Trump Attacks Another Minority Member Of Congress With Racist Tropes

The President unleashed another racist attack, this time on Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings.

Trump Condemned ‘The Squad’ For Doing Exactly What He Does

President Trump attacked four Democratic Congresswomen for engaging in exactly the same rhetoric that the President himself has over the years.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

Trump Immune from ‘Racism’ Charge?

The President’s approval is up and disapproval down after the latest incidents.

Washington, D.C. Wants Reimbursement For Costs Of Trump’s July 4th Rally

Trump’s self-congratulatory July 4th nonsense bankrupted the District of Columbia’s security fund, now they’re seeking reimbursement.

Is It Possible To Be Patriotic In The Era Of Trump?

Is it possible, or even appropriate, to express pride in a country that is being led by a President who stands against everything this country stands for?

Stephanie Grisham, Aide To First Lady, Named New White House Press Secretary

Stephanie Grisham, presently a top aide to First Lady Melania Trump, has been named the new White House Press Secretary and Communications Director.

Trump’s 2020 Campaign Kickoff Speech Unsurprisingly Filled With Lies

Not surprisingly, the President’s opening speech of the 2020 campaign was filed with lies.

Ahead Of Potential Crisis With Iran, Trump’s Lack Of Credibility Comes Home To Roost

As we head toward a potential crisis in the Persian Gulf, the consequences of the President’s lies are coming home to roost.

Trump Continues To Lie, The Truth Continues To Die. Does Anyone Care?

Donald Trump continues to lie at a record pace. Does anyone care?

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

Trump So Calm. Hasn’t Lost It.

It’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment, folks.

Another Emoluments Clause Violation By Trump

Newly discovered evidence shows that foreign governments have expanded their leasing of space from at least one Trump-owned office building in New York City.

Just Say No To Impeachment (For Now)

In the end, Impeachment is a political act more than a legal one. For that reason, Democrats should not pursue impeachment unless they have a reasonable chance of winning.

Trump’s 10,000 Lies

The President has hit a dubious milestone barely two years into his administration.

Trump’s Approval Ratings and the Mueller Report

The President has tied his all-time low in one prominent poll.

An Observation on Trump’s Taxes

The story is shifting, which makes me even more suspicious.

Post-Mueller Recriminations

The mea culpas and I-told-you-so’s are rather premature.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.

Trump Continues To Lie, The Truth Continues To Die

The President continues to lie at an astounding rate that only seems to be getting worse. Does anyone care?

Trump’s CPAC Speech May Have Guaranteed His Re-Election

Reason’s Nick Gillespie makes an interesting case but I don’t buy it.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.

Trump Talks Unity While Preaching Hardline Partisanship At State Of The Union

The President’s second State of the Union began and ended with calls for unity. In between, it was filled with the divisive partisanship that has marked his Presidency.

As Trump’s Numbers Sink, He Panders Even More To His Base

As public opinion of the President continues to slide his pandering to his far-right base increases.

Let’s Talk about Venezuela

Having two presidents sounds like a terrible sitcom idea. In reality, the situation is just plain terrible.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Keeps Lying, The Truth Keeps Dying

Two years into his Presidency, Donald Trump continues to set the wrong kind of records.

Larry Hogan As A 2020 GOP Challenger To Trump?

Could Maryland Governor Larry Hogan be just the kind of Republican to challenge Trump in 2020?

Did Trump Really Want to Be President? Who Cares?

A new report raises an old question that’s now irrelevant.

Republicans In Congress Have Never Really Supported Trump’s Border Wall

Despite their rhetoric, Republicans in Congress have shown through their own inaction that they don’t really support the President’s border wall.

Steve King Stripped Of Committee Assignments Over Racist Comments

The House GOP has moved to rebuke Iowa Congressman for his racist remarks. What took them so long?

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro Enters Presidential Race

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro is the latest addition to the growing Democratic Presidential field.

Tulsi Gabbard Enters The Race For President

Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is the latest Democrat to throw their hat into the Presidential ring.

Racist Congressman Steve King Wonders What’s So Bad About Being A Racist

Iowa’s Steve King has long expressed anti-immigrant and racist views, now he’s asking why that’s a bad thing.

Trump Falsely Blames Democrats For Fact Ambassadors Haven’t Been Confirmed

The President is blaming Democrats for the fact that so many of his Ambassadors have not been confirmed. The truth, of course, is quite the opposite.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Ends 2018 With An Astounding Number Of Lies Under His Belt

The fact that this President is a congenital liar is well-known. The actual number of lies less than two years into his Presidency, though, is astounding.

Third Party Fantasies

The latest entry in the unity third party presidential candidate genre is just as bad as they always are.

Federal Investigators Now Looking Into Donations To Trump Inaugural Committee

Federal prosecutors are investigating the Trump Inaugural Committee, adding to the long list of the President’s legal troubles.

Mueller Catalogs The Lies That Led Him To Rip Up Manafort’s Plea Deal

Lies and possible evidence of obstruction of justice make up the bulk of Robert Mueller’s new case against former Trump campaign director Paul Manafort.

Bush Funeral Inevitably About Trump

Honoring the 41st President cast a poor light on the 45th.

Mueller Recommends No Jail Time For Michael Flynn

Citing substantial cooperation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is recommending no jail time for former Trump associate Michael Flynn.

Responding To Democratic Victories, Republicans Strip Governors Of Power

Republican lawmakers in Michigan and Wisconsin are responding to their party’s losses at the Gubernatorial level by attempting to restrict the powers of the incoming Democratic Governor.

Joe Biden Sure Sounds Like A Guy Running For President

He says he won’t announce anything until after the start of 2019, but Joe Biden is sure sounding like a guy who’s running for President.

President George H.W. Bush Dies At 94

George H.W. Bush,, who served his nation as a warrior, Congressman, Ambassador, Vice-President, and President, has died at the age of 94.

Women Helped Propel Democrats To Victory

Whether as candidates or as voters, Democrats can thank women for many of their victories on Tuesday.

Trump Lies, The Truth Dies

Donald Trump’s lies became even more frequent during the recently-concluded campaign season.

Tulsi Gabbard For President?

Add yet another name to the potential Democratic campaign field in 2020.

Nikki Haley Resigning as UN Ambassador

BREAKING NEWS from multiple major news outlets.

Fixing Presidential Succession

We should take Congressional officers out of the line of succession.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Let’s Face It, Donald Trump Is A Pathological Liar

Donald Trump has been in office just over 600 days, and he’s proven beyond any doubt that he doesn’t care if what he says is the truth or not.

2018 Set To Become The Year Of The Political Women

With the primaries over, we can say that it’s been quite a successful year for women in politics.