A Bipolar Night At The Democratic Convention

Depending on what time you watched any of last night’s proceedings in Charlotte, you got a very different experience.

Ahead Of Convention, Plenty Of Pitfalls For Democrats

Obama heads into his convention in a good position, but with several potential pitfalls in his path.

My Basic Take on Romney’s Speech

I give it a C+/B- (adequate, passing, nothing exceptional).

Romney’s Closing Speech Was Good, But Was It Good Enough?

Mitt Romney’s speech last night was the best he’s ever given, but it’s impact may have been undercut but several odd production decisions that preceded it.

Romney’s Bain Lie

The real story of Bain Capital is impressive. Mitt Romney chose instead to present an origin story that’s utter horseshit.

The Speech Of Mitt Romney’s Political Life

Tonight’s convention speech is the most important speech Mitt Romney has ever given.

Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 49 of 50 States

Mississippi is more conservative than Massachusetts is liberal.

Who Is Thursday Night’s Mystery Convention Speaker?

“To Be Announced” has a prime speaking slot late in the Thursday program.

National Polls Show Obama With Slight Lead In A Very Close Race

Heading into the party conventions, the Presidential race is as close as ever.

Another Week Where Romney’s Campaign Loses The News Cycle

Abortion and “legitimate rape” are not what the Romney campaign should be having to deal with this week.

Todd Akin Says He’ll Stay In Race, While Republicans Continue To Abandon Him

Todd Akin says he’s staying in the race, but his party is abandoning him.

Pennsylvania Judge Upholds Controversial Voter ID Law

A victory for the proponents of Voter ID Laws in Pennsylvania.

Romney Falling Behind In New National Polls

The most recent round of national polling seems to show that the negative attacks on Romney are having an impact.

Bob Zoellick and the Real Mitt Romney

The presumptive Republican nominee has sent a strong and welcome signal about his governing philosophy.

Is Romney’s Welfare Ad Deceptive?

Romney’s new ad on a ruling issued by HHS on welfare-to-work requirements doesn’t pass the smell test.

Mitt Romney’s Favorability Problem Continues

Mitt Romney continues to have serious problems getting people to like him.

Priorities USA: Mitt Romney Killed A Lady

A Pro-Obama SuperPAC is out with what may be the most despicable ad so far this election cycle.

New Polls Have Obama Ahead In Three Battleground States

Three new polls show President Obama leading in three key battleground states.

The Anglo-Saxon Outrage Of The Day

Two words spoken by a Romney aide have led to a ridiculous firestorm on the right, while the rest of their comments are being ignored.

Aurora Shootings Will Not Lead To Restrictions On Gun Ownership

Don’t look for an effort to enact new gun laws in the wake of the Aurora shootings.

You Didn’t Build That!

President Obama set off a firestorm by claiming business owners didn’t build “that.”

Romney Senior Adviser Ed Gillespie: Mitt “Retired Retroactively” From Bain

The Romney campaign went on television to address the Bain issue, but again they just seem to have muddied the water.

Obama, Romney, And The Phony Focus On Offshoring

The Obama campaign’s focus on Mitt Romney’s alleged involvement in moving companies overseas is entirely phony.

Trying To Make Sense Of The Boston Globe’s Romney/Bain Capital Story

A new report on Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital seems to be much ado about nothing.

John Boehner: I Can’t Make You Love Romney, Because Most Of America Won’t

John Boehner speaks an inconvenient, for Mitt Romney at least, truth.

Law, Policy, and Politics are not the Same Things

The PPACA, the fight over it, and the Sibelius ruling all underscore this fact.

Federal Judge: Websites Must Comply With Americans With Disabilities Act

A recent decision out of Massachusetts threatens to make business quite difficult for online service providers.

Did Democrats Bungle The Sale Of The Individual Mandate?

Democratic rhetoric since the Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare raises the question of whether they made a political mistake.

Obama Leading In Three Swing State Polls

Three swing state poll results should be raising some real concerns among Team Romney today.

61% Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction, Yet Obama Leads Romney

The election is about the economy. The economy is awful. Yet the incumbent still holds a slight lead.

Jeb Bush: Reagan And My Father Have No Place In the Modern GOP

How would modern Republicans treat Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President?