The Return of Dumb Political Stories

Who watches the watch, man?

National Guard Sleeping in a Garage!

What we have here is failure to communicate.

Biden’s Executive Order Frenzy

The 46th President has been busy signing proclamations signaling a new direction.

Dignity And Efficiency On Inauguration Day

Yesterday showed that Biden understands the “dignified” part of politics.

Patriotism Re-ennobled

President Biden masterfully used the pageantry of the day to shatter the self-asserted Trumpian monopoly on patriotism.

American Grief And Denial

Freedom, Security, and Insurrection

The aftermath of the January 6 Capitol riots runs into the First Amendment,

Turley on Impeachment, Redux

Outliers are bad places to look for solid support of your argument.

The Insurrection May Not Be Over

There are multiple ongoing plots and reasonable fear of infiltration of security forces.

‘Stop the Steal’ Founder ‘in Hiding’

A one-time denizen of Blogger’s Row at CPAC has come a long way.

Parler Loses Web Host

Amazon is using its dominant position to shut down a right-wing social platform.

Trump Banned from Twitter

Hashtag: You’re Fired.

Why Was Capitol Security Inadequate?

A large, well-trained police force was unprepared for a foreseeable crisis.

The Faceless Pandemic

It’s easy to mismanage what we don’t have to see.

Violence after DC ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally

Peaceful protests were once again followed by nighttime clashes.

Emily Murphy’s Plight

Why is making the obvious call so hard for the GSA Administrator?

Million MAGA March Sparks Violence

The inevitable happened, as extremist organizations descended on DC.

GSA Head Refuses to Sign Transition Order

A nonpartisan official is refusing to do her duty.

A President Who’s Sick and Can’t Be Trusted

A truly chaotic combination.

Ginsburg, Garland, and Court Packing

Two related discussions.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1933-2020

The iconic Supreme Court justice has died at the age of 87.

Truly Disturbing

Statements by an HHS official underscore the rot of this administration.

Trumpian Leadership

The formula: promote an image until the jig is up.

Electoral Integrity Concerns, Real and Imagined

What is more concerning, speculation and war games, or the words of POTUS?

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One Sunday Aug. 9, 2020, at the Elberon Park landing zone in Long Branch, N.J. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One Sunday Aug. 9, 2020, at the Elberon Park landing zone in Long Branch, N.J. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Six Responses to Six Scenarios

Yet another call for military intervention in domestic politics.

Biden’s Veepstakes

A column is getting negative attention for all the wrong reasons

Federal Agents Using Strong-Arm Tactics in America’s Cities

Portland may be a preview of what’s to come.

John Lewis Dead at 80

A civil rights legend has passed.

#NeverTrump Democrats

A movement that has grown beyond recognition.

No, Biden Shouldn’t Move Left

Sanders supporters need to get on the bus.

Afghanistan Has Two Presidents

As if the country needed more turmoil.

More on Partisanship

Incentives matter.

A Graph Worth 1,000 Words

One weird trick for knowing if a given action will affect public opinion on Trump.

As Impeachment Gets Closer, Trump Becomes Even More Unhinged

Despite denials and dismissals, it is clear that being an impeached President is getting under Trump’s skin.

No, Joe Biden Should Not Make A Single Term Pledge

Some reports are indicating that Joe Biden’s campaign is considering making a pledge that he would only serve a single term if elected. This would be a mistake.

Poll Finds Republicans Think Trump Is A Better President Than Lincoln

Further evidence that the Republican Party has turned into a cult of personalty built around Donald Trump.

Trump Ambassador: Yes, There Was A Quid Pro Quo

Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the European Union provides yet more evidence to support impeachment of the President.

Matt Bevin Requests Recanvass In Kentucky

Governor Matt Bevin still won’t concede the Kentucky Governor’s race.

Key Diplomat And Trump Supporter Confirms Existence Of Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

A key diplomat and close supporter of the President has essentially confirmed the existence of a quid pro quo between Ukrainian aid and negative information about the President’s political opponents.

Congressman Elijah Cummings Dead At 68

An iconic and honorable Member of Congress has passed away.

Whistleblower’s Complaint Has Been Corroborated

The evidence piles up.

Doctors Confirm That Bernie Sanders Had A Heart Attack

After a week of silence, Bernie Sanders campaign confirm that he had a heart attack earlier this week.

Jacques Chirac, Former French President, Dies At 86

Jacques Chirac, who served two terms as President of France and was a strong opponent of the Iraq War, has died.

The Death Of The White House Press Briefing And Trump’s Lack Of Transparency

The White House has succeeded in killing, for now, the White House Daily Press Briefing and in making itself the least transparent Administration in recent history.

Jimmy Carter: 80 Too Old for Presidents

The oldest living former President has some reflections on age and the strains of the office.

Sean Spicer Beclowns Himself Even More Than When He Was In The White House

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has hit the bottom of the barrel.

Donald Trump Is A Congenital Liar, But Will That Matter To Voters?

Donald Trump lies with the ease that the rest of us tie our shoes. Will that fact have an impact on voters?

While Democrats Debate, Republicans Push Forward On Judges

While Democrats debated among themselves about health care plans that will likely never become law, Republicans were pushing forward with judicial confirmations.

GOP Megadonor Kelly Craft Confirmed As Ambassador To United Nations

President Trump and the Republican Senate rewarded a top Republican donor with a prized diplomatic appointment.