Michael Flynn Out As National Security Adviser

An unsurprising ‘resignation’ from the shortest-serving National Security Adviser in history.

Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Adviser, Under Fire For Lying About Contacts With Russia

Could National Security Adviser Michael Flynn be the first to go under Trump?

Bureaucratic Insurgency

There are growing signs that the Deep State is seeking to thwart legal orders from President Trump. This is dangerous.

Appeals Court Upholds Restraining Order Barring Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another judicial slap at the Trump Administration.

Jeff Sessions Confirmed As Attorney General

After a highly contentious nomination process, Jeff Sessions was confirmed last night as the new Attorney General of the United States.

The Narcissistic, Hypersensitive Presidency Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is turning out to be a man uniquely obsessed with appearances, and it’s impacting his entire Administration.

Trump’s Job Approval At Historic Low For Incoming Presidents

Donald Trump’s initial job approval numbers are lower than any President since the EIsenhower Administration.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Hits Negative Job Approval In Record Time

After just over a week in office, Donald Trump already has a negative job approval number. That’s a modern record.

One Week in…

President Trump Continues To Claim That ‘Millions’ Cast Illegal Votes In Election

Despite the lack of evidence, Donald Trump continues to claim that there were ‘millions’ of illegal votes cast in 2016.

Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick Could Be Days Away

President Trump hinted today that he’s likely to name his Supreme Court choice next week, and the list to appears have narrowed to three men.

Trump To Move Embassy to Jerusalem, Needlessly Inflaming Region

This will get people killed. Quite likely, including American citizens.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Administration Spends First Day Lying About Crowd Size And Attacking Reporters

The first full day of Donald Trump’s Presidency consisted largely of obsessions with irrelevant facts and outright lies.

Women’s March Draws Record Crowds: So Now What?

A movement motivated by hurt and fear turned into a political force eight years ago. Can another follow suit?

The Most Dreadful Inaugural Address in History

A speech traditionally used to unite was instead a continuation of a divisive campaign.

Donald Trump Is President, America Will Survive This

While vigilance is called for, America will survive Donald Trump just as it has survived everything else we’ve faced since the nation’s founding.

Global Temperatures Set Another Record In 2016

The reality of global climate change made itself evident again in 2016.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump To Take First Weekend As POTUS Off

Donald Trump will take some time off after taking the Oath of Office.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Key Republicans Pushing To Have Obamacare Replacement In Place Before Voting On Repeal

With repeal of the Affordable Care Act now likely sooner rather than later, key Republicans are urging the party to have a replacement in place before repeal is voted on.

CIA Report: Russia Acted To Help Trump Win The Election

New information raises serious questions about the integrity of the 2016 elections, and about Donald Trump and his supporters.

Donald Trump Falsely Claims He Won The Electoral Vote By A Landslide

Donald Trump claims he won an Electoral College landslide. This is a bald-faced lie.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Refusing To Take Intelligence Briefings

For Donald Trump, it appears that ignorance is bliss.

Trump’s Wife and Child Won’t Live in White House

President-Elect Donald Trump has signaled that his current wife and youngest child will continue to reside in their de-luxe apartment in the sky rather than move to the White House.

President Trump’s Unprecedented Conflicts of Interest

The incoming president’s business interests are a yuuuge problem.

Trump And Obama Continue A Long And Important Tradition

Despite resentments, power will transition peacefully from President Obama to President Trump. We should be thankful for that rather than protesting it.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

Supreme Court Begins New Term Short A Member And Without Any Real Blockbuster Cases

The Supreme Court begins another term faced with the prospect of having to spend much of their time dealing with the fact that they’re short a member.

What To Do About North Korea?

North Korea continues to advance its nuclear program but it’s unclear what anyone can do about it.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Out As DNC Chair After Leaked Emails Lead To DNC Chaos

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is out as head of the Democratic National Committee after the release of a trove of embarrassing emails.

Evaluating Hillary’s Short List For Running Mates

A purported ‘short list’ of potential running mates for Hillary Clinton is out. Here’s how the candidates stack up.

Majority Of Americans Want The Senate To Consider An Obama Nominee To SCOTUS

Another poll shows that most Americans would prefer that the vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by President Obama than that it be left open for the next President to fill, but other factors make it unlikely the Senate will act.

Poll: Majority Of Americans Say Senate Should Hold Hearings And Vote On SCOTUS Nominee

The American people do not seem to support the Republican position on whether President Obama’s expected Supreme Court nominee should get proper consideration by the Senate.

Joe Biden In 1992: No Action On Supreme Court Nominations Until After An Election

In 1992, Joe Biden said that no action should be taken on any potential Supreme Court nominations until after that year’s Presidential election. Sound familiar?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Babar-ians At The Gate Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Is Portugal Europe’s Next Greece?

The election of an anti-austerity government in Portugal is raising some concerns.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The What? Me Worry? Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Joe Biden Is Thinking About Taking On Hillary Clinton

Reports are saying that Joe Biden is taking another look at running for the Democratic nomination for President. But would he really do it?

Republicans Should Be Careful In Bringing Up Hillary Clinton’s Age

A Presidential candidate’s health and fitness for office are legitimate issues. When it comes to bringing up Hillary Clinton’s age in the context of 2016,, though, Republicans need to proceed with caution.

Should Lawmaking Be Left to Congress?

Should the Legislature take back legislating from the Executive?

Eliminate Midterm Elections? Only If You Want To Make Congress Even Less Representative

Two Duke University academics make an incredibly weak, ultimately unpersuasive, argument in favor of eliminating midterm elections by changing the length of Congressional terms.

U.S., Afghanistan Sign Agreement To Keep 10,000 U.S. Troops In Country Past 2014

U.S. troops will be in Afghanistan for at least the next three years.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Laughing Gas Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Has Obama Institutionalized Bush’s Worst?

Dan Froomkin says Obama is as bad as Bush, if not worse.