Trump’s Offensive Defense

Trump is doing the opposite of trying to calm things down.

Trump And Cruz Split ‘Super Saturday’ Wins While Rubio And Kasich Struggle To Stay Relevant

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz split the wins on ‘Super Saturday,’ while Marco Rubio and John Kasich continue to struggle for relevance in the 2016 race.

Donald Trump Pulls Out Of CPAC

Donald Trump canceled his speech at CPAC, but it’s unlikely to harm his campaign at all.

Trump, Cruz Well Positioned Heading Into Super Tuesday, Rubio Not So Much

Donald Trump is positioned to do very well on Super Tuesday, while Ted Cruz should win his home state. Marco Rubio, meanwhile, seems to be struggling to maintain his relevance.

Melissa Harris-Perry Doesn’t Understand TV

The host of a weekend show on MSNBC is angry that the network wants her to talk about the presidential race.

Is Bernie Sanders Finally Coming To Realize He Can’t Possibly Win The Nomination?

With the Democratic race headed into territory where Hillary Clinton is heavily favored, Bernie Sanders may finally be coming to realize that he can’t possibly win the Democratic nomination.

South Carolina Could Decide The Fate Of Several Republicans

Tonight’s results in South Carolina could have a significant impact on the race going forward. (Plus, a projection)

Americans Divided Over Who Should Name Scalia’s Replacement, Obama Or Next POTUS

Two new polls show that Americans are basically split equally on the question of who should appoint the Justice that will replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

Donald Trump Says He Might Sue Ted Cruz Over Citizenship

Donald Trump says he might sue Ted Cruz over his citizenship if Cruz continues attacking him.

Clinton Supporters Scold Younger Women For Supporting Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and its supporters seem to be getting frustrated by the fact that younger women are seemingly more interested in her opponent than in her.

Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Clash In First One-On-One Debate

With the Vermont Senator holding a seemingly insurmountable lead in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders and HIllary Clinton clashed last night in their most contentious debate yet.

Trump Continues To Lead In New Hampshire, Rubio Surges, In Post-Iowa Polling

Donald Trump continues to lead, while Marco Rubio surges, in the first polls out of New Hampshire since the Iowa Caucuses.

Trump and the Social Conservatives

Politics makes strange bedfellows, but come on.

If The Latest Polls Are Right, Everything’s Coming Up Trump

With mere days until voting starts, the possibility of Donald Trump running the table in the February primaries and caucuses, or nearly doing so, is more and more likely.

Race For The GOP Nomination All About Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, And A Panicking GOP

With less than a week to go before voting starts, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP race, with Ted Cruz the only candidate even close to looking like a viable challenger.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

Sarah Palin is back, and she’s endorsing Donald Trump for the Republican nomination for President.

RNC Replaces NBC News With CNN For February Debate

CNN is taking over a late February Republican debate from NBC News, meaning it will host more Republican debates this election cycle than any other single network.

Clinton, Sanders Clash In Final Democratic Debate Before Iowa Caucuses

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed in the final debate before the Iowa Caucuses in the context of a race that has appeared to become tighter than it was before Christmas.

Republicans Clash At Sixth Debate, And The Trump-Cruz ‘Bromance’ Comes To An End

With less than three weeks to go before voting starts, the Republican candidates for President clashed in their most contentious debate so far.

Quick Release Of American Sailors Shows The Value Of Diplomacy

Ten American sailors detained by Iranian forces late Tuesday were released early today, something that seems to clearly demonstrate the value of diplomacy.

Has Ted Cruz Already Peaked In Iowa?

There are signs that Ted Cruz’s rise in the Hawkeye State will be short-lived.

Democratic Race Tightens In New Iowa And New Hampshire Polling

The Democratic race in Iowa and New Hampshire is tightening, according to new polling, but this still seems to be Clinton’s race.

Internet Hoaxes Can’t Be Debunked Anymore

People don’t much care whether information supporting their prejudices is true.

Fifth Republican Debate Gets More Than 18 Million Viewers

Another set of solid ratings for the latest debate.

Previewing Tonight’s Fifth Republican Debate

Previewing the fifth Republican debate, and the last Republican debate of 2015.

Heading Into Next Debate, It’s Still Trump On Top With Cruz And Rubio Fighting For Second Place

A pair of new national polls shows a new trend in the GOP race heading into the final debate of 2015.

Majority Opposes Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban, But It’s A Different Story With Republicans

Polling shows that most Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plan to bar Muslim’s from immigrating to the United States, but Republicans are far more receptive to the idea.

It’s Apparently Time To Discuss The Brokered Convention Fantasy Again

The quadrennial fantasy of a brokered convention, which American politics has not seen since 1952, is rearing its head again, and it’s no more likely now than it was when we talked about this four years ago.

Trump’s Plan To Bar Muslim Immigration Widely Condemned, But It’s Unlikely To Hurt Him

Donald Trump’s plan to bar all Muslim immigration to the United States is being widely condemned by his fellow Republicans and others, but the proposal probably won’t hurt him politically in a Republican Party that is deeply bigoted against Muslims in general.

Media Tour Of San Bernardino Shooters’ Home Mostly Shows Media At Its Worst

Yesterday, cable news networks, and most especially MSNBC, showed their profession at its most pathetic.

At Least 14 Dead, 14 Wounded In Mass Shooting In San Bernardino, California, Multiple Shooters Reported

Multiple victims, and possibly multiple shooters, reported in San Bernardino, California.

Donald Trump Continues To Lead As The GOP Race Appears To Consolidate

The latest national poll of the Republican race shows Trump continuing to lead, Ben Carson fading, and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio rising while the rest of the field is stagnant or sinking.

Colorado Springs Shooter Is An Enigma, But The Shooting Is Being Politicized Anyway

We still don’t know very much about Robert Dear, the man who shot and killed three people at the site of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, but that hasn’t stopped the usual suspects from politicizing the case.

What Are We Supposed To Think About These New Online Polls?

The 2016 election cycle is seeing “scientific” online polling become more prominent, but it’s unclear just how reliable it is.

Tensions Between Russia And Turkey Remain High In Wake Of Russian Jet Incident

Tensions between Russia and Turkey remain high in the wake of yesterday’s incident, but there are some signs that things are starting to cool down.

Former Benghazi Committee Staffer Sues Committee, And Rep. Trey Gowdy

A former staffer for the House Select Committee investigation the attack in Benghazi is suing the Committee for improper employment practices, and Chairman Trey Gowdy for defamation.

Turkey Downs Russian Jet

A potentially big complication in an already complicated situation.

The Beginning Of The End Of Ben Carson Seems To Have Arrived

In the news from the campaign trail and in the polls, there are clear signs that Ben Carson’s days as a top contender in the GOP Presidential race are coming to an end.

The Race For The Republican Nomination Is Still The Donald Trump Show

Even as the focus of the Presidential race shifts to national security, Donald Trump continues to lead the race.

CNN Announces Criteria For Next Republican Debate

Different criteria than in the past, but there may not be much of a change in the participants.

Up To 170 Taken Hostage In Hotel In Capital Of Mali

An apparent ongoing terrorist attack in Central Africa.

John Kasich Wants To Create A Government Agency To Spread Religious Propaganda

John Kasich wants the United States Government to create an agency to spread ‘so-called ‘Judeo-Christian values.’