David Clarke Heads To Pro-Trump SuperPAC After Kelly Blocks White House Job

Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke loses out on yet another Trump Administration position thanks to Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Trump’s Decision On DACA Expected Tuesday

President Trump is threatening to end a program that has benefited at least 750,000 innocent people.

John Kelly Can’t Control Donald Trump

John Kelly has only been White House Chief of Staff for a month, but it’s already apparent that he isn’t likely to last very long in that position.

Steve Bannon Is Out At The White House

Another one bites the dust.

After 200 Days In Office, Trump’s Job Approval Continues To Slump

After 200 days, President Trump’s job approval numbers are hitting new lows.

Special Counsel Bob Mueller Convenes D.C. Grand Jury

Big developments in the Russia investigation that could start making President Trump deeply uncomfortable.

Federal Judge: Official Violated First Amendment By Blocking User From Her Facebook Page

A Federal Judge has ruled against an elected official who blocked a constituent from accessing her Facebook page.

Reince Priebus Is Out As White House Chief Of Staff, But The Chaos Is Likely To Continue

In another major change announced via Twitter, late yesterday President Trump announced he’d hired a new Chief of Staff, but changes at the staff level aren’t going to fix what’s really wrong with the Trump Administration.

Trump Looking To Replace Jeff Sessions With Rudy Giuliani?

Reports are indicating that Donald Trump may be looking to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Rudy Giuliani.

Sean Spicer Out As White House Press Secretary

A big but not unexpected personnel change at the White House.

White House Under Siege As Russia Revelations Continue

Six months of revelations about ties to Russia is taking its toll on White House staffers.

Withdrawal From The Paris Accords: Much Ado About Nothing?

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords was neither the big win his supporters claim nor the disaster his critics fear.

The Trump White House Shake-Up Begins

The Trump White House loses ts first major staffer, and more are likely to come.

Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

Trump’s Advisers Are Feeding Him Genuinely Fake News, And That’s A Problem

The President is being fed “news” from questionable news sources, and that’s a problem.

Donald Trump To Put His Narcissism On Display In The White House

Soon visitors to the White House will be able to see Donald Trump’s “yuge” election win on display for all to see.

House Drops Plan For Immediate Vote On Health Care Reform

Once again, the GOP punts on ‘repeal and replace’ because they don’t have the votes.

White House Pushing Congress To Revisit Failed Effort To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

Faced with the fact that it has little to show for its first 100 days in office, the Trump Administration is pressuring Congress to come up with a new health care reform bill before the end of next week.

Trump Undercuts Bannon In Internal White House Power Struggle

Inconceivably, Steve Bannon thought that clashing with President Trump’s daughter and son-in-law was a good idea. He’s likely learned his lesson now.

Kushner’s Newest Mission

He is supposed to help make the government run more like a business.

Gorsuch Has Another Good Day In Front Of Senate Judiciary Committee

More fireworks on the second day of the questioning of Neil Gorsuch, but his confirmation nonetheless seems assured.

Trump Continues His Unacceptable Attacks On The News Media

The Trump Administration is continuing, and indeed expanding, its war on a free press.

Trump’s Press Conference Performance Confirmed Everything Bad We Thought About Him

For seventy-seven minutes yesterday, President Trump held forth in a press conference that confirmed the most dire predictions about what he’d be like as President.

Firing Sally Yates Was Not A “Monday Night Massacre”

The Acting Attorney General was fired last night after announcing that she would refuse to defend President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. As a result she was fired. Contrary to some arguments, this was not improper.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Administration Spends First Day Lying About Crowd Size And Attacking Reporters

The first full day of Donald Trump’s Presidency consisted largely of obsessions with irrelevant facts and outright lies.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Leonard Cohen, Legendary Singer, Songwriter, And Poet, Dead At 82

Another great loss for music in what has been a difficult year.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Republicans Abandon Trump Over Lewd Remarks

Republicans are abandoning Donald Trump in droves after last night’s revelation of lewd remarks he made in 2005.

President Obama Formally Endorses Hillary Clinton

With the race for the Democratic nomination over, President Obama is ready to hit the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton.

Paul Ryan Rules Out The Idea Of Being Drafted As GOP Nominee

Paul Ryan takes himself out of contention as a potential Republican nominee.

The Paul Ryan Scenario: Unlikely To Succeed, And A Sign Of Total Desperation

With the Republican nomination fight down to two incredibly unappealing candidates, some Republican insiders are talking about looking elsewhere for a nominee.

If Only A Contested Convention Can Stop Trump, It’s A Plan That’s Unlikely To Succeed

It seems increasingly apparent that the only way to stop Donald Trump now is by trying to force a contested convention. It also seems clear that such a plan probably wouldn’t succeed.

Rubio Campaign Telling Donors It’s Preparing For A Brokered Convention

Bizarrely, the Marco Rubio campaign seems to be telling donors that their candidate may have to hope for a brokered convention to win the GOP nomination.

The ‘West Wing’ Solution to the Scalia Vacancy

What would Jed Bartlet do?

Gillian Anderson Offered Half David Duchovny’s Pay for ‘X-Files’ Reunion

Is this really ‘infuriating’ news?

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Senate Democrats May Be Able To Filibuster The Vote To Block The Iran Nuclear Deal

If the Administration gets its way, efforts to block the Iran nuclear deal may come to a quick end in the Senate.

Yes, Dylann Roof Is A Terrorist

A word that has come in recent years to be used to refer chiefly to Muslim fanatics obviously applies to a man who murdered nine people because they’re black.

Marco Rubio’s Supposed Expertise On Foreign Policy Leaves Much To Be Desired

Marco Rubio is often described as one of the GOP’s leaders on foreign policy, but a close look reveals a decided lack of substance.

Feel Free To Skip The State Of The Union Address

There’s really no point in watching tonight’s speech.

Regardless Of The Grand Jury Decision, Ferguson Raises Issues Americans Need To Address

Regardless of the outcome of the Michael Brown investigation, there are legitimate problems that need to be addressed.

Democrats Claim Obama Broke Their Party, Call on Him to Fix It

Some of his party’s leaders want the president to save them.

Former Senator Howard Baker Dies At 88

One of Washington’s giants has passed away.

Lois Lerner’s ‘Lost’ Emails And The IRS’s Credibility Problem

The IRS’s claim that it lost some unknown number of Lois Lerner’s emails doesn’t really add up.