Majority Of Americans Want New Supreme Court Justice Confirmed Before Midterms

Democrats are making largely meaningless appeals to the so-called ‘Merrick Garland Precedent” to argue for a delay in confirming the President’s next Supreme Court nominee. The American people feel differently.

Democrats Set Early Date For 2020 Convention

Democrats have decided to move up the date of their 2020 Convention.

Have Democrats Moved Too Far to the Center?

Has the party paid too big a price to attract suburban voters?

Conor Lamb’s Win Sets Off Debate Inside Democratic Party

Conor Lamb’s win in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District has set off an inevitable debate inside the Democratic Party about how to approach the upcoming midterm elections.

Elizabeth Warren Not Running for President, Unless She Does

The senior Senator from Massachusetts denies interest in 2020 but won’t promise to serve out a new Senate term.

President Trump Attempts Self-Deprecating Humor at Gridiron Club

After skipping such events in his first thirteen months in office, the President tried his hand at stand-up last night to mixed reviews.

The Tea Party Is Dead, As Is The Idea That It Ever Was Anything Other Than A GOP Proxy

The Tea Party is dead, but it was never really alive to begin with.

Senate Votes To Approve Agreement To Reopen Government, House Expected To Go Along

While final votes remain to be taken, the Federal Government shutdown effectively ended this afternoon with an overwhelming bipartisan vote to reopen the government, combined with a commitment from Republicans to consider a DACA bill over the next three weeks. What happens next, though, is entirely uncertain.

Republicans Say They Have a Final Tax Bill, But Senate Democrats Want A Delay

House and Senate Republicans say they have reached agreement on a final tax bill, and Democrats are engaging in an effort to delay a vote in the Senate until Doug Jones can be seated.

Another Day, Another Trump Attack On Racial Minorities

Even a ceremony honoring American heroes wasn’t immune from President Trump’s habit of attacking racial minorities.

Joe Biden 2020?

Will Joe Biden be ‘tan, rested, and ready’ enough to take on 2020?

Is Centrism A Viable Political Strategy? It Sure Doesn’t Look Like It

The ‘No Labels’ movement is back, and it’s as irrelevant to contemporary politics as ever.

Senate Republicans Considering One Last Effort To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare

Senate Republicans are considering one more last-ditch effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act.

Democrats Already Maneuvering For Support And Donors In 2020

We’re a long way away from the start of the 2020 election cycle, but Democrats are already maneuvering for support and money.

George Will on Alabama and GOP Politics

On the special election for US Senate in Alabama

Democrats Battling Over Party’s Future

After seven years that mostly consisted of losing elections, there’s a battle going on over which direction the party should head.

Virginia Statewide Races Closely Fought Over Ahead Of Primaries

In addition to the race in New Jersey, the statewide races in Virginia are also being looked to as a barometer of American politics in the first year of the Trump Administration.

Democrats Are More Out Of Step Than Republicans, Poll Says

Polling indicates that voters find the Democratic Party to be even more out of step than the Republican Party.

Jeff Sessions Confirmed As Attorney General

After a highly contentious nomination process, Jeff Sessions was confirmed last night as the new Attorney General of the United States.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Silenced By Senate During Debate On Sessions Nomination

There were fireworks on the floor of the Senate last night, but it was really just politics as usual.

Republican John Kennedy Wins Louisiana Senate Runoff

An unsurprising win in the Pelican State.

Let’s Look At Potential Democratic Candidates For 2020!

Just 1,436 days until Election Day 2020!

Trump, Populism, and Anti-Semitic Dog Whistles

Distinguishing between anti-elite populism and coded anti-Semitism is next to impossible.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Out As DNC Chair After Leaked Emails Lead To DNC Chaos

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is out as head of the Democratic National Committee after the release of a trove of embarrassing emails.

Hillary Clinton Picks Tim Kaine As Her Running Mate

As expected, Hillary Clinton went with the ‘safe’ choice, and has selected Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate.

Bernie Sanders Finally Endorses Hillary Clinton

Well that took long enough.

Donald Trump’s Bad June Shows Up In The Polls

Donald Trump has had a bad June, and it’s showing in the poll numbers.

Evaluating Hillary’s Short List For Running Mates

A purported ‘short list’ of potential running mates for Hillary Clinton is out. Here’s how the candidates stack up.

It’s Too Late To Stop Donald Trump At The Convention

Republican insiders are apparently still looking at ways to stop Donald Trump at a convention. It’s far too late for that, guys.

Elizabeth Warren Endorses Clinton, Attacks Trump, As Democrats Unite Behind Clinton

Senator Elizabeth Warren is the latest Democrat to unite behind the party’s presumptive nominee. A marked contrast to the chaos that reigns on the Republican side of the aisle.

President Obama Formally Endorses Hillary Clinton

With the race for the Democratic nomination over, President Obama is ready to hit the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton Campaign Looking Beyond Sanders, Looking At Potential Running Mates

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is beginning to look beyond Bernie Sanders and talk about running mates.

Hillary Clinton Scores Decisive Super Tuesday Wins, Moves One Step Closer To Nomination

As expected, Hillary Clinton won big last night while Bernie Sanders largely floundered, thus going further toward making Clinton’s victory inevitable.

The Revolt Against Politics

David Brooks has articulated a frustration many of us share.

The Quixotic Quest for the Radical Center

Americans don’t trust their government or each other. There’s no reason to hope it’ll get better.

Joe Biden Announces He’s Not Running For President

To the surprise of nobody who was actually paying attention to political reality, Vice-President Biden announced today that he will not be a candidate for President.

Elizabeth Warren’s Supporters Aren’t Thrilled About Joe Biden, But Who Is Really?

Joe Biden may want to run for President, but does anyone else? It doesn’t really seem like it.

The Biden Speculation Continues

Thanks in part to a slow summer news cycle, the speculation about Vice-President Biden entering the race for President seems to be reaching a fever pitch.

Time To Take Trump Seriously?

The buffoonish billionaire is tapping into something real.

Bernie Sanders Pulls Ahead Of Clinton In New Hampshire Poll

A new poll shows Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton, but within the margin of error, in New Hampshire. But a deeper examination suggests that Bernie-mentum is a mile wide and an inch deep.

Democrats Not Exactly Eager For Joe Biden To Run For President

Based on a recent poll, it doesn’t appear that Democrats are all that eager for Vice-President Biden to challenge Hillary Clinton.

American Public Turning Against Iran Nuclear Deal According To New Polls

Recent polling has shown the American public to be highly skeptical, at beast, of the Iran Nuclear Deal. That may not be enough to kill it in Congress, though.

Joe Biden Is Thinking About Taking On Hillary Clinton

Reports are saying that Joe Biden is taking another look at running for the Democratic nomination for President. But would he really do it?

‘Hillary Loses’ Scenario Demonstrates Why She Wins

A Republican political consultant says Hillary Clinton is in danger of losing the nomination.

How Seriously Should We Take The Polls Showing Bernie Sanders Surging?

Bernie Sanders is closing in the polls, but it still seems as though it doesn’t mean as much as some political pundits will try to tell you it does.

Hillary Clinton “Re-Launches” Presidential Campaign

Hillary Clinton opened a new phase in her campaign for President yesterday with a speech in New York City.

The Politics Of Income Inequality

Most Americans think that income inequality is a problem, but they don’t all agree on what to do about it.

New Iowa Poll Shows Why 2016 Isn’t 2008 For Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton remains as much the inevitable Democratic nominee as she always has been.

Group Trying To Draft Elizabeth Warren To Run For President To Close Doors

The “Draft Warren” movement is basically dead.