The Receipt Is Too Damn Long

Rebecca J. Rosen explains why “Ridiculously Long CVS Receipts Will Remain Ridiculously Long.” And Mitch Hedberg ponders why they give you a receipt for a donut.

Paul Favors Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

Non-rich people are in favor of taxing the rich and using the proceeds to fund programs for non-rich people

Very Little Of What U.S. Consumers Spend Goes Toward Stuff Made In China

What you think you know about the U.S.-China trade relationship may not be entirely true.

Michele Bachmann: Still A Debt Kamikaze, Still Completely Wrong

Michele Bachmann is claiming that the debt downgrade proves she was right about not raising the debt ceiling.

Another Round of QE3?

Will the Fed announce another round of Quantitative Easing?

China, US Debt, and Power

Joseph Nye explains why China’s “demand the United States address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China’s dollar assets” is really just talk.

Why Businesses Aren’t Hiring, And Why The Government Can’t Do Anything About It

Any politician telling you that solving our problems will be easy is lying to you.

Italy Raids S&P, Moody

Lost in the hubbub of S&P downgrading the US bond rating is news that the Italian government has the ratings agencies under criminal investigation.

Privatizing The Post Office Is The Only Way To Save It

We are being warned once again that the Postal Service is on the verge of financial collapse. There really is only one solution.

S&P Debt Downgrade Leads To Same Old Washington Blame Game

The immediate reaction among the political class to the debt downgrade was the play the same old stupid games.

World Reacts To U.S. Debt Downgrade

Like the rest of us, financial analysts across the globe are trying to figure out what the U.S. debt downgrade means.

Downgrading Standard & Poors

While it’s hard to argue with S&P’s political analysis, its economic judgment is a head-scratcher.

July Jobs Report Better Than Expected, But Still Not Very Good

There is little to cheer in the jobs report released by the Labor Department today.

Dow Plunges Over Double Dip Worries

Apparently, getting the debt deal done was not a panacea.

Yay! Debt Hits 100% of GDP and Other Good News!

Don’t worry be happy!

White House Pressuring Geithner To Stay At Treasury

Rumors of Timothy Geithner’s departure from the Treasury Department may have been exaggerated.

The Second Great Contraction

Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff says we’re undergoing much more than a mere recession.

What Recovery?

Following on Doug’s cheery post about the weak state of the economy here are some more things to consider.

One Year Ago Today: “Welcome To The Recovery”

One year ago, Timothy Geithner said them things about the economy he probably wishes he could take back right now.

Milton Friedman v. Michael Moore on Pinto

Fascinating exchange from the late 1970s.

Manufacturing Slows In July, Stoking Slowdown Fears

Another round of economic statistics raises questions about the health of the economy.

Debt Deal Winners and Losers

Now that America’s political leadership have probably averted a self-inflicted global economic calamity, it’s time to assess the winners and losers.

Study Finds That Affordable Care Act Isn’t All That Affordable

Another government program isn’t going to bring health care costs under control.

With Economic News Like This, Why Would Anyone Risk Crashing The Economy?

Economic figures released today demonstrate clearly why the irresponsible talk surrounding the debt ceiling must end.

The Impact of the U.S. Defaulting

Christine Lagarde believes the impact could be large and global.

China and US Debt

Contrary to myth, China holds only 8 percent of US federal debt.

The Misplaced Attack On Private Jets

In the 80’s it was yachts, today it’s private jets. The argument is the same, and it’s still without merit.

U.S. Government Sells Chrysler Stake, Losses Higher Than Reported

On paper, the U.S. lost $1.3 billion on the Chrysler bankruptcy, but the true cost is far higher than that.

Capitalism, Creative Destruction, And The End Of Borders Books

Borders Books is closing, because the free market works.

Hyatt Turns Heat Lamps on Strikers

Workers picketing a Chicago Hyatt hotel yesterday got an unpleasant surprise: Heat lamps.

The Debt Ceiling is a Housekeeping Procedure

The House Republicans are functionally insane.

The Economy And The 2012 Elections

It isn’t just President Obama who should be worried about the economy next year.

Netflix Raising Prices 60 Percent

Netflix will charge $7.99 for streaming video; it’s now a $2 add-on.

Government Debt is Currently Cheaper Than Cash

Right now, it’s more prudent for the Federal government to borrow money than to pay cash.

A Home Is A Lousy Investment (Unless You Need A Place to Live)

Two economists look at a 30 year investment in a home versus putting the same money in the stock market.