After 300 Days, Donald Trump Sees No Accomplishments And Dwindling Job Approval

Donald Trump has been President 300 days and the record reveals no real accomplishments and increased dissatisfaction with the job he’s doing.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Lies 1,628 Times. The Truth Dies.

Since taking office, President Trump has made an average of 5.5 false claims per day.

Joe Biden 2020?

Will Joe Biden be ‘tan, rested, and ready’ enough to take on 2020?

Donald Trump Is A Culture Warrior, Not A President

Donald Trump’s entire modus operandi involves pushing divisive cultural hot buttons.

White House Aides Using Personal Devices, Private Email For Official Communication

While there are real differences between what’s being reported about White House officials such as Jared Kushner and what Hillary Clinton did, the charge of hypocrisy is well-founded.

Sean Spicer Says He Regrets The Lie That Set The Tone For His Time At The White House

Sean Spicer now says he regrets the lies that defined his time at the White House.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Rule Out Challenging The Legitimacy Of The 2016 Election

Some more interesting post-election commentary from Hillary Clinton.

Sean Spicer Does The Emmys, And The Punditocracy Freaks Out

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer poked fun at himself on last night’s Emmy broadcast, and the political pundits are all in pearl-clutching mode because of it.

A Simple Explanation for GOP Behavior vis-a-vis Trump

80% of GOP voters approve of Trump. This explains GOP behavior in large measure.

Is Donald Trump Really As Vulnerable As He Appears?

Democrats and “Never Trump”ers shouldn’t count their chickens before they’re hatched.

On (The Lack Of) Journalistic Ethics At The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller crosses a line and doesn’t seem to regret it.

The ACLU is Right to Defend Free Speech for Awful People

Yes, even Nazis must have their rights to peaceful speech and assembly protected.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Is A Serial Liar, Even When It Comes To Trivial Issues

Trump and his underlings continue to lie, even about the most trivial of matters.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Speech To Boy Scouts Is Just Another Example Of His Outrageous Narcissism

President Trump delivered a wholly inappropriate political speech to the Boy Scout Jamboree, but that should surprise nobody.

Trump Is Unlikely To Ever Be A Popular President

Donald Trump is unlikely to ever be a popular President, but that may not matter.

An Appropriate Assessment of the Spicer Era

Don’t cry for Spicer.

Sean Spicer Out As White House Press Secretary

A big but not unexpected personnel change at the White House.

Trump Golf Courses Displaying Fake Time Magazine Cover Featuring Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s golf courses are displaying something that literally is fake news.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Lies, The Truth Dies

Donald Trump’s Presidency is young, but he’s already on track to become the biggest liar ever to occupy the Oval Office.

Robert Mueller Investigating Jared Kushner’s Finances

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a Trump family member in the cross hairs.

Maryland and Washington, D.C. Sue Trump Over Alleged Emoluments Clause Violations

Maryland and the District of Columbia are suing President Trump based on alleged violations of two provisions of the Constitution that have never been litigated before.

Ninth Circuit Upholds Stay On Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Trump Administration’s Muslim Travel Ban suffers another defeat at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Trump May Cancel Trip To United Kingdom Due To Planned Protests

Reports are indicating that President Trump may cancel or delay his trip to the United Kingdom due to planned protests.

Comey Unloads On President Trump, Guarantees That Russia Investigation Will Expand

James Comey’s testimony today wasn’t the end of the Russia investigation. Indeed, we are only at the beginning of the beginning, and it’s likely to get worse for the President before it gets better.

Comey To Testify That Trump Repeatedly Pressured Him On Russia Investigation

Based on his just released opening testimony, tomorrow’s testimony by Former F.B.I. Director James Comey is likely to be explosive.

Trump Won’t Assert Executive Privilege Against Comey Testimony

The Trump Administration will not try to stop former F.B.I. Director James Comey from testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Poll Numbers Remain Bad, And They’re Getting Worse

The polls are looking worse and worse for Donald Trump.

Trump Signs Waiver Of Law Requiring Move Of U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign promises, President Trump won’t be moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem anytime soon.

The Trump White House Shake-Up Begins

The Trump White House loses ts first major staffer, and more are likely to come.

Jared Kushner Is “Focus” Of F.B.I. Investigation

The President’s Son-In-Law has reportedly become a ‘focus’ of the ongoing F.B.I. investigation. That puts the President in a very awkward position.

Majority Of Americans Don’t Believe Trump’s Explanation For Firing James Comey

A new poll reports that most Americans don’t believe the President when it comes to key parts of the Russia investigation.

Flynn Refuses To Comply With Congressional Subpoena, Invokes Fifth Amendment Rights

Lt. General Michael Flynn is declining to comply with a Congressional subpoena regarding the Russia investigation, and invoking his rights under the Fifth Amendment.

Donald Trump’s Persecution Complex

After news of the appointment of a special counsel in the Russia investigation, Donald Trump’s persecution complex was on full display.

Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before Naming Him National Security Adviser

The Trump White House knew Michael Flynn was under investigation and named him National Security Adviser anyway.

Trump’s Advisers Are Feeding Him Genuinely Fake News, And That’s A Problem

The President is being fed “news” from questionable news sources, and that’s a problem.

Donald Trump To Put His Narcissism On Display In The White House

Soon visitors to the White House will be able to see Donald Trump’s “yuge” election win on display for all to see.

Fourth Circuit Appears Skeptical Of Government’s Arguments Defending Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals heard argument yesterday in the appeal of an order barring travel from six Muslim countries, and it didn’t appear to go well for the attorneys defending the ban.

Joe Biden In 2020? Probably Not

There’s already speculation that former Vice-President Biden might try for a third run at the White House, but it seems unlikely.

Evaluating Trump’s First 100 Days

After 100 days in office, President Trump has very little to show for his work except to show that there’s no reason to trust his judgment going forward.

Trump’s Bad Poll Numbers Are Starting To Impact The GOP

President Trump’s job approval woes are starting to impact the GOP as a whole.

Poll Finds Majority Support For Missile Strikes On Syria

A majority of Americans support last week’s airstrikes in Syria but are skeptical of any expansion beyond that.

Republicans Just Can’t Quit Donald Trump

Republicans are going to find it difficult to distance themselves from Donald Trump.

Trump Fails The Leadership Test

The failure of the AHCA shows that Donald Trump doesn’t know the slightest thing about leadership or how to be President.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Former Trump Campaign Manager Worked To Help Putin

More evidence of ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interests.

Trump’s Job Approval Numbers Hit Another Historic Low

Just about two months into office, Donald Trump’s job approval number are worse than any newly elected President since World War II.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

No, Donald Trump Isn’t Going To ‘Pivot’

Donald Trump isn’t going to change, and that’s bad news for all of us.