Trump Attacks Manafort Prosecution

Once again, the President has thrown the Rule of Law under the bus.

Kofi Annan, Former U.N. Secretary-General, Dies At 80

Kofi Annan, who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations at the dawn of the “War On Terror,” has died at the age of 80.

Trump’s Military Parade Postponed As Cost Soars

Donald Trump’s vanity-seeking military parade has been postponed amid reports that the estimated cost has increased dramatically.

Midterms Looking Good For Democrats

New Generic Congressional Ballot polls have good news for Democrats.

Trump Revokes John Brennan’s Security Clearance, Threatens More Revocations

In what appears to be a move based purely on vindictiveness, President Trump has revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan.

Tim Pawlenty Fails In Comeback Effort, Confirming That The GOP Is Trump’s Party

Former Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty failed in his comeback effort last night, confirming yet again that the GOP is now the Trump Party.

Trump World Experiences An Omarosa Earthquake

Omarosa Manigault Newman, who used to be a Trump favorite, is out with a book that makes sensationalistic claims about the Trump Administration. The real story, though, is what she has on tape and how she got it.

A Year After Charlottesville, Trump Shows That He Doesn’t Get It Or Doesn’t Care

One year after Charlottesville, it’s clear that President Trump still doesn’t understand what happened there, or that he just doesn’t care.

Two Months After Singapore, Few Signs Of Progress With North Korea

Two months after the Singapore Summit, there’s no sign that anything substantive has been accomplished on the Korean Peninsula.

New York Congressman Suspends Campaign After Insider Trading Indictment

Just days after being indicted on insider trading charges, New York Congressman Chris Collins is suspending his campaign for re-election.

National Anthem Protests Restart As N.F.L. Pre-Season Begins

The first night of games in the N.F.L. pre-season included some sporadic protests during the National Anthem, and prompted a predictable response from the President.

Republican Congressman Who Backed Trump Indicted On Securities Fraud Charges

New York Congressman Chris Collins, who was the first Congressman to endorse President Trump, has been indicted for what amounts to one of the dumber and most obvious cases of securities fraud ever seen.

Missouri Voters Overwhelmingly Reject ‘Right To Work’ Law

In a rare red-state victory for labor unions, Missouri voters rejected a right to work initiative by an overwhelming margin.

Trump Favorite Kris Kobach Holds Narrow Lead In Kansas GOP Primary

Kris Kobach, the controversial Secretary of State of Kansas who is also a Trump ally, holds on to a slim lead in the GOP Primary for Governor.

Newspaper Sues Former Reporter to Get His Twitter Account Back

Andy Bitter has taken a new job but his former employer thinks it owns his social media account.

Republican Leads In Too Close To Call Ohio Special Election

Republican Troy Balderson holds a narrow lead in a Special Election in Ohio. Even if he wins, though, the way this election played out does not bode well for the GOP in November.

Alex Jones Loses Access To Social Media

Facebook, Google, and several other companies have closed down accounts associated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Trump Admits Purpose Of Trump Tower Meeting Was To Get “Dirt” On Hillary Clinton

The noose around the Trump Administration just keeps getting tighter.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Targeted In Apparent Assassination Attempt

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro survived an apparent, albeit amateurish, assassination attempt yesterday in what could be a sign of underlying instability in Venezuela.

Texas Senate Race Tighter Than Expected

The Texas Senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke is looking close, but Democrats should not hold out much hope of flipping this seat.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Is Still Lying, And The Truth Is Still Dying

The frequency and ease with which this President lies is, to say the least, alarming.

Trump Launches Unhinged Attack On Robert Mueller And The Russia Investigation

Another morning, and another unhinged Twitter attack on the Mueller investigation by a President who claims the entire investigation is a “hoax” and “Fake News.”

Federal Judge Blocks Release Of Plans For 3-D Printable Guns

A Federal Judge in Washington State has, at least temporarily, blocked the release of files that would allow anyone to make a 3-D printed gun. The First Amendment seems to clearly indicate that this ruling is wrong.

John Kelly Plans To Remain As White House Chief Of Staff Through 2020

After one year at a job that has to be among the most frustrating in Washington, John Kelly has agreed to stay on through the 2020 election.

Despite Trump’s Overhyped Summit, North Korea Is Working On New Missiles

Yet another sign that the Singapore Summit didn’t really accomplish much of anything.

Koch Political Network Distancing Itself From Trump’s Republican Party

A powerful political network is distancing itself from the Trump-dominated Republican Party.

Trump Again Threatening Government Shutdown Over Immigration, Border Wall

President Trump is suggesting he may force a government shutdown over his immigration policies just a month before the midterm elections.

CBS Chairman And CEO Les Moonves Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

One of the biggest names in Hollywood stands accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women in yet another ground-breaking report by Ronan Farrow.

Trump’s Top Financial Man Called To Testify Before Grand Jury

The man who knows all of Donald Trump’s financial secrets has been called to testify before the Grand Jury investigating Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

Mueller Looking At Trump’s Twitter Feed As Part Of Obstruction Investigation

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking at the President’s Twitter feed as part of his ongoing investigation.

Michael Cohen Says Trump Knew About 2016 Trump Tower Meeting With Russians

Former Trump lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen is reportedly ready to tell investigators that the President is lying about his knowledge regarding the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Trump campaign officials and a Russian lawyer.

Michael Cohen Releases Tape Of Conversation With Trump About McDougal Payoff

A new recording of a conversation between Donald Trump and his one-time attorney/”fixer” Michael Cohen appears to put the President in a more difficult position than he has already been in.

Why Should Iran Trust The United States?

The Trump’s Administration’s rhetoric and actions have given the Iranians no reason to trust the United States going forward.

How Will Trump’s Trade War Impact American Politics?

If President Trump’s trade war continues, it could have a serious impact on the political fortunes of President Trump and his party.

Trump Administration Considering Revoking Security Clearances Of Administration Critics

Based on what can only be described as pure vindictiveness, the President is apparently planning on revoking security clearances of former officials who have been outspoken against the Administration and its policies.

Trump Threatens To Up The Ante On His Trade War

The President is apparently getting ready to take yet another ill-advised step in his ill-advised, economically illiterate trade war.

The Reality Of North Korea Isn’t Living Up To Trump’s Rhetoric

To the surprise of nobody other than, apparently, the President of the United States, the North Koreans are dragging their feet after getting what they wanted out of the Photo Op Summit in Singapore.

Trump’s Goes Off On Insane Late Night Iran Tirade

The President was up late last night sending an incredibly over-the-top tweet directed at Iran.

Trump Invites Putin To D.C. For A Second Summit

The Trump Administration is inviting Vladimir Putin to Washington, D.C. for a second summit in the fall. What could possibly go wrong?

So What Did Trump And Putin Agree To That We Don’t Know About?

We still don’t know what President Trump and Vladimir Putin talked about or agreed to during their two-hour meeting on Monday.

The Constitutional Definition of Treason

You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means.

Trump Walks Back His Walk Back, Denies Russia Is Trying To Influence 2018 Elections

It took less than twenty-four hours for President Trump to essentially repudiate his purported attempt to walk back the appalling comments he made in Helsinki.

Should Trump’s Translator Be Compelled To Testify About That Meeting With Putin?

Some Democrats want to compel President Trump’s translator to testify about his private meeting with Vladimir Putin. That’s a bad idea.

Trump Attempts Absurd Walk Back Of Post-Summit Comments

One day after an embarrassing performance at the Helsinki Summit, President Trump an absurd, completely unbelieve walk back of things the entire world heard him say loud and clear.

Trump Sells Out To Putin

President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin was an even bigger disaster than anticipated.

The US’ Flawed Democracy

Forget the “republic v. a democracy” abstraction. The numbers show some serious flaws in translating popular will into government.

“A Republic, not a Democracy” Redux

The Strzok hearing provides a return to this timeworn favorite.

The Power of Dentistry

Some thoughts on the Strzok hearing.

Mueller Probe Indicts 12 More Russians For Election Meddling

The Office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller has issued indictments against twelve Russian intelligence officials for election-related hacking, and in the process has shown most of the arguments made by the President and his surrogates regarding the Russia investigation are nonsense.