newspaper newspaper

Democratic Local News Network

Fifty-plus “local” news outlets are a front for David Brock and company.

Ben Sasse to Leave Senate to Become Florida President

The Nebraska Republican got an offer he can’t refuse.

The Emerging Democratic Majority at 20

How well has the famous thesis fared?

The Polls Are Essentially Meaningless But They’re Here to Stay

They could be overstating support for Democrats. Or understating it. Or be more or less right.

Anti-Zionism Isn’t Anti-Semitism

Many young, progressive Jews are feeling unwelcome in young, progressive circles.

American Civil War II is Unlikely but Not Impossible

A repeat of 1860 can’t happen. But something even worse could.

Post-Weekend Tabs

Some quick hits.

Independent State Legislature Theory

A theory floated in Bush v Gore could radically change American elections.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The News is Bad for Biden

The nature of American political reporting distorts our perception of reality.

Democrats in Disarray, Abortion Edition

Here we go again . . . .

The free high-resolution photo of wood, floor, building, old, construction, pile, red, brown, soil, industry, stack, brick, material, rubble, hardwood, bricks, brickwork, many, heap, scrap , taken with an unknown camera 02/17 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of wood, floor, building, old, construction, pile, red, brown, soil, industry, stack, brick, material, rubble, hardwood, bricks, brickwork, many, heap, scrap , taken with an unknown camera 02/17 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Cui Bono?

We live in a bizarre timeline.

Abortion Laws State by State

Abortion is now illegal or heavily restricted in at least 11 states.

Antiquated Laws Restored in Wake of Roe Reversal

Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban may or may not be back in effect.

An Example of Poor Messaging

Sometimes politicians definitely say the wrong thing.

Georgia Subpoenas Conservative Group Over Ballot Harvesting Allegations

Why would a group that claims it has evidence of ballot harvesting refuse to turn it over?

Descending into the Particulars of Cancel Culture

Generalities about an elusive and controversial phenomenon are unhelpful.

Banning ‘Insurrectionists’ Redux

Lawyers in North Carolina are trying to get a Congressman off the ballot.

Kyle Rittenhouse Wants His Gun Back

The Kenosha Police Department is still holding his weapon, clothing, and other property for no apparent reason.

The Disqualification Clause and January 6

A provision of the 14th Amendment to keep Civil War generals out of office is back in play.

January 6th Yeah But-ism

Yes the riots were a disgrace but the Democrats . . . .

Still no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election

After more than a year and countless investigations into election fraud, the big lie continues to be a big lie

Single-Seat Districts are a Huge Problem

Politicians controlling lines control voters (instead of voters controlling politicians).

Trump Leads Biden in Meaningless Poll

We’re three short years from the next election.

Gerrymandering State Legislatures

Representatives Choosing Their Voters Rather than Vice Versa, Chapter 412.

Gun Control is Jim Crow protester Gun Control is Jim Crow protester

Tribal Lenses and Criminal Justice

Our reactions to recent murder trials tells us a lot about our divided country.

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

A just verdict—but just a verdict.

Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre

A serial criminal murdered five and injured dozens.

Rittenhouse, Competence, and Crusade

A contrast in styles.

Rittenhouse Takes: Good, Bad, and Ugly

The reactions to a verdict that were predictable (indeed, predicted) are over the top.

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Counts

The expected has occurred.

The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Judge

He’s controversial but consistent.

Kyle Rittenhouse Judge Allows Those He Killed to be Called ‘Rioters’ Not ‘Victims’

Pretrial rulings strengthen his self-defense claims.

The Collegiate Gender Gap

Women are increasingly dominating American higher education.

Afghan Airlift Tradeoffs

Humanitarian instincts rightly trumped security concerns.

One Child, One Vote

J.D. Vance’s cynical suggestion.

Yet Again, Vanishingly Little Evidence of Voter Fraud

What’s smaller than minuscule?

Could America’s Next Election be Stolen?

Some Democratic election observers think so.

Virginia’s Weird Politics

The Commonwealth is much more diverse than national election returns might indicate.

Capitol Riots Caused $1.5 Million Damage

Prosecutors want rioters to pay for it.

The Joys of Decennial Redistricting

Quite a number of Democratic Congressmen are thinking about seeking a new job.

One More Court Loss for Team Trump

Yet another SCOTUS rejection.

Stop Blaming the Framers for Everything

America’s institutions are undemocratic but only some of them are a product of the Constitution.

Ousting Trump Early Incredibly Unlikely

The President of the United States is a national security threat. Can we get rid of him now?

COVID Has Killed 1 in 1000 Americans

As we approach the new year, the virus is at its peak.

The Next Attempt to Subvert

January 6th, when the electoral votes are counted.

Another Court Loss for Team Trump

Approaching 60 losses in court.

Charley Pride Dead at 87

A country music legend is yet another victim of COVID.