The Politics of DACA

If Trump is able to insist upon a package deal or no deal at all, he may muck up his chance of policy success, but it may be the Democrats who lose politically.

The Downside of Uber

The rise of ‘car sharing’ services has greatly benefitted consumers but had a devastating effect on taxi drivers.

Specks, Logs, and Dr. Martin Luther King

In a healthy democracy we need not agree, nor must we finally even respect one another’s objects of devotion.  But we should exercise a salutary measure of mutual forbearance and be willing to acknowledge that no side has a monopoly on either truth or justice.

Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge To Commission On Presidential Debates

A Federal Appeals Court has upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by Gary Johnson and Jill Stein regarding their exclusion from Presidential debates.

Trump Reverses Parts Of Obama’s Opening To Cuba

Foolishly, President Trump is rolling back part of President Obama’s opening to Cuba.

Some Observations On The Debate Over Health Care And Insurance, Part I

Part One in a series of observations about health care and health insurance in light of the introduction of the House GOP’s health care plan.

There’s Only One Right Side In Trump’s Unjustified War On The News Media

There are two sides in this war between Trump and the media, but only one of them is the right side.

Gratitude for the Art of Losing Graciously

Democracy produces good rulers, right?  Sometimes.  What good democracies actually produce best is good losers. Let us then be grateful for gracious losers, for our losers no less than our winners carry forward the American experiment in self-rule.  

California, Four Other States, Set To Vote On Marijuana Legalization

If polls are any indication, voters are set to legalize marijuana in five more states on Tuesday.

Third Party Candidates Excluded From Presidential, Vice-Presidential Debate

Once again, the debate commission controlled by the two major parties is excluding third-party candidates from the Presidential debates.

The Minimum Wage

The minimum wage has been a big part of this year’s election cycle, mainly due to Bernie Sander’s campaign and his idea of a national minimum wage. There has been lots of discussion of this, but most of it is just, well, bad. There are really two things that one can point to as to why wages above the market wage can be good.

Democracy, Demagogues, and Populist Pandering

The rise of Trump and Sanders has resurrected a debate as old as Western civilization.

No, Jim Webb Probably Would Not Be A Viable Independent Candidate For President

Jim Webb’s recent criticism of Hillary Clinton is renewing speculation about an independent bid for the White House, but he hardly seems like a viable candidate for such a run.

Delaware Becomes The Latest State To Decriminalize Marijuana

Delaware has become the latest state to liberalize its laws regarding marijuana.

The Rug Rat Race

Paradoxically, the children of affluent parents are less happy than those of the poor.

Marijuana Legalization Loses In Ohio, But The Battle For Legalization Continues Forward

A controversial marijuana legalization initiative that even many pro-legalization advocates opposed, lost in Ohio last night. But the nationwide momentum in favor of legalization will likely not be abated.

Republicans Underestimating Hillary Clinton?

Republicans seem to be thinking that Hillary Clinton will be an easier General Election candidate than the evidence suggests she is likely to be.

Donald Trump, Immigration, And The Republican Party

Once again, Donald Trump is succeeding because he is saying things many Republicans agree with.

Alcohol Tax Weirdness

Taxes on wine, beer, and spirits vary wildly from state-to-state and even within each state.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

Airlines Want You Miserable and It Serves You Right

JetBlu is joining the competition in charging bag fees and cramming in more seats.

Violence, Law, and the State

Thinking about that the state, law, violence, and the Garner incident (and contributing to the tl;dr phenomenon).

President Obama Urges FCC to Make Internet a Utility

Obama proposes four ‘net neutrality’ rules.

Cable TV Cord Cutting Won’t Come Quickly, Could Be More Expensive Than Cable

We are obviously moving toward an era of streaming and other services that don’t rely on Cable/Satellite providers, but it will still take some time to get there and for it to be cost effective.

Are Book Publishers Useless?

Have digital books rendered the publishing houses obsolete?

Sports Leagues File Suit To Stop Sports Gambling In New Jersey

All of the major sports leagues are trying to stop New Jersey’s efforts to legalize sports gambling. They should not be allowed to succeed.

CBS Announces Streaming Service, And Cutting The Cord Starts To Become Easier

One day after HBO, CBS announces its own streaming service. And the future approaches just a little bit faster.

Is Amazon a Monopoly?

Frank Foer proclaims, “Amazon Must Be Stopped. It’s too big. It’s cannibalizing the economy.”

Something Afoot In North Korea?

Once again, there’s speculation that something is up in the world’s most closed society.

New York Times Cutting Staff Again

The nation’s newspaper of record is slashing its reporting team.

Don't Steal From Medicare to Support Socialized Medicine Don't Steal From Medicare to Support Socialized Medicine

Did Gingrich Correctly Predict Medicare’s Demise?

In 1995, the Speaker predicted Medicare is “going to wither on the vine because we think people are voluntarily going to leave it.”

DC Cabbies Block Streets to Protest Lyft and Uber

Virginia Goes To War Against Uber, Lyft, And Free Enterprise

The Virginia DMV is threatening to crackdown on companies providing innovative car services to consumers.

Tiananmen Square 25 Years Later

After two and a half decades, the images of June 4, 1989 resonate with many, unless you happen to live in China.

Fixing Income Equality is Easy (Unless You Actually Want to Fix It)

It’s simple: We just have to define the problem and then solve it.

Six Californias?

A rich guy wants to break up California.

An Automobile Showroom Where You Can’t Buy A Car

Thanks to archaic state laws, you can look at cars in a Tesla showroom, but in my states you can’t but anything there.

SCOTUS: ‘Can’t Rely on Past’ for Voting Rights Act

The Supreme Court today struck down the most controversial part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

“Happy Birthday To You” And What’s Wrong With Intellectual Property Law

A song written when Grover Cleveland was President is still protected by Copyright Law. That makes no sense at all.

Diamonds Are The World’s Biggest Scam?

Have we all been fooled by a 75 year old marketing campaign?

Drug Approval Reciprocity

Shouldn’t medical advances available in Germany be available in the United States and vice-versa?

The Virginia GOP’s E.W. Jackson Problem

The Virginia GOP’s nominee for Lt. Governor could pose a problem for the party.

Should We Continue To Subsidize Rural Mail Delivery?

It may have made sense to subsidize rural mail delivery once, that may not longer be the case?

Wisconsin Judge Strikes Down Collective Bargaining Law

The battle over Wisconsin’s public sector union reform continues.

Washington Privatizes Liquor Sales, Jacks Up Costs

Washington has become the first state in decades to privatize its state-run liquor stores. They’ve coupled this with onerous fees on private distributors.