Forced Relocation of Migrants

Cruelty with compound interest.

MAGA is Getting More MAGA

Trump’s second term would be much worse than his first.

Democrats Overwhelmingly Want Biden Off Ticket

Efforts to oust him from the race have picked up steam.

Sunday Morning Tabs

In case you need some reading this morning.

Has Trump Finally Gone Too Far?

Republicans are aghast that he’s abandoned his principles.

Trump Gaining Black and Hispanic Voters

Some surprising poll numbers.

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks prior to signing H.R. 1957- The Great American Outdoors Act Tuesday, August 4, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks prior to signing H.R. 1957- The Great American Outdoors Act Tuesday, August 4, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

Woodward Revelations Hurting Trump

A new poll shows meaningful shifts in public attitudes.

Some New Polls

New numbers show more consistency.

Post-Convention Reality Check

We’re winding down to Election Day. Where do we stand?

Deutschland siegt an allen fronten! Deutschland siegt an allen fronten!

The Abyss Stares Back

The Republican Party is now the mirror image of the totalitarian propagandists it used to hate.

A Bizarre Convention

The Republicans are putting on quite a show.

Medicine Should not be Political

Or, more accurately, the president should not use false hope to try and bolster his political image.

Trump Supports Amendment To Ban Flag Burning. He’s Wrong.

Donald Trump has endorsed a proposal by a Republican Senator to ban flag burning.

Trump Continues To Lie, The Truth Continues To Die

The President continues to lie at an astounding rate that only seems to be getting worse. Does anyone care?

Paul Manafort: One Of The Dumbest Criminal Defendants Ever?

A Federal Judge found that former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort lied repeatedly after entering into a plea agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This either makes him incredibly stupid or willing to sacrifice himself to hide the truth from Federal investigators.

Roger Stone Indicted In Russia Probe

Roger Stone, who worked with the Trump campaign in an official and unofficial capacity throughout the campaign, has been indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Larry Hogan As A 2020 GOP Challenger To Trump?

Could Maryland Governor Larry Hogan be just the kind of Republican to challenge Trump in 2020?

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Ends 2018 With An Astounding Number Of Lies Under His Belt

The fact that this President is a congenital liar is well-known. The actual number of lies less than two years into his Presidency, though, is astounding.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty Again, Admits Lying About Trump Project In Russia

Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress about Trump’s business dealings with Russia, and has agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Is Donald Trump Thinking Of Dumping Mike Pence?

Is Donald Trump thinking about dumping Mike Pence in 2020? Probably not, but that’s not going to stop the speculation.

Trump Lies, The Truth Dies

Donald Trump’s lies became even more frequent during the recently-concluded campaign season.

Is Steve King’s Record Of Hatred, Fear, And Xenophobia Finally Catching Up With Him?

Congressman Steve King’s anti-immigrant, xenophobic rhetoric hasn’t bothered his constituents for twenty years, but he suddenly finds himself the focus of controversy and possibly vulnerable. It couldn’t happen to a more well-deserving guy.

Could New Jersey Be A Stumbling Block For Democratic Hopes In The Senate?

In an ordinary year with an ordinary candidate New Jersey should be a slam dunk for Democrats. This, however, is not an ordinary year.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Let’s Face It, Donald Trump Is A Pathological Liar

Donald Trump has been in office just over 600 days, and he’s proven beyond any doubt that he doesn’t care if what he says is the truth or not.

Paul Manafort Pleads Guilty, Will Cooperate With Mueller

Another day, another plea agreement in the Mueller investigation. This one could prove to be problematic for the President.

John McCain’s Finest Hour

One moment at a campaign rally in October 2008 defines better than anything else what American politics lost when John McCain passed away.

Republicans Pick Charlotte For 2020 Convention

Republicans will hold their 2020 National Convention in the same city that hosted the Democrats back in 2012.

Sammy Davis Jr., Tokenism, and Moving Targets

Was one of the pioneering African-American entertainers a “house Negro”?

Democrats Set Early Date For 2020 Convention

Democrats have decided to move up the date of their 2020 Convention.

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Heads To Jail

Donald Trump’s former Campaign Manager was sent to jail, a move that likely increases the pressure on him to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

How Conservatives Learned To Discard Their Morality And Love Donald Trump

In the age of Trump, morality is optional for conservatives.

Russian Lawyer In Trump Tower Meeting Admits She’s A Russian Informant

The lawyer who met with President Trump’s oldest son and other top Trump campaign officials is now admitting that she is a Russian informant.

The Cable TV Presidency

The Trump presidency is the latest step in treating commentators like policy experts. It is all a manifestation of how the modern GOP is a populist party.

Another Trump Campaign Aide Set To Plead Guilty

Mueller tightens the screws even further.

Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty To Lying To The F.B.I.

Ominous news for the Trump Administration today out of Federal Court in Washington, D.C.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Lies 1,628 Times. The Truth Dies.

Since taking office, President Trump has made an average of 5.5 false claims per day.

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Indicted

The first shoes drop in the Mueller investigation.

First Indictment Reportedly Issued In Mueller’s Russia Investigation

The first shoes appear ready to drop in Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign.

Republicans Have Lost The Gamble They Took On Donald Trump

Republicans on Capitol Hill and elsewhere were gambling when they lined up behind Donald Trump. So far, they’ve lost.

Mitt Romney For Senate?

For the second time this year, there are rumors that Mitt Romney could run for Senator from Utah if Orrin Hatch decides to retire.

Trump is the Leader of the GOP, not an “Independent”

No, the deal this week is not Trump becoming an independent.

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Resigns, Will Reportedly Go Work For Trump

Controversial Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke has resigned and will reportedly go to work for Donald Trump.

Jeb Bush: I Told You So

Jeb Bush predicted that Donald Trump would preside over a “chaos Presidency,” and he was right.

Why Hillary Clinton Lost

Six months after the election, the postmortems of the Clinton campaign all seem to have one thing in common, they all point at things other than the candidate and her campaign as being the reason she lost.

Mitt Romney Reportedly Considering Bid For Senate In 2018

Mitt Romney is reportedly considering running for Senate in Utah if Orrin Hatch decides to retire.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Former Trump Campaign Manager Worked To Help Putin

More evidence of ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interests.