Donald Trump Loses It

Barack Obama’s College Transcripts

Donald Trump has yet again duped the media into giving him attention by hyping a “bombshell” that turned out to be a nothing-burger.

Legitimate Reasons To Question September’s BLS Household Survey

While the conspiracy theory is nuts, there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of some elements of September’s Jobs Report.

Politico: Obama Levels More Personal Attacks Than Romney

A POLITICO analysis finds that “Obama and his top campaign aides have engaged far more frequently in character attacks and personal insults than the Romney campaign.”

GOP Convention Remains Under Threat From Isaac

As Isaac bears down on the Gulf Coast, will the Republican Convention be even further impacted?

Political Advice For Romney: Act Like A Misogynistic, Plutocratic Jerk And You’ll Win The Election

National Review’s Kevin Williamson has some truly bizarre advice for Mitt Romney.

Romney Falling Behind In New National Polls

The most recent round of national polling seems to show that the negative attacks on Romney are having an impact.

Obama First President Outspent in His Re-election Campaign

Mitt Romney will likely be the first challenger able to outspend a sitting president. He’ll need it.

Romney Continues To Embrace Trump Despite Birtherism

Mitt Romney continues to keep Donald Trump close. It makes no sense, but it isn’t likely to matter in the end.

Do Businessmen Make Good Presidents?

The Oval Office is nothing like a corporate boardroom.

The Myth Of The Republican Savior

There is no Republican savior out there.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Mongo Like Ghandi Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Why In The World Would Romney Accept Trump’s Endorsement?

Why is the Republican frontrunner pandering to a megalomanical showman?

The Birthers Go Down To Georgia

You thought the birthers went away? Silly you.

Did We Really Need 17 Debates Before The New Hampshire Primary?

Can anyone bring the primary debate schedule under control?

Everyone Hates Newt

With Gingrich surging in the polls, the pundit class has gotten out the long knives.

Huntsman, Gingrich, And The Not-Really Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Yesterday’s encounter between Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich was less than it could have been.

More Donald Trump Absurdity: “I Really Get Nothing” Out Of All This Attention

Welcome to the circus. Your ringmaster is waiting.

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

Newt Gingrich’s Improbable Rise

So, how did we get to the point where a fat, condescending, serial adulterer who left office in disgrace twelve years ago is the latest challenger for the conservative mantle?

Republican Foreign Policy Craziness Inherent in the System

My latest for The Atlantic: “Some Reasons Not to Worry About Republican Foreign Policy Craziness”

A Brit Defends America’s Presidential Selection Process

From across the pond, an observation that the way we pick Presidents isn’t really that bad after all.