Trump Administration Pressured National Park Service To Edit Inauguration Day Photos

A new report says that the Trump Administration lobbied the National Park Service to edit photos of the crowd at President Trump’s Inauguration.

Former Trump Aide George Papadopoulos Sentenced To 14 Days In Jail

Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos received a very generous sentence in return for his guilty plea.

John Kerry 2020?

He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready.

Should Kavanaugh Confirmation Wait for the Midterms?

Tom Nichols argues it should. I disagree.

Aretha Franklin, The Queen Of Soul, Dies At 76

RIP. Queen Of Soul

Trump Revokes Brennan’s Security Clearance

The former CIA Director has been stripped of his access to classified information after repeatedly criticizing the President.

The Trump Slump In Foreign Tourism Continues

There’s been a noticeable drop in foreign tourism to the United States since Donald Trump became President.

The Simplest Theory of Kompromat

A basic explanation for Trump’s behavior towards Russia.

The Constitutional Definition of Treason

You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means.

Supreme Court Upholds Final Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

In a ruling that largely relies on the authority granted by Congress to the President to regulate immigration on national security grounds, the Supreme Court has upheld the final version of the Administration’s travel ban.

A Busy Two Weeks Ahead For The Supreme Court And Supreme Court Watchers

With two more weeks to go, there are plenty of “big” cases still awaiting the release of a decision.

Trump Arouses Controversy By Returning Salute Of North Korean General

President Trump is at the center of controversy again after video emerged of him returning the salute of a North Korean General.

The Shrinking, And Substance-Free, White House Press Briefing

In the Trump Era, the White House Press Briefing is becoming shorter and less informative.

Supreme Court Set To Hand Down Several Landmark Decisions By End Of June

With one month to go in its term, there’s still a lot on the Supreme Court’s plate.

U.S. Opens Embassy In Jerusalem Amid Massive Deadly Protests In Gaza

Celebrations and a deadly day in the Middle East.

White House Leakers Leak Why They’re Leaking

The Trump White House has leaked more than any in recent memory. Some of the leakers have explained what motivates them.

Company Tied To Russian Oligarch Gave Money To LLC That Paid Off Stormy Daniels

New documents reveal that the Limited Liability Company that paid off Stormy Daniels also received payments from a company linked to a Russian oligarch.

Trump Announces U.S. Withdrawal From The Iran Nuclear Deal

As expected, President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the nuclear deal with Iran. There was no rational basis for doing so.

Comey Memos Of Meetings With President Trump Released

Former F.B.I, Director James Comey’s memos regarding his meeting with Donald Trump early in 2017 have been released, and they corroborate everything Comey has said about those conversations.

Barbara Bush, Wife And Mother Of Presidents, Dies At 92

Barbara Bush, only the second woman in history to be the wife and mother of a U.S. President, has died at the age of 92.

The Perks Of Being A Friend Of Vladimir

Membership has its privileges.

Trump Businesses Have Made Over $15 Million from Campaign and Presidency

Running for and being President of the United States has been very lucrative for the family business.

On Discussing and Analyzing the Trump Presidency

An attempt at defining the conversation.

Citing Trump’s Rhetoric, Judge Allows Lawsuit Against DACA Order To Proceed

A Federal Judge In New York City is allowing a lawsuit against the President’s DACA order to go forward, and he based part of his ruling on the President’s own rhetoric.

Mueller Investigating Gulf State Influence, Too

Americans actings as agents for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been working hard to manipulate the President.

Trump White House Requires Staffers To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

A new report confirms that the White House has indeed required staffers to sign non-disclosure agreements that are clearly not enforceable.

The Cable TV Presidency

The Trump presidency is the latest step in treating commentators like policy experts. It is all a manifestation of how the modern GOP is a populist party.

Trump Has Reportedly Decided To Remove National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster

H.R. McMaster appears to be on the way out as National Security Adviser. The important question is, who replaces him?

Russian Backchannels, Lying to Congress, and Presidential Interference

The Russia investigation rolls on with more evidence of questionable conduct on the part of Trump and his team.

Gary Cohn Resigns as Trump Economic Advisor

The chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors is out after failing to convince the boss not to impose tariffs.

Kushner and Corruption

The circumstantial case for corruption by Kushner is growing.

South Africa Votes to Confiscate White-Owned Land

Under Nelson Mandela’s leadership, the country made a smooth transition from apartheid. Now it’s going the way of Zimbabwe.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster On His Way Out?

National Security Adviser H.L. McMaster is the latest person rumored to be considering moving on from the Trump Administration.

Joe Biden Tiptoeing Toward 2020 Presidential Run

He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s old.

Live By The Markets, Die By The Markets

Donald Trump spent much of the past year touting the rising stock market, now he’s getting a lesson in reality.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

The Return Of Donald Trump, Serial Liar

Donald Trump lies about even the most trivial matters, How are we supposed to believe anything else he says?

After A Year Of Unparalleled Divisiveness, Trump Tries To Sell Unity At State Of The Union

The President talked about national unity last night, but given his own rhetoric as a candidate and as a President, it’s a call that seems to be hypocritical.

As Trump Withdraws Into Fortress America, The World Moves On

President Trump has alienated America’s allies and friends, and they are acting accordingly.

Government Shutdown Enters Second Day With Few Signs Of Quick Resolution

It’s Day Two of the Federal Government shutdown and there are few signs of a quick resolution.

The Government Shuts Down And Washington Plays The Blame Game

The government is shut down and Washington is playing the usual blame game. In reality, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and one of the guilty parties is the American people.

One Year Later, Trump’s Job Approval At Historic Lows

One year after his Inauguration, Donald Trump is the most unpopular new President since the invention of modern polling. However, his numbers are generally the same that they’ve been for some time now.

Congress Drifts Closer To A Government Shutdown

With less than two days to go, the prospects for Congress finding a way to prevent a government shutdown aren’t looking good.

Happy New Year From Outside The Beltway!

2017 was quite a year. 2018 promises to be just as interesting.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

As The Year Draws To A Close, Trump’s Job Approval Numbers Continue To Be Dismal

As we near the end of the year, the President’s job approval numbers remain at historically low levels, and there’s no sign that they’ll improve in 2018.

Trump’s Job Approval Hits Record Low In New Poll

As he nears the one-year anniversary of his Inauguration, President Trump is getting increasingly bad reviews from the public.

Donald Trump And The ‘Being There’ Presidency

Donald Trump spends an inordinate amount of time watching television and regurgitating what he sees on Twitter. That’s not healthy.

Seventh Woman Alleges Al Franken Groped Her As Calls For His Resignation Mount

A seventh woman has come forward to accuse Senator Al Franken of having groped her as calls mount from his Democratic colleagues for him to resign.

Trump To Recognize Jerusalem As Israeli Capital, Breaking Decades Of U.S. Neutrality

A foolish, and potentially dangerous, decision by President Trump.

Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty To Lying To The F.B.I.

Ominous news for the Trump Administration today out of Federal Court in Washington, D.C.