Nikki Haley, Racism In America, And Trump

On racism, Republicans, and names

[Inigo Montoya: I don't think that Memes what you think it Memes.] [Inigo Montoya: I don't think that Memes what you think it Memes.]

A Meme For Monday

The launch of a new feature… featuring Drake!

Hunter Biden’s Laptop

New evidence changes the story ever so slightly.

Patriots Leave Fox After Patriot Purge

Two NeverTrump Republicans have had enough.

The Narrative of the ‘MSM Narrative’

Journalism is terrible except when compared to the alternatives.

Wuhan Lab Leak Moves from Hoax to Theory

The fact-checkers blew this one and blew it big.

Culture Clash at the New York Times

America’s Newspaper of Record needs to figure out what it wants to be.

Former Right-Wing Media Star Turns Against Right-Wing Media

So, it turns out that Fox News wasn’t really all that fair or balanced.

Donald Trump v. Stacey Abrams

Gracious concessions are the norm except when they’re not.

President Donald J. Trump listens to a reporter’s question during the coronavirus (COVID-19) update briefing Sunday, March 22, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks) President Donald J. Trump listens to a reporter’s question during the coronavirus (COVID-19) update briefing Sunday, March 22, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Trump Torn on COVID-19 Measures

The President tweeted, “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.”

Top Democrats Throw Cold Water On Idea Of Impeaching Kavanaugh

While some Democrats are calling for the impeachment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats on Capitol Hill aren’t nearly as eager to go down that road.

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

North Carolina Elections Board Orders New Election In Tainted Congressional Election

A North Carolina Congressional Election that was tainted by Absentee Ballot Fraud will be redone.

TIME ‘Crying Girl’ Cover’s Truthiness

The crying Honduran girl who has become a symbol of a brutal policy actually is not one of its victims.

Tennessee Republican Blames Gun Violence On ‘Grocery Store Pornography’

The leading candidate for the GOP nomination for Tennessee’s next Governor has a unique explanation for gun violence.

Left and Right in the Age of Trump

Is everyone critical of President Trump by definition on the Left?

Seventh Woman Alleges Al Franken Groped Her As Calls For His Resignation Mount

A seventh woman has come forward to accuse Senator Al Franken of having groped her as calls mount from his Democratic colleagues for him to resign.

The Mentality Of Roy Moore’s Defenders

Roy Moore’s most die-hard defenders are living in a world of their own, and it’s unlikely they’ll change their minds.

Trump Tweets Insults At Mayor Of San Juan While Puerto Rico Continues To Suffer Maria’s Impact

While Puerto Rico suffers, President Trump is spending the weekend at his New Jersey golf resort attacking people on the ground who are actually doing something.

Another Deplorable Trump Twitter Tirade

Once again, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to attack women, embarrass himself, and embarrass the nation he purports to represent.

No, Ben Carson Is Not Being Subjected To ‘Unfair’ Scrutiny

Ben Carson and his supporters would have you believe that he is being subjected to unprecedented and unfair scrutiny. That assertion is completely false.

CNBC Debate Had Fewer Viewers Than Any Debate So Far, Which Is Good For CNBC

While it did draw 14 million viewers, last night’s CNBC debate had the smallest audience of any Presidential debate so far. That was probably a good thing for CNBC considering how bad the debate was.

CNN Revises Debate Criteria, Fiorina Now Likely To Make The Cut For The Main Debate

CNN has revised its criteria for the main September 16th debate such that Carly Fiorina will now most likely make the cut.

Rand Paul Dodges Questions About Changes In His Foreign Policy Positions

Rand Paul has changed position on several foreign policy issues, but he doesn’t seem to want to talk about it.

Jeb Bush Says He Doesn’t Read New York Times

The Republican frontrunner claims he doesn’t read America’s most important newspaper.

Todd Akin Has No Regrets About His Comments About ‘Legitimate Rape’

Just in time for the midterms, Todd Akin is back to remind voters of the GOP’s problems with female voters.

RNC Moves To Limit Presidential Primary Debates

The RNC wants to limit primary debates, but it’s not clear that’s a good idea.

Rand Paul Copying From Wikipedia: Plagiarism, Or Lazy Speech Writing?

Rand Paul used word-for-word excerpts from Wikipedia in two speeches in Virginia.

Crossfire Returns with New Hosts

CNN is reviving the Crossfire shoutfest with Newt Gingrich, S.E. Cupp, Stephanie Cutter, and Van Jones as hosts.

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

More from the “Is our Pundits Learning” File

Not as much learning going on as one might like, to be honest.

Obama Meets With Liberal Journalists!

President Obama had some prominent liberal journalists over for coffee.

How To Fix The Republican Party

Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Sarah Palin: Attacks On Gingrich Are Stalinist And “Alinskyite”

Sarah Palin isn’t running for President, and she hasn’t officially endorsed anyone, but that hasn’t stopped her from putting her thumb on the scale.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Employer In Chief Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney’s Misleading Claims About The United States Navy

Mitt Romney is making claims about Naval readiness that are, at best, misleading.

An Alternative View on Gingrich’s Debate ‘Win’

I can’t be the only one who cringed at his applause line: “To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine.”

Why Rick Perry Failed

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around anymore.

Where Huntsman Went Wrong

Huntsman’s tactics reinforced his fellow Republicans’ natural skepticism of his candidacy.

Newsletters Issue Not Hurting Ron Paul In Iowa

So far, Iowa voters don’t seem to be bothered by the Ron Paul newsletters.

Conservative Media Destroying Conservative Movement?

Treating entertainment as entertainment is one thing. Treating it as news and education is another.

Herman Cain Plays The Race Card

A cynical racial play by Herman Cain.

Media Coverage of the Candidates

Rick Perry has gotten the most and best coverage thus far in the campaign. President Obama has gotten mostly negative coverage.

The Problem with the Ryan Plan

The bottom line is that the problem with the Ryan Plan is the Ryan Plan.

Silly State Of The Union Pageantry

As the night of the State Of The Union Address approaches, the silliness in Washington has been taken up a notch.

Republican Circular Firing Squad Goes After Critics Of Jim DeMint

The battle between social and fiscal conservatives continues, with the SoCons now saying that criticism of South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is now considered evidence of ideological impurity.