Biden Well Ahead of Clinton at This Stage

Comparisons with 2016 all work against Trump’s re-election.

PAC-12 Goes Conference-Only

Another small step toward canceling the fall sports calendar.

Big Ten and ACC Change Fall Sports Schedules

More dominoes are falling. They won’t be the last.

A Democratic Tsunami?

Even Republicans are wondering if President Trump is at his “Katrina moment.”

Supreme Court Blocks Judge-Imposed Drive-up Voting in Alabama Runoff

Those who wish to vote for Tommy Tuberville or Jeff Sessions will have to walk to the mailbox.

The Coming Election Nightmare

We’re unlikely to know who wins the November elections right away.

A Note on 2016 Polling

Because sometimes a comment starts to become a post.

Biden Leads By Electoral College-Proof Margins

The vagaries of our Presidential election mechanism gave us a surprising result in 2016. That’s unlikely this year.

Protests, Riots, and Looting

Outside agitators, including white supremacist groups, are shaping public perception of the George Floyd protests.

Transparent Hypocrisy on Mail-in Voting

Hypocrisy, lies, and dangerous rhetoric from Trump and his allies on mail-in voting.

Wisconsin Courts Overturn Governor’s Closure Order

Pandemonium during a pandemic.

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a tree planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day Wednesday, April 22, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks) President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a tree planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day Wednesday, April 22, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Trump in Trouble

Things are not looking good.

Sanders Does the Right Thing

He has ended his bid for the Democratic nomination.

Wisconsin Voting Results Won’t Be Known for a Week

An irrelevant judicial order is being enforced for no apparent reason.

Wisconsin’s Election Mess

The state is voting during the high point of a global pandemic because Republicans forced it.

Sanders Starting to Accept Reality?

Some internal cracks in terms of continuing?

Joe Diffie Dead from Coronavirus

The 1990s country star is dead at 61.

Coronavirus Bailout Both Reparations and Stimulus

This is no ordinary recession.

A Democratic Turnout Problem?

Evidence from the four early states is not looking promising.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Economic Warning Signs Starting To Become Apparent

A key economic statistic that rarely gets widespread public attention is showing that the manufacturing sector has been in recession for four months now.

Farm Bailouts

The costs of irresponsible policy.

Democrats Growing Skeptical Of ‘Medicare For All’

Even as candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders continue to base their campaigns on it, Democrats appear to be growing skeptical of ‘Medicare For All.’

Trump And The GOP Continuing To Implode Among Suburban Voters

Tuesday’s elections continued a trend in which Republicans have lost support among suburban voters, even in deeply red states. Guess who’s responsible for that.

Donald Trump, Joseph McCarthy, And Profiles In Republican Cowardice

Much like it did during the McCarthy Era, the Republican Party has to decide what side of history it wishes to be on. The right side, or the wrong side.

The End of Consensus

A conservative columnist argues the legitimacy of our system is in question.

Signs Of Economic Slowdown Tied To Trump’s Trade Policies

From manufacturing to trade, the negative impact of Trump’s tariffs is becoming quite apparent.

The 2020 Map

The map shows the flaws of the Electoral College

Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal Court has ruled once again in favor of a transgender student in Virginia who was prevented from using the bathroom conforming to their gender identity.

Trump Will Rely On Fear And Racial Divisiveness To Win In 2020, It’s All He’s Got

Trump’s attacks on racial minorities are going to continue, and get worse, the closer we get to 2020. Because stirring up fear and racial resentment among white working-class voters is the only way he can win.

Parents Giving Up Custody of Kids to Scam Financial Aid

Dozens of well-off students from the Chicago area are getting college subsidies.

Americans Find Trump’s Rhetoric Racist, But He Doesn’t Care

Even a Fox News poll finds that the American public finds the President’s recent rhetoric to be racist. There’s a different picture when you look at his supporters, though.

Trump’s Electoral College Advantage Growing

He could lose the popular vote by an even larger margin in 2020—and still coast to re-election.

Bernie Sanders Hitting A Rough Patch

Bernie Sanders is finding that the 2020 campaign is very different from 2016.

Trump May Not Benefit From Economy In 2020

New polling suggests that the President may not be benefiting from the relatively healthy economy as much as expected.

Supreme Court Takes Federal Courts Out Of Partisan Gerrymandering Fight

In a significant setback for challenges to partisan gerrymandering, the Supreme Court has effectively ruled that Federal Courts do not have jurisdiction to hear challenges to redistricting based on partisan motivations.

Four Years After The Worst Escalator Ride In History

Four years ago, Donald Trump began his campaign for President. What has followed has been as bad as could have been predicted that day.

Trump Trails Most Major Democratic Candidates In Head-To-Head Polls

It’s still way too early to be predictive, but the latest head-to-head matches between the President and the top contenders for the Democratic nomination.

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

Republican Senators Standing Up To Trump On Mexico Tariffs

The President’s foolish tariffs against Mexico are finally causing many Republican Senators to stand up against him.

Previewing A Busy June At The Supreme Court

Starting tomorrow, we should be getting some headline-grabbing opinions from the Supreme Court.

SCOTUS Lets Ruling In Favor Of Transgender Student Bathroom Access Stand

The Supreme Court let a ruling against students opposed to a school district policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity stand.

Trump’s Stonewalling Increases Pressure On Democrats To Pursue Impeachment

As the Administration continues to stonewall legitimate requests from Congress for documents and witnesses, pressure is growing on Speaker Pelosi to authorize the opening of an impeachment inquiry.

Trump Trailing Major Democratic Challengers In Pennsylvania

A new poll shows President Trump trailing several of his potential challenger in a state that was crucial to his victory in 2016.

Trump’s Midwestern Meltdown

Recent poll numbers suggest that the President is vulnerable in the part of the country that assured his Electoral College victory in 2020, but Democrats are going to have to work hard to flip these states.

Federal Judges Rule Ohio Congressional Districts Are Unconstitutional

A panel of three Federal Judges has found Ohio’s Congressional District map to be unconstitutional, but a case currently pending before the Supreme Court could mute the impact of this decision.

Trump In Trouble In Texas?

A new poll shows President Trump struggling against four of his potential 2020 challengers. Should Republicans be worried and Democrats elated? It’s too early to tell.

Federal Court Finds Michigan Districts Unconstitutionally Gerrymandered

A Federal Court in Michigan has found several of that state’s Congressional and state legislative districts to have been subject to extreme partisan gerrymandering.