Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Indicted On 44 Federal Counts

The man responsible for the deaths of eleven people in a Pittsburgh synagogue has been indicted on 44 counts by a Federal Grand Jury.

Memetic Warfare and Stochaistic Terrorism

America’s tradition of unlimited free expression increases the danger of violence.

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned, Trump Tweets While More Bombs Are Discovered

More outrageous behavior by the President of the United States.

Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Results In Response To Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Line

Elizabeth Warren has released a DNA report showing that she does indeed have some Native American heritage in her family’s past. That won’t stop conservatives from continuing to attack her, though.

Support For Marijuana Legalization Continues To Be High

One month before voters in several states head to the polls to vote on legalization referendums, a new poll shows that public support for legalization remains at record high levels.

No, The Buffalo Bills Didn’t Cause The Oklahoma City Terrorist Attack

Author Sam Anderson puts forward a rather strange hypothesis in Politico.

Alex Jones Loses Access To Social Media

Facebook, Google, and several other companies have closed down accounts associated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Trump Again Threatening Government Shutdown Over Immigration, Border Wall

President Trump is suggesting he may force a government shutdown over his immigration policies just a month before the midterm elections.

E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt Resigns

After months of allegations regarding improper use of taxpayer dollars and the use of agency resources and personnel for personal needs, he is finally out.

Trump Declines Request to Lower Flag for Capital Gazette Victims

What was once a rare symbol of national mourning has become so commonplace as to be meaningless.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Civil Asset Forfeiture Case

We may finally get a ruling applying the Excessive Fine Clause to the states and limiting the ability of police to confiscate property.

U.S. Suicide Rates Soaring

There are twice as many suicides as homicides in America.

Trump Administration Still Won’t Commit To Putting Harriet Tubman On The $20 Bill

The plan to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill appears to be running up against President Trump’s bizarre affinity for Andrew Jackson.

Is The E.R.A. Really Just One State Away From Ratification? Maybe, Maybe Not.

Earlier this week, the Illinois legislature ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. What’s unclear is if this act has any meaning at all.

Connecticut Joins National Popular Vote Initiative

Eleven states plus DC, who have 172 of the 270 electoral votes needed to elect a President, are now part of the compact.

Republicans Worried Trump Doesn’t See The Danger On The Horizon In November

Republicans are worried about 2018, and they’re even more worried that they have a President who is refusing to acknowledge political reality.

Republicans Are Actively Helping Trump Undermine The Russia Investigation

Republicans on Capitol Hill and in positions of power are slavishly backing their President over their country. They should be ashamed.

Sean Hannity Is Michael Cohen’s Mystery Client, But That Shouldn’t Matter

Sean Hannity was Michael Cohen’s “secret client,” but it’s not clear that should matter to anyone.

West Virginia Teachers’ Strike Nets 5% Raise

We may about to see a wave of teacher strikes.

Knicks Center Enes Katner To Be Tried In Abstentia For Criticizing President Of Turkey

New York Knicks Center Enes Katner is at the center of an international legal dispute for speaking out against the President of Turkey.

Another Day, Another Trump Attack On Racial Minorities

Even a ceremony honoring American heroes wasn’t immune from President Trump’s habit of attacking racial minorities.

Fate Of Senate Tax Plan Still In Doubt

With time running out in the year, it’s looking increasingly unlikely that the Senate GOP will be able to meet its deadlines on passing a tax reform bill.

Justice Department Reverses Obama Era Policy On Discrimination Against Transgender Americans

Reversing an Obama Era position, the Justice Department has rescinded a legal interpretation that purported to apply previously adopted civil rights laws to transgender individuals.

Federal Government Tells Twenty-One States Their Election Systems Were Targeted By Hackers

More evidence of apparent Russian-backed efforts to interfere in the election.

Trump Administration Scrapping Plan To Put Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill?

Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary won’t commit to putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.

Defense Secretary Mattis Joins Tillerson In Rebuking Trump Over Charlottesville

Another Cabinet member rebukes the President for his comments about Charlottesville.

A few words about Charlottesville…

We mourn Charlottesville because Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States, made clear in no uncertain terms that in his mind there was little distinction between those in Charlottesville who pursued the un-American “values” of soil, blood, and racial dominance and those who pursued the ideals of the American Constitution.

Nazis, Klan Members, Alt-Right Supporters Rally In Virginia Over Removal Of Confederate Statue

Hatred and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Jim DeMint Out At Heritage

There’s been a palace coup at The Heritage Foundation.

Supreme Court Considers Church-State Separation Case

The Supreme Court heard oral argument yesterday in a case dealing with whether Missouri can deny a religious school from participating in a program to make school playgrounds safer.

Dylann Roof Pleads Guilty To State-Level Murder Charges In Charleston Church Shootings

With the exception of the mandatory Federal death penalty appeals, the legal process is basically over in the Charleston Church shootings.

Senate Approves Mnuchin For Treasury Secretary As Trump Cabinet Comes Together

With two votes last night, President Trump’s Cabinet is coming together.

Bureaucratic Insurgency

There are growing signs that the Deep State is seeking to thwart legal orders from President Trump. This is dangerous.

Betsy DeVos Confirmed As Secretary Of Education After Tie-Breaking Vote By Mike Pence

Despite two Republican defections, Betsy DeVos was confirmed today as Secretary of Education.

Democrats United In Opposition To Virtually All Remaining Trump Cabinet Nominees

Senate Democrats are set to almost unanimously oppose virtually all of the Trump Cabinet nominees yet to be voted on.

Florence Henderson, Iconic Television Mom, Dies At 82

Rest In Peace, Mrs. Brady.

Republicans Maintain Control Of Senate

Defying the odds, Republicans held on in several traditionally Democratic states to keep control of the Senate.

Janet Reno, First Female Attorney General, Dies At 78

Janet Reno, who served as Attorney General for nearly all of the Bill Clinton Administration, has died at 78.

Oklahoma Police Officer Charged In Shooting Death Of African-American Man

An Oklahoma police officer has been charged in the shooting death of an African-American man while North Carolina authorities continue to balk on releasing a video in a shooting case there.

Protests Erupt In The Wake Of Police Shootings In Oklahoma And North Carolina

After two questionable police shootings, protests erupted overnight in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Evan McMullin’s Presidential Campaign Not Going So Well

The “independent conservative” running for President is finding it hard to even get on the ballot.

Democrats To Consider Changes To How Superdelegates Are Allocated

Democrats will consider changing superdelegate rules, but not as much as Bernie Sanders would like.

N.F.L. Coaching Legend Buddy Ryan Dies At 82

An N.F.L. defensive legend has passed away at the age of 82.

Nobody Wants To Speak At Donald Trump’s Convention

Republican officials are running away from Donald Trump the way they’d run away from a horde of mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus.

Evaluating Donald Trump’s Short List For Running Mates

The Trump campaign is out with its own ‘short list’ of potential running mates.

Federal Trial For Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Set For November

It won’t be a very good holiday season for Charleston Church shooter Dylann Roof.