John Kerry 2020?

He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready.

Trump Still Thinks He Did A ‘Fantastic Job’ In Puerto Rico

Despite the evidence, the President thinks he did a great job handling a disaster in which nearly 3,000 American citizens died.

Lawsuits Challenge “Winner Take All” Allocation Of Electoral College Votes

A group of lawsuits filed across the country are seeking to challenge the predominant method for allocation of Electoral College votes. These lawsuits appear to have little merit.

Tim Pawlenty Fails In Comeback Effort, Confirming That The GOP Is Trump’s Party

Former Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty failed in his comeback effort last night, confirming yet again that the GOP is now the Trump Party.

Trump Reportedly Sees Joe Biden As His Biggest Threat In 2020

Notwithstanding his dismissive public rhetoric about the former Vice-President, Donald Trump apparently sees Joe Biden as his biggest potential threat in 2020.

A Return to the Treason Conversation

At a minimum, Trump is betraying his oath of office. That is one hell of a minimum.

Republicans Pick Charlotte For 2020 Convention

Republicans will hold their 2020 National Convention in the same city that hosted the Democrats back in 2012.

Trump and the Baby Boomers

The President continues to enjoy enthusiastic support from the over-65 set.

Connecticut Joins National Popular Vote Initiative

Eleven states plus DC, who have 172 of the 270 electoral votes needed to elect a President, are now part of the compact.

Mitt Romney Falls Short At Utah GOP Convention, Forced Into Primary

Mitt Romney stumbled in his bid to become Utah’s next Senator but he’s still likely to win the nomination anyway.

Census Bureau Announces Plan To “Cross-Check” Responses To Citizenship Question

Yet more troubling news about the proposed citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Eighteen States Sue To Block Citizenship Question On Census

New York and nearly two dozen other jurisdictions have filed a lawsuit seeking to bar the Trump Administration from asking about citizenship in the 2020 Census.

Yes, Non-Citizens are Represented in Congress

If you recall your grade school civics, you already knew this.

California Sues To Block Addition Of Citizenship Question To Census

California has pushed back quickly against the Trump Administration’s decision to include a question regarding citizenship in the 2020 Census.

A Return to “a Republic, not a Democracy”

And a little Electoral College for good measure.

Trump To Puerto Rico: Drop Dead

Just three weeks after their home was hit by a devastating storm, Donald Trump is attacking Puerto Ricans for not recovering from the storm sooner.

Roy Moore Wins Alabama Republican Senate Runoff

Despite, or perhaps because of, his bigoted, radical, far-right positions on the issues, Roy Moore beat the sitting Senator from Alabama in a runoff election that essentially guarantees that he will win the General Election later this year.

A Trump Effect In The Race To Be Virginia’s Next Governor?

A new poll shows that Donald Trump could end up having an impact on the race for Virginia Governor.

Republican Candidate For Virginia Governor: Dreamers Should Not Be Deported

Ed Gillespie, the Republican nominee for Governor of Virginia, has come out against the most recent immigration-related action by the national leader of his party.

Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge To Commission On Presidential Debates

A Federal Appeals Court has upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by Gary Johnson and Jill Stein regarding their exclusion from Presidential debates.

Is Donald Trump Really As Vulnerable As He Appears?

Democrats and “Never Trump”ers shouldn’t count their chickens before they’re hatched.

Trump’s Job Approval Upside Down In The Three States That Gave Him The Presidency

Three new polls show Trump’s job approval down significantly in the three states that put him over the top in the Electoral College last year.

Today in “Asked and Answered” (NPV Edition)

How close to success is the National Popular Vote initiative? (Spoiler alert: not close).

Jim Comey’s Dilemma

The FBI Director faced a damned if you do, damned if you don’t choice.

Trump’s Press Conference Performance Confirmed Everything Bad We Thought About Him

For seventy-seven minutes yesterday, President Trump held forth in a press conference that confirmed the most dire predictions about what he’d be like as President.

President Trump Continues To Claim That ‘Millions’ Cast Illegal Votes In Election

Despite the lack of evidence, Donald Trump continues to claim that there were ‘millions’ of illegal votes cast in 2016.

Electoral College Farce

While hardly the most compelling argument against an archaic institution, yesterday’s silliness was noteworthy.

What To Expect Today From The Electoral College

Beginning late this morning, the Electors in each of the states will meet to carry out their Constitutional function. Despite the drama accompanying this year’s election, there’s likely to be far less drama than some people seem to be hoping for.

No, The Electoral College Is Not Unconstitutional

Wherein a law professor makes the absurd argument that the Electoral College, which exists pursuant to the Constitution, is unconstitutional.

EC Scenarios

These are the possible outcomes (both probable and improbable).

Why Did Clinton Lose The Election? Perhaps The Blame Lies With Her Own Campaign

Hillary Clinton’s national campaign wasn’t nearly as well-organized as we’d been led to believe.

Support For Eliminating Electoral College Hits Two-Decade Low

Notwithstanding the election results, support for eliminating the Electoral College is at a 20-year low.

Let’s Look At Potential Democratic Candidates For 2020!

Just 1,436 days until Election Day 2020!

Donald Trump Falsely Claims He Won The Electoral Vote By A Landslide

Donald Trump claims he won an Electoral College landslide. This is a bald-faced lie.

America’s Weird Recount Laws

An irrelevant candidate is triggering a recount in three states Trump won by substantial margins.

Electoral College Fantasies

No, the EC is not going to elect Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Supporters Have A Foolish And Unworkable Idea To Overturn The Election Result

Some Hillary Clinton supporters have a foolish and unworkable “plan” to steal Trump’s victory in the Electoral College. They should abandon it.

Trump Victory Spawns National Freak-Out

Americans are rioting in the streets because they don’t like the outcome of a democratic election.

Donald Trump Defies Pollsters, Pundits, And The Odds To Become 45th U.S. President

Defying the odds and the polls, Donald Trump triumphed over Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States.

What To Watch For While You’re Watching Election Returns

What to watch for tonight.

A Final Look At The Polls

With just one day to go, Clinton’s paths to victory continue to look far more realistic than Donald Trump’s.

Anyone But Trump

Even if you’re not sure who you should vote for, it’s obvious who you shouldn’t vote for.

Meh Hillary

It has become necessary to destroy the party in order to save it.

Polls, Polls, Polls.

Looking beyond FiveThirtyEight

Electoral College Wargames And Paths To Victory

A look at the Electoral College shows that It is far more likely that Hillary Clinton will win the election than that Donald Trump will.

With One Week To Go, The Presidential Race Tightens But Clinton Still Has The Advantage

Seven days from now, millions of Americans will be headed to the polls. So far at least, Hillary Clinton is still the front runner.

Early Polling Shows Little Impact From Additional Revelations About Clinton Email Investigation

For now at least, it looks as though last week’s email news is having little impact on the state of the race for President.

It’s Two Weeks Until Election Day, And Things Are Looking Very Good For Hillary Clinton

Two weeks before Election Day, everything seems to be going Hillary Clinton’s way.

Third Presidential Debate Marked By Trump’s Refusal To Accept Election Result

For better or worse, the third Presidential debate will largely be remembered for one thing.