s rally.

Violence Erupts In Wake Of Decision To Forego Indictment In Shooting Of Michael Brown

Not surprisingly, last night’s announcement that there would be no state court indictment in the Michael Brown shooting led to violence and confrontations with police. That’s not going to solve any of the real problems that face Ferguson, or any other community in the United States.

Obama Names ‘Ebola Czar,’ Doesn’t Explain Why We Need One

President Obama has appointed an “Ebola Czar,” but it’s unclear why we need one when there are already people who are supposed to be in charge of the Ebola response.

Army Will Investigate Desertion Charges Against Bowe Bergdahl

It’s good that Bowe Bergdahl is free, but questions remain about how he went missing that need to be answered.

Wikileaks Media Ethics Wikileaks Media Ethics

CIA Had Dozens on Ground During Benghazi Attack

CNN reports that CIA is going to great lengths to keep operatives from talking about what happened at Benghazi.

Cigarette Ads Returning To Television

Thanks to those new electronic cigarettes, ads for cigarettes are back on television for the first time since the Nixon Administration.

Clinton Romesha Next Medal of Honor Recipient

The first seven men to be awarded the Medal of Honor for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan received it posthumously. Clinton Romesha will be the fourth in a row that’s lived to meet the president.

Jake Tapper Moves to CNN

Jake Tapper is moving to CNN, where he’ll host a daily show and run their political coverage.

Tapper Asks Where Obama’s Been on Guns

On rare instances in Washington, reporters do their job and ask tough questions of political leaders. Rarer still, the leaders give good answers.

Obama Meets With Liberal Journalists!

President Obama had some prominent liberal journalists over for coffee.

Obama, the Bin Laden Raid, and Secrecy

Charges that the Obama administration leaked classified information about the Osama bin Laden raid for political gain are bunk.

White House Press Corps Bristles As Obama Limits Access

It’s been two months since the President has taken questions from the reporters who cover him.