Polls Find Majority Support For Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

A positive political climate for immigration reform.

Bipartisan Senate Group Reaches Immigration Deal

A good start toward solving a long standing problem.

Marco Rubio’s Common Sense Immigration Reform Ideas

Marco Rubio has some good immigration reform ideas. Will his fellow Republicans listen to him?

Charlie Crist Officially a Democrat

Charlie Crist, run out of the Republican Party, is now a Democrat.

Palin As The GOP’s 2016 Savior? In Your Dreams

Guess who’s back?

The Conservative Political Media Complex

Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.

Republican Problems More Than Failure to Communicate

The Republican Party needs more than outreach to Hispanics to become a viable national party again.

Are Republicans Finally Realizing Their Immigration Problem?

Republicans are starting to talk about immigration reform, but do they really mean it?

Republicans Need To Understand What Went Wrong If They Want To Win Again

Republicans are trying to figure out what went wrong. Will they learn the right lessons from their loss?

Immigration, The 2012 Elections, And The Future Of The GOP

The 2012 Election should be a warning to the GOP that it needs to open itself up to minority groups, especially Latinos.

America Not a Center-Right Nation Anymore

President Obama easily won re-election last night, carrying virtually all of the battleground states. Meanwhile, abortion, gay marriage, and recreational marijuana also won big.

Republicans, The Latino Vote, And Immigration

Republicans are going to get trounced among Latino voters tomorrow, and they only have themselves to blame.

If Obama Wins (Even If He Doesn’t), The Campaign For 2016 Will Begin Soon

It’s just a few days until the 2012 campaign ends, and the jostling for position for 2016 begins.

How To Fix The Republican Party

Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.

Was Mitt Romney The Best Candidate The GOP Had This Year?

Whether Republicans like it or not, Mitt Romney was the best candidate they had in 2012.

Republicans Getting Nervous About The State Of Romney’s Campaign

Understandably, Republicans are becoming nervous about the way things are going for Team Romney.

Obama Leading Romney In New Polls, Extent Of Convention Bounce Is Unclear

A new round of polling has Obama in the lead and shows reasons why Romney’s supporters should be concerned, but it’s unclear how long any of this will last.

Nobody On Team Romney Taking Credit, or Blame, For The Eastwood Fiasco

Not surprisingly, Romney campaigns staffers don’t seem to want to take responsibility for Clint Eastwood’s performance last night.

Condoleeza Rice, New Political Star?

Condoleeza Rice’s first trip onto the political stage was very successful last night. Where will she go from here?

Jeb Bush To Republicans: Stop Being Stupid On Immigration

Jeb Bush continues to speak the truth on the GOP’s position on immigration issues. Sadly, his fellow Republicans aren’t listening.

Time Of Get Rid Of Political Conventions?

The political convention we know is a 19th Century relic. It’s time to modernize it and make it a lot shorter.

Who Is Thursday Night’s Mystery Convention Speaker?

“To Be Announced” has a prime speaking slot late in the Thursday program.

Charlie Crist Endorses Obama, Condemns Party That Rejected Him

The former Republican governor of Florida says his former party is so extreme that it holds positions he held two years ago.

Fix America’s Political Party Conventions By Making Them Much Shorter

The quadrennial political conventions have become, long, boring, tedious, and largely predetermined. It’s time to shake things up by making them a lot shorter.

Romney’s Running Mate Could Make Difference (But Probably Won’t)

Rob Portman, Bob McDonnell, and Brian Sandoval yield the biggest Electoral College advantage.

Marco Rubio’s Olympian Tax Policy Pander

Marco Rubio wants to prevent these young women, and other Olympic medal winners, from paying taxes. It’s a dumb idea.

Obama Leads Romney 70% To 22% Among Latino Voters

Another poll demonstrates the serious problems that the GOP has with Latino voters.

Has Romney Made His Veep Selection Already?

There are some indications that Mitt Romney may be ready to announce his running mate selection as early as this week.

Do The Veepstakes Matter? Not Really

The Veepstakes doesn’t matter nearly as much as the media tells you it does.

Obama’s Immigration Policy Shift Was Legal, But Was It Proper?

President Obama’s immigration policy shift is legal, it’s good policy, but bypassing Congress won’t solve our immigration problems.

Republican Response To Obama Immigration Moves Not Entirely Negative

Republican reaction to the President’s immigration policy announcement has been relatively muted, and it’s likely to stay that way.

Obama to Ignore Immigration Law, Pretend DREAM Act Passed

Frustrated by its inability to get laws passed through Congress, the Obama administration has decided to stop following laws already passed by Congress.

Who’s On The Democratic Bench For 2016?

If not Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, who might the Democrats have to choose from in 2016?

Romney Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

The GOP has a serious problem with the Latino vote, and it may too late to fix it.

What’s Next For Rick Santorum, And The Republican Party?

We may have Rick Santorum to deal with in 2016.

Republicans Trying To Mend Fences With Hispanic Voters, But It May Be Too Late

Republicans are finally starting to realize that they are in trouble with Hispanic voters.