Trump Fears Biden The Most Of All The Democratic Challengers

Not surprisingly, Donald Trump fears former Vice-President Joe Biden the most of all the Democrats currently running against him.

Trump Campaign Worried About Pennsylvania

Trump campaign officials are worried about the President’s chances of holding onto a state that was crucial to his win in 2020. They should be.

Donald Trump Is The President Of Trumpland, Not The United States

Donald Trump speaks largely just to his base, ignoring the nation as a whole. Whether this will be enough to win re-election in 2020 is an open question.

Trump’s 2020 Message Is Clear, And It’s Not A Healthy One

The tone and content of President Trump’s 2020 campaign is already quite apparent.

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41 States’ Higher Ed Funding Down Since 2008

Per-student investment in public colleges has not recovered from the Great Recession.

Justices Divided on Partisan Gerrymandering

Oral argument hints that we may have a 5-4 ruling allowing state legislatures to continue stacking the deck.

More on the Pathologies of the EC

It’s the battleground states that are the issue, not small states v. large states.

Democrats Pick Milwaukee For 2020 Convention

For their 2020 convention, Democrats are headed to the Midwest.

Electoral Vote Map

A new tool for looking at possible Presidential election outcomes.

House Passes Bill To Block Trump’s Emergency, With Minimal GOP Support

The House of Representatives voted yesterday to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border. Now the matter goes to the Senate.

Trump’s Electoral College Problem

Based on his job approval numbers, President Trump could face an uphill battle in 2020.

[Voter Fraud Graphic] [Voter Fraud Graphic]

Republican Silence On Actual Voter Fraud Is Deafening

After a decade of using the alleged problem of “voter fraud” to justify things like Voter ID Laws, Republicans are remarkably silent in the fact of an actual example of fraud and election tampering.

Senator Amy Klobuchar Enters Presidential Race

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar became the latest Democrat to enter the 2020 race on Sunday.

Today in Terrible Columns

Bret Stephens on Howard Schultz

The Constitution Makes A Successful Third-Party Presidential Run Unlikely

The way we elect Presidents make it unlikely that a third-party candidate like Howard Schultz could ever actually win the the Presidency.

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz Considering Independent Run For President

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz is considering an independent run for the Presidency. This would likely be good news for President Trump.

Trump’s Latest Political And Legal Setbacks Don’t Bode Well For 2020

Looking ahead, the political landscape does not look well for the President.

Happy 14th Blogiversary To Ann Althouse!

Ann Althouse hits a blogging anniversary.

Supreme Court Takes Up Two New Partisan Gerrymandering Cases

The Supreme Court is taking up the issue of partisan gerrymandering. This time, though, they’re likely to reach the merits of the cases rather than punting like they did last year.

Third Party Fantasies

The latest entry in the unity third party presidential candidate genre is just as bad as they always are.

About that New Jersey Plan…

An argument against “bothersiderism” in this case and, yet again, noting the problem with single seat districts.

Walker Defends Curtailing Evers as he Exits

On the way out the door, Scott Walker signed a bill to take powers away from his successor (and demonstrated a lack of understanding of Venn diagrams).

New Jersey Democrats Want To Enshrine Gerrymandering In State Constitution

Gerrymandering. It’s not just for Republicans.

A Suggested Response to GOP Abuses

Jacob T. Levy has a column worth a read.

The Basic Democratic Problem in Wisconsin

Current attempts to take power away from the state executive branch illustrates a lot of what I have been writing about for years.

Responding To Democratic Victories, Republicans Strip Governors Of Power

Republican lawmakers in Michigan and Wisconsin are responding to their party’s losses at the Gubernatorial level by attempting to restrict the powers of the incoming Democratic Governor.

Joe Biden Sure Sounds Like A Guy Running For President

He says he won’t announce anything until after the start of 2019, but Joe Biden is sure sounding like a guy who’s running for President.

Speaking of the Popular Vote…

Some examples from 2018 of the problems with single seat districts.

Sherrod Brown 2020?

Sherrod Brown pulled off the only statewide Democratic victory in Ohio on November 6th. Because of that, he’s being looked at as a potential 2020 candidate for President.

California Republicans Once Again Left Wondering What’s Next

Once again, Republicans in California find themselves looking up and seeing a lot of desolation. They need to find a way to bounce back.

Vatican Vetoes U.S. Bishop’s Plan To Deal With Sex Abuse Crisis

In what seems like another effort at a cover-up, the Vatican vetoed a plan by American Bishops to address the Catholic Church’s abuse scandal.

Donald Trump Makes More Bizarre, Baseless Claims About Voter Fraud And Voter ID

Donald Trump is engaging in another round of baseless and bizarre conspiracy theories about alleged voter fraud.

Democrats Make Gains In Governor’s Races

In addition to winning back the House, Democrats also made gains in Governor’s races.

2018 Midterm Projections

For better or worse, here are my projections for the midterm elections.

Two Days Away, A Split Decision Congress Seems Likely

With less than forty-eight hours to go until voters head to the polls, the odds are pointing to a Democratic House and a Republican Senate.

Bernie Sanders Drops A 2020 Hint

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders hints that he’s thinking of running for President in 2020.

Democrats Poised To Win Back The House, But Fall Short In The Senate

With one week to go before Election Day, Democrats seem well-positioned to gain control of the House while Republicans seem likely to hold on to the Senate.

Trump Blames Media For Poisonous Political Rhetoric. He Should Look In The Mirror.

In the wake of attempted bombing attacks on people he has criticized, the President is blaming the media for poisonous political rhetoric. He needs to look in the mirror.

Federal Budget Deficit Heads Back Up Under Republican Rule

Nearly two years into Republican control of Washington, the budget deficit is headed back up.

Three Weeks Out, Polls Indicate A Divided Congress In January

With three weeks to go until Election Day, it’s looking like we’ll end up with a Congress divided between Democrats in the House and Republicans in the Senate.

Elizabeth Warren Opens The Door To A 2020 Run

After passing on the opportunity in 2016, Elizabeth Warren is leaving the door open to a run for President in 2020.

Donald Trump Still Hates Canada

President Trump is once again threatening to lower the tariff hammer on one of America’s most reliable allies and biggest trading partners.

Generic Ballot Polling Suggesting The ‘Blue Wave’ Is For Real

A new round of Congressional Ballot polls seems to put Democrats in a strong position for the ‘blue wave’ they’ve been hoping for all year.

Federal Court Tosses North Carolina Congressional Districts For Second Time

For the second time this year, a three-judge panel of Federal Judges has struck down North Carolina’s Congressional District map. The immediate question is what impact, if any, this will have on November’s election.

78,000 Transgender Americans Could Be Denied Voting Rights in 2018

A new study claims voter ID laws may disenfranchise the demographic, potentially swinging several Congressional races.

Federal Judge In Indiana Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student

Another Federal Judge has ruled in favor of a transgender student seeking the right to use the gender that conforms to the gender they identify with.

Missouri Voters Overwhelmingly Reject ‘Right To Work’ Law

In a rare red-state victory for labor unions, Missouri voters rejected a right to work initiative by an overwhelming margin.

Federal Judge Rules In Favor Of Transgender Students In Restroom Access Case

A Federal Judge in Oregon has rejected an efforts by a parent’s group to block a school district policy that allows transgender students to use the restroom facilities that conform to their gender identity.

Scott Walker In Trouble In Wisconsin?

A new poll suggests that Governor Scott Walker could be in trouble as he seeks a third term as Governor of Wisconsin, but he’s been counted out before only bounce back and confound the doubters.

Trump Reportedly Sees Joe Biden As His Biggest Threat In 2020

Notwithstanding his dismissive public rhetoric about the former Vice-President, Donald Trump apparently sees Joe Biden as his biggest potential threat in 2020.