ObamaCare Problems Put Obama’s Poll Numbers In A Tailspin

The trends in President Obama’s approval numbers are not moving in the direction he ought to want them to go.

Employment Numbers Rigged Prior To 2012 Election? The Evidence Doesn’t Show It

Was the Jobs Report released one month before Election Day 2012 rigged? Despite a new report, there’s no evidence to suggest that it was.

Report: White House Warned In March About Health Care Website Problems

The mounting troubles of the PPACA continue.

When Is Obama Going To Fire Somebody?

It is clear the President has been failed by those under him. So, when is someone going to pay the price?

Is President Obama’s “Administrative Fix” Even Legal? Probably Not

The Imperial Presidency didn’t start with Barack Obama, but his PPACA “fix” does much to expand it into questionable new territory.

Obama Introduces “Administrative Fix” That May Create More Problems Than It Solves

A contrite President Obama offered a “fix” for one of the biggest problems that the PPACA has created.

Governors Only For President?

A top House Republican suggested today that only Governor’s should be President. His argument has both practical and historical merit.

Democrats On Capitol Hill Starting To Get Very Nervous About Obamacare

Congressional Democrats are not very pleased with the White House right now.

Congressional Job Approval Hits Record Low

Once again, pretty much everybody hates Congress. However, it’s unclear if that will matter come Election Day.

Progress On Iran Nuclear Deal?

Signs of some progress in the talks over Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Did Obamacare Nearly Cost Terry McAuliffe The Election?

Republicans are contending that the nearly won the Virginia Governor’s race by emphasizing Obamacare in the closing weeks, but the evidence supporting that contention is far from clear.

McAuliffe Wins, But Virginia Is Still A Purpleish State

The race for Virginia Governor turned out to be much closer than many predicted, but that should not be a surprise.

The Blame Game Begins In Virginia

Polls in Virginia don’t open for another 48 hours or so, but the end result has become fairly apparent when you look at the polls.

Former Fla. Governor Charlie Crist Is Running For His Old Job, As A Democrat

Charlie Crist, and his tan, want the Governor’s Mansion back.

Obama Aides Discussed Booting Biden From Ticket, Book Claims

The news that Obama aides discussed a change to the 2012 ticket is part of the latest Halperin/Heilemann campaign history.

Obama Hits Majority Disapproval

A majority of Americans now disapprove of President Obama’s performance and a whopping 70 percent think the country is moving in the wrong direction.

The Political Center Is Dead, At Least On Capitol Hill

It’s no wonder there’s no compromise in Congress.

Obama Didn’t Know About NSA Spying On Foreign Leaders?

According to reports, the President had no idea that the NSA was listening to the phone calls of foreign leaders until this summer.

Marines Deem Dan Daly Hat Too Girly

Few subjects rile members and veterans of military service more than changes to the uniform.

Yes, Immigration Reform Is Dead, Probably Until 2015 At The Earliest

The prospect of Congressional action on immigration before the midterms just got a whole lot less likely.

Tea Party Senate Candidate In Mississippi Has Ties To Neo-Confederate/Secessionist Group

Several conservative groups have jumped on the bandwagon of what appears to be a controversial Mississippi politician.

Congressional Republicans Wake Up To Post-Shutdown Poll Headaches, Will It Matter In 2014?

Polling looks bleak for the GOP right now, but it’s unclear what that will mean a year from now.

What Lessons Will The GOP Learn From The Shutdown?

Will the GOP learn the right lessons from the just-concluded showdown? That remains to be seen.

Obama, Democrats To Push Immigration Reform Next?

Immigration reform may be the next big battle on Capitol Hill, but it’s going to be far different from the one that just concluded.

The Coming GOP Civil War

The shutdown debacle seems destined to lead to a battle between the Tea Party and the more business oriented elements of the GOP

Virginia Governor’s Race Now Looks Like A Democratic Win

Absent an unlikely major change, it looks like the Democrats will win the Governor’s race in Virginia

Our Fate Apparently Lies In The Hands Of McConnell, Reid, Boehner, and Biden

Are these four men our last, best hope for a deal that will end the shutdown and avoid breaching the debt ceiling?

Monument Shutdowns Bring Protesters To National Mall

Conservatives gathered on the National Mall today to protest the closure of memorials, but their message seems really intended for Republicans in Congress to not back down.

Despite Gridlock, Americans Prefer Divided Government To One-Party Rule

Divided government is the worst political system ever, except for all the others.

Focus Shifts To Senate For Possible Deal On Debt Limit, Shutdown

With the House’s proposed deal reaching an impasse, the Senate is now taking center stage.

The Obama Administration’s War On Leaks Chills The Press And Hurts The Public Interest

So much for the most transparent Administration in history.

Another Poll Brings Bad News For The GOP, But Will It Matter Come Election Day?

The GOP’s approval numbers have fallen like a stone, but it’s unclear whether this will matter in 2014.

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded for Ending Chemical Weapons Use

An agency has won the Nobel Peace Prize for something that hasn’t happened yet.

GOP Plan Would Address Debt Ceiling, But Keep Government Shutdown Going

Republicans appear to be uniting behind a short-term plan to deal with the debt ceiling, but seem okay with keeping the government shutdown going forward.

Dysfunctional Government Has A Real World Impact

The real world impact of what’s happening in Washington is becoming apparent.

Negotiating Over The Debt Ceiling Is Not Unprecedented

Contrary to the White House’s arguments, negotiating over the debt ceiling is not at all historically unprecedented.